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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hey guys

Just got a call from my Dr's office -- Stress test came out A-OK .


So, that is good news, but bad news.


I am REALLY glad it's not my heart ,but now I am back to Square one .


Can't breathe and they can't figure out why .


This gets discouraging after awhile, let me tell you .


I'm pretty much a prisoner on my own home during this time when all the trees are getting their leaves,we've had warm days with wind -- it feels like your throat is filling with sand ...


SO.. the weather is pretty, but you can't go outside .


I'm just in a grumpy mood today . Hopefully SOMEONE will come up with some answers soon .


This lung dude is getting BIG BUCKS and all he does is stand there and say I DON'T WANNA SCARE YOU, BUT ...


then he names off all the broken parts I MIGHT have .


G E E Z ......................................................................


I give up. I'm going to either go on a Bender or take a nap .

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we plant impatiens and petunias most of the time - through trial and error we've learned what works in the shade and sun (we get both in the yard).







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Jules...since you only have one heart, I'd say I'm pretty glad it's not that! Now on to the next step - whatever that is.:yes

If you need more venting time you know you can reach out to me whenever you want....:hug:manyheart

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Thanks, Sheila! I tried to load up a short video for perpective, but couldn't. It's very peaceful. We have lots of tall oak trees and our only neighbor over our back fence is a rarely used cemetary:D

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You have the true meaning of being at *peace with your neighbors* :lol

Yup....the neighbors never bothered us at all...:D

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Well, I'd better do something for fun. Maybe take out the RR I started a while back...or...read a book...

Dunno...but need to snap out of the mood I'm in. Let's just say it doesn;t match the sunny day.



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Julie~I sure hope you get some answers soon, but I am glad it is not your heart. :hug Do you know what the next step is? I hope they have given you something for relief like an inhaler or something. Just know I am here if you need me. :manyheart:hug:manyheart



Judy~Beautiful flowers. I love the rock wall with the flowers, absolutely beautiful! :c9


And thanks to everyone for the concern with my Hubby. :ghug

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Goodmorning to all! :smile. last night 4 yr had to go to ER because he split his lip horse playing with his brother. he was trooper!:think wonder if they sale hair dye by the gallons! think gonna need it this year.:lol

:lol :lol :lol Kids can certainly give you gray hair overnight. Glad he's okay.

we plant impatiens and petunias most of the time - through trial and error we've learned what works in the shade and sun (we get both in the yard).

Beautiful garden flower shots, Judy.


Vent any time, Julie. I'm here for you, too. :hug :hug :hug

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Hey all, I've been keeping up with all the posts, just haven't had much to post about. I decided to work on my stash a little with a baby blanket since I haven't made my almost due little one anything yet. I ran out before the blanket was finished, so I'll have to go get more yarn soon. I saw in the free pattern area that someone had made a blanket from a doily pattern, and I loved it so I thought I would try it :-) Here is the pattern: http://library.ndsu.edu/grhc/history_culture/textile/karolinekirschenmann.html


I just finished my last exams of the semester on Tuesdays, straight A's! :clap


I hope everyone has a very good night!


That is really beautiful. Thanks for sharing the link.

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Well, folks, it is the time of year for flowers and gardens and bright pretty things after the long grey sludge called WINTER .


So, I'm gonna see if I can lasso anyone into joining me on planting a flower garden .


It's from the Lucy website that all of you rave about her ripple from -- she now has a beautiful flower garden afghan :





Yea, I know... lots of squares ...


Yea I know..... lots of weaving ....


And yea,I know ... lots of sewing together ...


But look how pretty !


I was just fiddling with it this morning and they really do work up quickly ,and turn out larger than the saltines .


Plus, you could use up those gazillion scraps you have . It really takes very little to make one .


I think I'll have a try at it, mainly to break up the drudgery of the all-brown ripple.


How much of that can you look at per day ?


I need some color in my life, so this should do the trick !


How about YOU ?????:D

I had been toying with the idea of making some sort of scrap afghan to use up some stash, and those squares are really pretty...but I'd have to sew them together,....... and I may have mentioned how I feel about that!

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Thanks, Tabby and Linda...we really enjoy our yard and think about where we came from growing up. We're very blessed.


I spent a little time working on a RR for a nursing home (a WIP)...that and chuckling at the plummeting Dow Jones average and the aggida everyone was going through helped me through the afternoon.

For a while today I felt like I was sinking into a deep depression ....which is soooo not me. Maybe the sugar cookes and cuppa I had were what helped, too.:)


Anyway, I have a great evening to look forward to. The neighborhood ladies went together on a gift for our very pregnant neighbor across the street and we're having a (we hope) surprise shower for her. We'll see if it stays a surprise: the friend hosting the party lives right next door to the mom-to-be!:lol

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I had been toying with the idea of making some sort of scrap afghan to use up some stash, and those squares are really pretty...but I'd have to sew them together,....... and I may have mentioned how I feel about that!

Cindy, if you want to make them you can always send them here.:D I can whipstitch them together for the NICU.:hook

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Julie, I'm glad it wasn't your heart, but I can understand your worry about the shortness of breath. The feeling you describe sounds unusual.


Tab, hope that DOA's ultrasound shows something easily treated. Hope you hqd a nice relaxing day today.


Judy, I will keep that in mind for the squares. I might make some just for the fun of feeling like I'm accomplishing something.


Sheila, glad your four year old is alright.

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Did you have a good day??


Yes, it's busy at work, but I like it that way. I'ts nurses day and all the nurses got a couple of cookbooks and some measuring cups. One of the cookbooks was a heart healthy one. Very appropriate for a medical intensive care unit. And I love cookbooks!

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Judy, I will keep that in mind for the squares. I might make some just for the fun of feeling like I'm accomplishing something.

:D ...and you don't have to weave in any ends - just leave long ones for me...

Yes, it's busy at work, but I like it that way. I'ts nurses day and all the nurses got a couple of cookbooks and some measuring cups. One of the cookbooks was a heart healthy one. Very appropriate for a medical intensive care unit. And I love cookbooks!

That was so nice! Have fun exploring the recipes.

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Hi Housemates!

It's the beginning of my weekend!!!


Judy- Your flowers are beautiful- I know what you mean about knowing which ones work- For our yard, we plant begonias in the back- we get lots of afternoon sun and they seem to do the best back there! We used to put impatiens around the trees in the front, but last year we had large white rocks put around the trees- more maintenance free that way:lol


Have fun at the "surprise" (hopefully) shower tonight!


Julie- Good news about the results of the stress test! But I know how frustrated you must feel that they haven't gotten to the bottom of the breathing problems- Wish I was closer to give you a :hug in RL!! I'll have to think about those granny flowers- they sure are pretty- I've been wanting to try the ripple! And I only have 16 of the squares done for the quilt'ghan- and I have about 35 done for the purple/green ghan that i need to finish- so many ideas/projects, so little :crocheting time!


Linda- Sounds like you had a good day planned. And the plumber didn't charge us for coming back - and this morning we had ice in the icemaker!! Now we still have to repaint the ceiling- but all is well!


Tab- Good luck to Doa on Monday with the kidney US and hoping it is just a simple cyst.


Marisa- I'll be sure to let DD know that you are on her side as far as Yankee Red Sox- :lol She won't feel ganged up then- she and her roommate and you for the Red Sox, me and my other two DD's for the Yankees!!! (oh and Judy is for the Yankees too- so Yankee fans still outnumber Red Sox Fans:lol:lol)


LeAnna- Hope things are going well with your "vacation" this week and that you and DH are re-adjusting to each other:manyheart


Cindy- We had a nice luncheon at work today for Nurse's Day and one of my co-workers (not a nurse) gave me a bag of Starbuck's coffee (she knows what a caffeine addict I am). And i thought we were having cake today too- but I read the email wrong- Cake is next Wednesday (the last day of Nurse's week)


Sheila- glad that your DS is ok- Boys will be boys!!!:lol


Cheeria- Did you solve the puzzle? I haven't even attempted it yet-


Tammy- Hope all is well- miss you around here!!


To everyone else I didn't mention individually- have a great evening! Wash needs to be put in the dryer!

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off to have dessert with hubby...BBL!


Mmmmm......dessert.......have some for me. :yes




Tab- Good luck to Doa on Monday with the kidney US and hoping it is just a simple cyst.



Thank you! :manyheart

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Thanks guys, for all the backup .

I really don't mean to whine -- it makes me sound stupid ,complaining that my heart test is ok . I REALLY am glad it's ok, it's just frustrating that I still have the same disorder and it isn't better ,and I still have no answers .


Yea, Tab- I have 2 inhalers, one 2 x day, one 3 x day, 2 rescue inhalers, and 2 pills ,all for the breathing . That's what is scarey, it isn't controlled even taking all that stuff .


Anyhow, i'll shut up about it now -- gotta think about other stuff .




Judy- your flowers are so pretty. I like the same thing Tab does, the rock-flower type planter. I've never seen one like that. It is really pretty !




Sheila- sorry your little boy got hurt -- but boys do seem to be a challenge when they are little. They tend to get hurt a lot more than girls- I think they just are "fearless" or something when they are kids. They don

t seem to realize they could get hurt .

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I was gonna ask how long it is til the surprise shower -- having a gang of ladies all living that close and no one spilling the beans will be a miracle .


They did that for me for my wedding shower -- all the ladies I worked with had a shower for me , but they told me it was for the other nurse who was getting married that summer.


SO.. I went to the shower ,and it was for me ,so I bought MYSELF a gift !


They did the same thing for me when me and this same girl were pregnant the first time ( for a baby shower ) .

I fell for it twice.


I must be a little S L O W ......

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