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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Hey Julie and Judy...I'm so glad you like the afghan...I need to get busy with the Ginger's shoes...but I also want to work on something else at the moment and really I just want to flake on the couch and do NOTHING today (I had a bad day yesterday...) But we'll see what happens...

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Boy, I'm sorry to hear about your car getting destroyed. At least you guys weren't IN it .Cars can be replaced. People can't, and her insurance will pay for it, so no worries there . I'm just glad you guys weren't hurt --

How about the lady , did she get hurt ? And do they know what happened with her ? Was she sick or too old to drive or what ?


I am glad we weren't in it either because Jaden's carseat was tipped sideways after she hit the van. The lady was not hurt, seemed like she wasn't fazed by what she had done at all. She told the cop that after she hit the first mirror way down the street that she got flustered and it just went downhill from there. She swayed back and forth walking, so in my opinion she is just too dang old to drive. :yes

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Oh and Julie, because they said it is totaled we will only get the value of it. Let me tell you that is probably next to nothing. I bet we won't even be able to buy a new one with what they give us. I also think it is fixable, so I don't know if we are allowed to fix it after it is labeled totaled but I will figure all of that out. :yes

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Mary~Baby Luke is gorgeous!! Congrats on the pecious new addition. :manyheart


Mary#2~Wow, I would hate to have that outside my house. I hate the winter. I just hope our winter stays gone here. I hope you are staying warm.


Judy~Love your squares. :clap I have never heard of glow in the dark yarn, but that is so cool. I have to look into that. :yes


LeAnna~Beautiful ghan!! Great job! :cheer


Sheila~Hope your birthday is a wonderful one on Sunday!! :bday


Hi Linda!! :hi



Hello to anyone else I missed, sorry I tried to remember everything. Maybe I should take notes. :lol

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Yea, I think after a certain age, people should have to be tested when it's time for their license to be renewed .So many elderly people get forgetful ,can't pay attention to road signs ,and drive too slow, which can be just as dangerous as too fast,depending on where they are .


I know what you mean about insurance not paying much on your car. Mine would get zilch,because we have no coverage on MY car, just on the car I would hit .So if I wreck my car, it's a goner ...

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Ok here is my photo of the week...i didn't get my saltines sewn together yet so no new photo of my ATW.


I did get my Filet Curtain done and hung in the kitchen and i think its just great.My kids will be here this weekend so i wont be on to much so everyone have a happy Easter :hug


Sheila...have a very happy birthday :birthday


Wow, that curtain is just gorgeous!!!

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:sunGooooooooooooooooood Morning.............


Shay........ your saltine instructions are great! And your filet curtain is absolutely outstanding! WOW! Love it!!!


Sheila......... If I dont get the chance to wish you a happy birthday on Sunday........ have a wonderfully bless day sweetie!



We have a busy day of shopping......... We still need cleats for Patrick for baseball and track. Michael needs regular tennis shoes.... David wants a new pair of crocks... and Michael needs a whole new set of catcher gear for baseball. :whew

Well............. lets see................ for my photo sharing today..............

Things I made this week..........


Easter 'corner to corner' garter stitch cloth




Knitting Needle case for a friend




'Cougar Paw Print' blanket square (first of 12 or 16)




and last.... My new monthly give away. Crochet Hook Case














Nice work!

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Good Morning.


What a couple days i've had. Our car was parked yesterday and some old lady hit 2 other parked cars and took the mirrors off and then BAM hit our last and probably totaled it, but our mirror is still on. GRRRR!!! I need to go hibernate until all the bad stuff stops.


I have to busta move on my projects since I got nothing done yesterday. Fun, fun!!


I hope you all have a great day and enjoy the nice weather. :manyheart


awww, I'm sorry. It seems when something like that happens, there is so much inconvenience, and you suffer the consequences even though you weren't even involved.

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Good Morning, Ladies. The week has been so busy and I've missed so much...hopefully I can go back and catch up with your pictures, birthdays, and lives sometime today. :manyheart


Little Luke will go home today and they've asked if we can help bring everything home from the hospital...of course we will! :) I have pictures for Photo Friday! This was taken yesterday - not even two days old yet. :c9


How sweet!!

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I forgot to post my pics:blush


The square is for my Christmas ghan. It's #28 from 63 Sampler Stitches to Crochet.


The other pic is the squares i've made for the baby ghan so far. The moon is made from glow in the dark yarn. I think I'll have enough to go back and outline the stars with it at the end - I'll see.


I can hardly wait to see the finished Christmas ghan. It's going to be so pretty!


That baby ghan will be nice too.

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ok you all..shush about your nice weather. Picture below :hooker


on squares for the quiltghans...how close to the same size do they need to be? Having a hard time with gauge from one color to the other..having to change hook sizes, but still having problems getting it the exact same.

Glad its not here!!!:D

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I present the Heirloom Stitches afghan from Red Heart free pattern, was featured in a print ad on back of current Crochet World magazine. I did it in Sage Caron One Pounder (took about 5 and 1/2 of those...)


The border edging was my own design using treble cross/weave stitch and the corners were a braided stitch using treble front posts, ending with a treble cluster stitch...


Hope you like.



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I can hardly wait to see the finished Christmas ghan. It's going to be so pretty!


That baby ghan will be nice too.

Thanks....at least I have a deadline (end of May) for the baby ghan, or that would take all year! The Christmas ghan will likely be the size of a throw, so I should check and see how many squares I'll need so I can plan it out.

well, as you can tell, I'm home from work. It's time for dinner though, and then dh and I are going grocery shopping.

It's definitely a good idea to eat before going to the grocery store:yes

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OK, I'm sorry, but I just can't keep up with all of these posts!:eek

I just want to say that I love Luke! He is such a cutie! And, everyone's projects look awesome! Have a great day!

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OK, I'm sorry, but I just can't keep up with all of these posts!:eek

I just want to say that I love Luke! He is such a cutie! And, everyone's projects look awesome! Have a great day!

It takes lots and lots of time to get used to a busy thread:lol....don't worry about it. Just respond when and if you can:hug:manyheart

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Hi everyone- Beautiful work, but my fav picture today is of Luke! What a cutie!!!


And of course Eurolyn's gorgeous heirloom afghan and Judy's squares (the glow in the dark ones are really neat) and Tams dishcloths and hook and needle cases. How nice of Tam to ROAK the hook case- it sure is pretty!!


Tab- sorry about the car- but glad that no one was hurt!!!


Just want to post my pics and then I've got to run! I'm going to a jewelry party at a friends house- no $ for jewelry- my $ goes to yarn, but it'll be a fun evening with friends!


Here are my pics of what I've been working on- all WIP's-:lol The dishcloth with ILTC, saltines in silver blue for the quilt'ghan and granny squares for an afghan in purple, green and purple/green varigeited.


Have a great night everyone!




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I am so sorry that I haven't commented on others' work...everything is great...thank you again for the compliments on the Heirloom ghan. I seem to have tummy problems today and haven't gotten around to doing anything else. Hub-E is late too (we usually are on the webcam now, but he sent me an email saying the trains in the D.C. area aren't running or something, not sure what that's all about, just that he would be late...well, he's really late now. I hope he's okay.)

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Joanne, very pretty work! Love the purples and greens.


LeAnna, I'm sure he's okay - public transportation can be such a bear (having lived in NYC back in the day I can attest to that!) Feel better, hon:hug

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Joanne, very pretty work! Love the purples and greens.


LeAnna, I'm sure he's okay - public transportation can be such a bear (having lived in NYC back in the day I can attest to that!) Feel better, hon:hug


He finally got home and we are on webcam now. What happened was that earlier in the day, someone decided to threaten to commit suicide and he lived close to the train tracks, so the authorities decided to shut down all the trains in and around the area...all.of.them. So, Hub-E thought for sure that everything would be cleared up by the time he got to the station, but no, wasn't the case. Another daily commuter that he only knows from seeing on the train every day offered him a ride to his car as his wife was on her way to pick him up, but she got turned around and it made the whole trip home extra long...but Hub-E is okay...thank goodness.

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That;s great, LeAnna...


Have a great visit with him....and a great night.



CU all tomorrow:hug:manyheart

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Hi everyone, WOW this is a super busy group for I can't seem to keep up with all the posts. I haven't taken a picture yet of what I worked on this week and hopefully I will get around to doing so sometime this week-end. I am on a new computer with a different operating system so I have not figure out the how to yet. But I will when I have a chance. I did mange to get some knitting and crochet time in, and I did complete a square from the 63 book, I also crochet a few half granny squares in mustard color for my half granny ghan. At the moment I'm going through a RA flare up in my hands and it was my hope to do some crocheting this evening Oh well I guess I'll look at TV and read. I was prayful that I'll feel great this week-end especially after receiving the IV medicine that I get for my RA once a month which I received yesterday at the hospital. Maybe I just need to relax so I'll see you all later. :hug

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Here are my pics of what I've been working on- all WIP's-:lol The dishcloth with ILTC, saltines in silver blue for the quilt'ghan and granny squares for an afghan in purple, green and purple/green varigeited.


Have a great night everyone!


Nice work!

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