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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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:birthdayTabby!! Hope your day is extra-special :hug


Mary ~ Baby Luke sounds just perfect. Were you able to spend today at the hospital with the new family? How is DD feeling? Enjoy your cuddle time with your new grandson :manyheart


Julie ~ Glad you have your "wheels" back. I am anxious to see your castle-ghan this week. You must be crocheting-up-a-storm :cheer


Sheila ~ :hugIt sounds as though you have a good plan in mind. Being nearer to family would be wonderful :yes My heart goes out to you and your DH during this difficult time. You seem to be 'dealing' with the news together, and we'll be here to offer support, if we can.


Diane ~ I haven't chatted with you in awhile, but I DO remember reading about the fabulous visit you made to Hobby Lobby. What fun!! :yay You always have amazing photos of your projects and put colors together so well, I just know you are going to make some amazing gifts with your finds :)


Tam ~ What a handsome son you have. Love the picture. And, I just love reading about the great relationship you have with your children. I hope I am as good of a mother when my gals get to be teenagers. You are doing an amazing job :clap Any luck on your shopping excursion, today? Your list sounded long.


Cindy ~ (Again, I haven't popped in here as often as I ought to have this week :blush) I am in love with your Fat Bottom Bag :bheart Wow, yours is gorgeous. I saw it and thought, "My mum needs one for Mother's Day." :lol I ordered the book, already, and I am impatiently waiting for it to arrive. If you do not mind, may I ask a question? I would like to purchase the yarn ahead of time, so that I am ready to go when my pattern arrives. Could you tell me the amount of yarn needed in the pattern? I am thinking of using Lion Brand's Recycled Cotton in Seagrass Green :dreaming Ooooh, I am so excited to start!


Judy ~ How are you doing, today? Are you floating in a boat, yet? I am praying you and your family are safe and dry.


My other friends ~ Time just got away from me, and I have to dash! I'll be back tomorrow, though, before we pack up the car to head to my folks' for the Easter weekend. Have a great night, All :night

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Cindy ~ (Again, I haven't popped in here as often as I ought to have this week :blush) I am in love with your Fat Bottom Bag :bheart Wow, yours is gorgeous. I saw it and thought, "My mum needs one for Mother's Day." :lol I ordered the book, already, and I am impatiently waiting for it to arrive. If you do not mind, may I ask a question? I would like to purchase the yarn ahead of time, so that I am ready to go when my pattern arrives. Could you tell me the amount of yarn needed in the pattern? I am thinking of using Lion Brand's Recycled Cotton in Seagrass Green :dreaming Ooooh, I am so excited to start!




Thanks Dusti. The pattern calls for 5 oz of Lion brand cotton, (236 yards) I used part of a 14 oz skein, so I am not sure how much I used.

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Ok I need to know if someone can tell me step by step instructions in how to make a bi colored granny square?

There are instructions within the quilt patterns at the Happy yellow House site. Just look for a pattern that uses the bi colored grannies.


If those aren't clear to you, Linda wrote out instructions for you a few days ago:


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Happy Birthday Tabby!!! Hope you enjoyed your cake!!!


My new glasses came in so I stopped by after work to get them so I didn't get home till after 6. Luckily DH got home before me and started dinner. Gotta love the man! :lol


So since he cooked, I cleaned up (and you know how men seem to mess up the kitchen more than we ever do!):yes


It's already 8 and I'm just sitting down so know that I'm thinking of you all and hope you have a great evening!

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Oh, Judy I love Delicious Orchards!!!!! What did you get?

I withstood LOTS of temptation...and some very expensive goodies...just got some favs: walnut coffee ring, package of prune danish, their cider donuts and the long seeded loaf of bread.

See a common denominator? All wonderful carbs:c9


Then I got the fruits (what bright red tomatoes!), veggies, and some wonderful ground coffee called "simply sinful"...it has a hint of hazlenut/chocolate in it:c9

I could have caused mots more damage, but the budget would have suffered. Last time DH stopped there for me and brought home my absolute all time fav: a big apple danish - not sure what it's really called (it's around the corner display with the eclairs in it), but it has so many slices of apples and cinnamon it's like eating an apple pie (and no one in the family likes it but me). I only half at a time, it's so big!

Are you drooling yet?:devil

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Dusti, we survived the deluge...thought we were going to have to build an ark for a bit! According to the weather report we got about 5 inches of rain from that storm. I wore my hubby's old waterproof boots outside and from the line of the dead grass clinging too them, I'd say that was about right:lol

Now all we have is mud.

Thanks for the prayers and positive thoughts. I have another brother in RI and I left a message on his answering machine this afternoon...there was flooding in Bristol and some evacuations, so he and his wife could be anywhere...or he's just not even home from work yet:lol

He's a ship broker, and his hours are dictated globally, not locally.


:lol had to look at mapquest seems that if you go west from hunterville you run into Hickory :lol if you drew straight line.

Far away?? Just wondering. It's nice there....we visited once.


Off for the night....CU all tomorrow:hug:manyheart

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I withstood LOTS of temptation...and some very expensive goodies...just got some favs: walnut coffee ring, package of prune danish, their cider donuts and the long seeded loaf of bread.

See a common denominator? All wonderful carbs:c9


Then I got the fruits (what bright red tomatoes!), veggies, and some wonderful ground coffee called "simply sinful"...it has a hint of hazlenut/chocolate in it:c9

I could have caused mots more damage, but the budget would have suffered. Last time DH stopped there for me and brought home my absolute all time fav: a big apple danish - not sure what it's really called (it's around the corner display with the eclairs in it), but it has so many slices of apples and cinnamon it's like eating an apple pie (and no one in the family likes it but me). I only half at a time, it's so big!

Are you drooling yet?:devil

Yes, I am !!! Especially for the "simply sinful" coffee- I love hazlenut and chocolate- it sounds delish!!! And all the wonderful carbs- especially the cider donuts- love them. Oh, I have to get there soon......:yes

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Here is a link on how to make the bi-color granny from the lady who has started the main web page we all use for the quilt-ghans.


If you look down the page, it has instructions for the bi-color square .


Here's the link -



Have you tried to make one and having trouble with it, or haven't you tried it yet ?


Please try it ,then if you don't understand, post with a more specific reason or point where you are getting stuck.


Go down to where it says bi-color granny and it explains it in very easy terms.


If you still don't get it after you have tried it, post explaining where you are getting stuck.


We will attempt to help you then . Thanks .:)

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Great color choices! That'll be pretty - and try leaving the long tails for joining if you haven't already - I think it gives a nice look - unless you like doing another way already. And I try not to wait too long before joining, or it's a daunting task....


This may sound like a silly question, but how many saltines will be in a block? For when I start joining them together. It says it is 12 blocks- row of 3 blocks across X 4 blocks long. I guess I'm tired! I made 10 more tonight for a total of 16

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Just checking in to say Hi. I miss you all and haven't been able to read through all of the posts yet...Little Luke is doing fine as are his parents. :manyheart He is now 27 hours old and has already been circumsized,(sp?) had a shot and his hearing tested! I rocked him for two hours today and kept DD company while her DH had a court appearance that he couldn't miss. He's a lawyer, not a criminal. :lol MIL isn't doing well, so my DH was with her...quite a day for us.


I hope everyone is okay and I hope to have more time here tomorrow. :hug


DH and I both have lots of pictures on our cameras; just haven't had a chance to download them yet.

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Well, isn't your son VERY studly ? He looks very handsome. Tell him some 52 year old lady said that and he'll probably turn every shade of red they make !!!


A fine looking boy he is ! I bet you are so proud of him .

yep… a few shades of red he did turn… LOL He’s a good boy. I’m really proud of him! Of course I’m pretty proud of all my babies. Just have some good/bad decision issues sometimes! (daughter at the moment)

Tam, wait till he fills out some!:D

:rofl............. love it!


Tam~ he is very good looking. You must be proud of him.

Thank you... yes I am... Very! :)


Afternoon Ladies!!

Tammy...he is so handsome...of my 4 kids the tallest is 5.8...my daughter is only 5 foot.

Of my six kids... Patrick is the tallest... LOL... and he's still growing!


You've got a handsome young man there, Tam.

aww... thanks!

Afternoon everyone, I had a fun day with my grandbaby we went to AC Moore to pick up more yarn for my Hafy Granny afghan. My grandbaby got stickers which he love and cute stuffed kitten. Than we went to McDonalds for his kiddie meal. He's taking his nap and I'm sitting her trying to decide if I should do laundry or just relax. Many of the yarn are $1.99 this week at AC Moore so I definitely want to go back there before the week is out.

I am almost finish working on one square and will start another one this evening. I have also cast on for my knitted dish cloth. I'm doing it in a Peaches and Creme yarn in the sunburst colorway which is an orange tangrineish color. I don't know if I really like the color but I'm using what I have on hand and will probably stick to it.


Talk to you all later :eek

Wow.. .good buy on yarn.

aww... stickers for the little one............ yep... good day!

oh... cant wait to see your dishcloth!


Tam your son is great looking!! Isnt it amazing how tiny little baby who falls out of the diaper with every turn grows into tall tree over the years!!

Thanks sweetie.

Oh.. how I know. They are tiny little things one minute... and 6ft tall goofy things the next. LOL


Tam ~ What a handsome son you have. Love the picture. And, I just love reading about the great relationship you have with your children. I hope I am as good of a mother when my gals get to be teenagers. You are doing an amazing job :clap Any luck on your shopping excursion, today? Your list sounded long.

My other friends ~ Time just got away from me, and I have to dash! I'll be back tomorrow, though, before we pack up the car to head to my folks' for the Easter weekend. Have a great night, All :night

aww... thanks hon!! :hug

Just for the fact that you have the desire in your heart to be a good mom.. makes you a good mom!

Well... my outing wasnt completely successful.. but I got a few things off my list. I was able to only find regular tennis shoes for Patrick... still need baseball cleats and track cleats. Didnt find any yarn that just caught my eye for my next shawl... but thats okay. I did get buttons that I needed to finish a knitting needle case I made.

So... although I still need to get more shoes for my son... it was a good day!


Just checking in to say Hi. I miss you all and haven't been able to read through all of the posts yet...Little Luke is doing fine as are his parents. :manyheart He is now 27 hours old and has already been circumsized,(sp?) had a shot and his hearing tested! I rocked him for two hours today and kept DD company while her DH had a court appearance that he couldn't miss. He's a lawyer, not a criminal. :lol MIL isn't doing well, so my DH was with her...quite a day for us.


I hope everyone is okay and I hope to have more time here tomorrow. :hug


DH and I both have lots of pictures on our cameras; just haven't had a chance to download them yet.

:hug................... get some rest now grandma!










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Good morning!


The sun is going to shine :sun and its supposed to be warm today! Sure can use it after all the rain we have had- wettest March since 1983!


Hope that everyone has a fun-filled April Fool's Day!:devil


Tam- I agree with everyone- your son is handsome!:yes


Mary- Prayers for your MIL! Happy to hear that Luke and mom are doing well! :manyheart Can't wait to see the pics!


Well, I'd better get hopping- I am bringing bagels in for my co-workers today- just because we've all been working so hard....and the extra carbs will give us fuel to forge ahead through these last two days before the weekend!:)


Oh, that and :coffee lots of :coffee

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Hi Joanne

Sorry I didnt see your question til this morning. The block size you make your afghan in, is kinda up to you,as far as number of saltines you want to use for the block size .

I made mne 16 saltines-- 4 x 4 ,but some make theirs a little smaller or a little bigger .It won't really matter when actually putting the afghan together ,so whatever you make it ,it'll work out just fine .








Mary- it sounds like everyone is adjusting well and sliding right into those roles of mom, dad, grandma and grandpa -- enjoy every day --the little guy will soon be walking and talking. time goes so very fast !




** Just a reminder that tomorrow is Photo friday -not that any of you needed reminding, but thought I'd toss that in here just in case . I have quite a lot done on the castle this week and have been experimenting with the picture-dishcloths (knitted), but not sure how much I'll have done by photo time. I'm pretty slow at it .



Hope you all have a good day !

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This may sound like a silly question, but how many saltines will be in a block? For when I start joining them together. It says it is 12 blocks- row of 3 blocks across X 4 blocks long. I guess I'm tired! I made 10 more tonight for a total of 16

Jules gave you a good answer...mine happens to show the pattern broken down in blocks (It's a repeat pattern). In my case it's 7x7 squares, so each section has 49 saltines, not counting another single row of saltines around it that make up the border.

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Jules gave you a good answer...mine happens to show the pattern broken down in blocks (It's a repeat pattern). In my case it's 7x7 squares, so each section has 49 saltines, not counting another single row of saltines around it that make up the border.

All I have to say is...think of all that sewing together....:devil

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