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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Tam, that's an excellent job!:cheer

I have a croknit hook (if that's what it's called) but haven't played with it yet.

I better live to be 100 so I can learn all the techniques I want to do!;)


Hi Judy! No, it wasn't a test pattern. If you are on Ravelry, you can check out the project there (I'm Tralee on there as well). But, basically this is the info.

I used the heart name graphing from Filet Crochet The Baby’s Room. I made it in sportweight thread and an E hook. I made the blanket portion using a V stitch. Then added the border.

Thanks...I'll go check it out....:hook

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Good morning everyone.


Denise, thats a pretty square. I made that one last year, and I had quite a time figuring it out as well. The instructions didn't quite make sense to me, and to this day, I'm not sure that I made it correctly.


Tam, great dishcloth.


Judy, I have printed off some of the patterns from that dishcloth site, but I don't think I've made one of hers yet. I joined her Yahoo group quite a while ago and have knit a couple of her mystery cloths.


I am hoping to get my fat bottom bag finished today. I pinned the lining in last night, so today I would need to sew it in, (yuck...handsewing) and attach the handles. Not really a lot of work...but we all know my attitude toward sewing things together, so finishing is not a sure bet!

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Morning Jude & Cindy !!


Good to see you today .


Well, got my car back one guy said it needed LOTS of work, the second guy said it was in really good shape for a car that old, and he sees nothing IMMEDIATE that needs done to it .


Went out to go to the store early ,and the brakes didnt work .


I guess one of the guys who looked at it must've broken or cracked the brake line. Same said it's leaking brake fluid, so I am without a car for the remainder of the weekend and Monday -- we'll be taking it down for them to work on then .


Geeminy--- I'm going through car withdrawal !


Sam has a truck that is stick shift. I USED to know how to drive them, but not any more ,and not interested in learning. I remember not liking to drive it,especially when stopped on hills with cars behind me ,because it rolls backwards .


SO.. I'd better learn to like home for a few days yet .


Thanks for the links to the dishcloths ! REALLY cute .


Guess which one I like best ?

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Morning everyone,

I'm rested and roaring to go. Today is clean the carpet day. I've been waiting patient for my son to clean the carpet and its suppose to be today. Keeping my fingers cross. :think


Tam - Knook????? really nice squares and they do in deed look like knitting stitches. That is a great technique.


Julie - Sorry to hear about your car brakes at least you can relax and get some crocheting time in while you wait to get it fix. :hook


I'm thinking of joining in and making some knitted dishcloths. Thank you for the knitted cloth site. Here's anbother great site:




Do I join the knitting group to start knitting dish cloths or will we be knitting cloths through this group???? Either way I'll pick out a pattern today.


When I'm finish my household chores I plan on spending my day knitting and crocheting.


Now where is that son of mines, I want to get these carpet clean. :think

Talk to you all later.

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Cheeria, thanks for the link.


I think Jules said she wanted to keep everything here int he House so we won't have to hop all over the ville...

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Goodmorning all. I didnt get a chance to post a picture of the blanket almost done now.last night.lol borrowed the batteries out of camera to use for paw trimmers to see how they work :lol since I forgot batteries at the store.

Hope that everyone has a good day.. me its housecleaning and washing clothes at the neighbors for him then home to my kids pig sty :lol dont know why they make such a mess when I am cleaning the neighbors house.

Babypoohs very pretty square! love the color.

Tam that is very interesting how you can do that!love the paw print!

I need to sit down with a video and learn to knit.:lol cause those are very cute Judy!

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Right, you are Jude !!




Cheeria- we'd love to have you join in making the dishcloths, whether knit or crochet, whichever you prefer . Thank you for the other site-- I'll go take a look at it too .


I 'd like to keep any CAL's I do in here if possible. It's just much easier than running all over the boards,hunting up all my other groups. This way, we're all in one place .


Hope you get your carpets done today -- you are about 50 steps ahead of me . I need to get all that done too, but never have the get up and go needed to do it .


I still have my paint sitting in my bedroom closet to paint in there, but can't do it while the windows are closed up - I think the paint fumes would smother me with this danged asthma,so for now, they just sit there and wait .


Maybe later this spring I'll feel more like doing it then .


So,which dishcloth do you have picked out to start on ? I know which one I like, but havent looked through them all yet, so may change my mind again .


We'll see ..

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There are lots of helpful videos on youtube, so if you sit and watch them as you try doing it yourself , you'll be able to do it. It's really not all that hard .


The dishcloths, I'm not sure about .They look like fun to make pictures on them like that ,so it'll be fun to try .

I 'm not sure if I'll have the chance today to try one --we'll have a houseful here after bit, so it'll be hard to pay much attention to knitting or anything else for that matter .


Well, gotta get my rear busy and get some stuff done around here .


Will check in later -

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Jules....are you doing the grandma one?:D


Sheila, I learned knitting from YouTube....


Off to my son's office soon (he's a chiroprator). He'll work his magic on me...



...and this is MY issue - no one else's, but I have a lot of trouble reading long posts and retaining what I read if they're all in one paragraph without any breaks.

...so if I don't respond to everything, please know it's not on purpose.

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I forgot to mention that I have nearly finished sewing the lining into my fat bottom bag. I've been working on it on and off. So it looks like I should get a project finished this weekend.

Awesome! We'll be waiting for a picture!



I have some more saltines to make (and I'm no longer keeping a tally of them) for the border to my second ATW block. Then I'll post a pic of the 2 blocks finally put together.

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Cindy-thanks, that helps to know they aren't as hard as they look. I guess when you're a beginner like me, they look like they'd be hard to do .


Also,good job on almost getting your handbag made ! Great job ~




Jude- no, I didnt see a grandma one - I'm gonna try the lattice hearts I think it's called -- I like them all,but it's very pretty .


Good job on your getting some of the blocks together for your quilt-ghan !

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Finally! The FBB is finished! The embellishment is a kanzashi flower. I found the pattern in a book, but there are a number of tutorials for them online as well. They are really easy to make.

I made this bag out of cotton yarn and lined it with a fat quarter.


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I changed my avatar again...this one reminds me of the amazing sunset I saw last night from my back patio window. It wasn't over water, just through the trees, but the colors were blue,purple and mauve. What a beautiful sight:c9


Back to the hook...later, gators:hug

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Cindy, I love your Fat Bottom Bag, I really want to make one maybe after I finish knitting my baby blanket.


Julie, I will pick out a knitted dish cloth before the week-end is over. I would like to pick one with a picture for if the picture show up well I'm planning on framing it to be used as a picture for my kitchen which is also getting a spring face lift.


I learned to knit from this site, so maybe it will also help those who want to learn how to knit. The English style of knitting is the easiest to do.




With all the beautiful crocheting everyone those in this group it make me want to start up new projects. Someone Help Me. :hook

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Happy Saturday, everyone. :) Well, I'm behind again. :blush:lol I just skimmed posts and saw lots of wonderful pictures! 'Hope to have more computer time a little later and will catch up then. We ended up having unexpected company last night (rude might be a better word)...anyway, they ended up spending the night and now I'm really behind. We both offered to call the closest hotel, but they didn't get the hint. :rolleyes


I hope everyone is okay! :manyheart

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Hello the House, :clap


Just a quick check in before Nascar starts. Truck races are today, tomorrow is Sprint Cup.


Julie Yup, Mom will be able to see the colors, but her vision is blurry. the thing with macular degeneration is you lose your "straight ahead" vision so she has peripheral vision, needs to turn her head side to side to see. I think she will enjoy the colors.


Cindy, 30 squares already knitted! Wow!, I think you should turn them into an afghan as well. I, also, am a slow knitter. I just bought "Easy Knit Squares". It has 20 different 12" blocks. Would love to try it. Your FBB is fabulous. :tup


Babypooh, is this Denise? Love your square and I wouldn't worry about a few extra stitches here or there. My philosophy is...only God makes perfect. So I always tell the recipients of my work that I purposely made a mistake in the item. That way if they find a mistake they think it was made with intent. :devil


Tam, OMG you are way too clever. Luv those squares. Knooking looks wonderful. Could you use an afghan hook for that? I have several of those in my favorite sizes.


Judy, what a great link, thanks for that. O.K. I have some really dumb questions here. I have never made dishcloths. I take it that they are made with cotton yarn, not the regular yarn like I use for afghans. Is that right? Now, do you really use them as dishcloths? Do they hold up? They look so cute/pretty I would be afraid to use them, so are they just decorative? TIA :think


Cheeria, what a bonanza of patterns that link provides. I just spent about an hour and a half detour. TYVM :yes


Mary, sorry your evening got redirected. ;) Mine did too but for other reasons. Last minute call from by BFF. We went to Bingo again. And again, I didn't win, but got the giggles so bad, tears in my eyes, I couldn't see my cards for awhile. Kinda of like trying to supress laughing in church or like Mary Tyler Moore laughing a the funeral for Chuckles the Clown. I just couldn't stop. :rofl


Guess tonight will be watch TV, crochet and eat junk! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.

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Good morning. Errr, afternoon. I slept late, very late today. I ended up reading instead of crocheting last night and again this afternoon. I feel more rested now. And boy has this place been busy!

Here's a pic of the tote I made from attic24's crochet bag pattern. I call it the Lucy tote :lol

Your tote is lovely! Great job! :clap :clap :clap

Hello west coasters. Let's see if I can find photos on this new computer.


This is the block that (oh see now I forgot) Pam? helped me make by making it herself after I got completely confused. It's done. It's not super pretty and there is an extra stitch or two on 2 of the sides, but whew. I did take off the 11th row as suggested to get the size down. They need to issue a "not for newbies" warning with that book!

Your block turned out very nice.

BUT.......................... I want to show & share a little something with you all.

I'm not sure how many of you have heard of hook knitting... or as its been called on Raverly ... 'knooking' but I found it interesting. I really didnt find a need for it since I know how to knit... and crochet.......... but over on the Dishcloth thread... there are a few ladies that were a bit bummed that they didnt know how to knit and some of the dishcloths being made and shared were knit. Well... I went and looked more into this "hook knitting" or "knooking" and found that yes indeed.. you can make a knitted item with your crochet hook.

This is what I made yesterday................

yes.......... it was knitted with my crochet hook.



Well... you see.... I wanted to be able to have a way of altering my favorite hook temporarily to be able to CroKnit or Knook. So that was the reason I needed the trip to the hardware store. And it was a success.

I have altered my favorite hook to knit with it... but am able to remove the alteration so that I can carry on with my crocheting.

As you can see here... I'm working on another square ... this one is being made with Red Heart Super Saver. I'm going to make several squares in this color and a burgandy ... sew them together and have a school color blanket with a Cougar 'Paw' on some of the squares..... :hook



So there you have it... my surprise project with tool... all shared on Photo day. :yay:mug

Very nice. Knooking. :think I'll have to look that up. This is the first I've heard of it.

I am hoping to get my fat bottom bag finished today. I pinned the lining in last night, so today I would need to sew it in, (yuck...handsewing) and attach the handles. Not really a lot of work...but we all know my attitude toward sewing things together, so finishing is not a sure bet!

:lol :lol :lol

Finally! The FBB is finished! The embellishment is a kanzashi flower. I found the pattern in a book, but there are a number of tutorials for them online as well. They are really easy to make.

I made this bag out of cotton yarn and lined it with a fat quarter.

Oh, my, it turned out great! :clap :clap :clap

Happy Saturday, everyone. :) Well, I'm behind again. :blush:lol I just skimmed posts and saw lots of wonderful pictures! 'Hope to have more computer time a little later and will catch up then. We ended up having unexpected company last night (rude might be a better word)...anyway, they ended up spending the night and now I'm really behind. We both offered to call the closest hotel, but they didn't get the hint. :rolleyes

I hate it when things like that happen. Hope today goes better. :hug

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I learned to knit from this site, so maybe it will also help those who want to learn how to knit. The English style of knitting is the easiest to do.




With all the beautiful crocheting everyone those in this group it make me want to start up new projects. Someone Help Me. :hook

I didn't use that site....it was a YouTube video....but after trying the other way I also found that English style was way easier for me. Slower, but easier to end up with a finished product!:lol

Judy, what a great link, thanks for that. O.K. I have some really dumb questions here. I have never made dishcloths. I take it that they are made with cotton yarn, not the regular yarn like I use for afghans. Is that right? Now, do you really use them as dishcloths? Do they hold up? They look so cute/pretty I would be afraid to use them, so are they just decorative? TIA :think

I always use mine....other ladies don't. I just like the different colors, etc....eventually they get ratty looking, but then you just make more:D

Good morning. Errr, afternoon. I slept late, very late today. I ended up reading instead of crocheting last night and again this afternoon. I feel more rested now. And boy has this place been busy!

Sounds like you needed that sleep! You must be recharging your batteries for the next round of projects!:lol



I finished the last saltines I needed in order to complete the border around the first 2 blocks of my ATW. I'll be able to post a pic tomorrow, I think.


Back to the hook.

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