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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Thanks Craziebunny...and I will be making another Tree of Life to donate as a fundraiser item for our Relay 4 Life event this summer. It will be in lilac since the Relay colors are Purple usually...

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Hi Happy House! I have moved over from the paper or plastic CAL. I'm not currently working on a bag because I have a baby blanket to finish. I guess now I will have more to choose from. Looking forward to meeting you all and seeing your projects.

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Ok, so I will add "saltines" to the list that started with "granny's daughters" and "yo yo's" as things to do when I want to go completely crazy, right? :loco

Those of you from the 63 group might know that I have been stuck in PC drama for more than a week. Well, my husband got bored with waiting for me to figure out how to fix it and bought an iMac today. Great, I get to learn a new operating system. I might be making those saltines before too long. Good news is, I should be able to post pictures soon!

And...confession...I did start making yo-yo's a few weeks ago, you know, just to try them out. Uh, it's hard to stop.

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here is what I have so far on this.:lol puppy approved

That's very pretty. :clap :clap :clap

Hi Happy House! I have moved over from the paper or plastic CAL. I'm not currently working on a bag because I have a baby blanket to finish. I guess now I will have more to choose from. Looking forward to meeting you all and seeing your projects.

Hi, there, tralee. :hi Glad to have you join us here.

Ok, so I will add "saltines" to the list that started with "granny's daughters" and "yo yo's" as things to do when I want to go completely crazy, right? :loco

Those of you from the 63 group might know that I have been stuck in PC drama for more than a week. Well, my husband got bored with waiting for me to figure out how to fix it and bought an iMac today. Great, I get to learn a new operating system. I might be making those saltimes before too long. Good news is, I should be able to post pictures soon!

And...confession...I did start making yo-yo's a few weeks ago, you know, just to try them out. Uh, it's hard to stop.

Yup, saltines are addictive, too. Good luck the the new computer system.


First row of the thread piece is finally done and the second is started. I'm really glad I restarted this piece. The blocks look much more in proportion now. I just have to get comfortable with the new stitch. I still have to think about what I'm doing with the extended dc.

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'Afternoon, everyone. I love all the activity and pictures since this morning!


Linda ~ You? Stressed? :wink You always seem to finish things in record time...we'll be your cheerleaders. :cheer


Hi Tabby ~ I hope you're having a great day.:yes Did I read somewhere that you're taking classes? How do you keep up with four boys and everything else?


Sheila ~ Your afghan is gorgeous and your pup is adorable.:hook What is his/her name?


Leanna ~ Oh, my! Your Tree of Life ghan is stunning - the leaves make such a pretty edging. :clap The shawl is lovely, too!


Shay ~ Copper sounds like a beautiful color for your filet...Can't wait to see it! DD is doing great - thank you for asking. :manyheart The Dr. said she may give her about 10 days and possibly induce. :c9


babypoohsmom ~ Shay (Shaylen) is another resident Yo-Yo maker. :D Good luck with your new Mac. My sister won't have anything else - she loves them!


Hi Tralee! Welcome. :welcome

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Hey Tab-

Yep, it would have been nice for you to meet my girl - you guys are about the same age .




Sheila- I'm glad you came in to join us ! Your Jackson is coming along nicely !




LeAnna - wow, that afghan is gorgeous! How long did it take to complete ? It looks difficult ( for me ) .


Also, the shawl colors are very pretty !

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Tralee- I'm glad you came over to join in here ! I know you'll feel very welcome and comfortable here .




Denise - you don't have to make the saltines-- everyone in here that makes them likes to tease other people about them ,because lots of people don't like all the sewing together ,etc.


They really aren't that bad, but some people like different stuff than others . nothing wrong with that !

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LeeAnna- that Tree of Life afghan is beautiful!!! Wow!


Sheila- I love the colors in your ghan- it is very cheerful looking!!


Julie- glad to hear you are having fun with your DD! Hope she had a wonderful lunch with her friend!


Tralee- glad you made the move over here too!


I'm thinking of making a "jar jacket" - great way to reuse jars- it's from attic24 blog- where I got the pattern for the "Lucy tote" I was thinking of making some for my co-workers to brighten up their cubicles- Can be used for putting pens/pencils in. I think I'll make one for me to set my hooks in on the table next to my favorite crochet chair. The pattern is here http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/crochet-jar-jacket.html


Hope everyone has a good night- time to go figure out what to make for dinner!

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Wow!! Has it ever been busy in here, since I posted, yesterday. Many :hi to all of the crocheters/knitters willing to jump on in, here. Forgive me, as it is going to take me time to get your names and projects straight in my mind, but I'll do my best :manyheart

Nap time passed WAY too quickly for me this afternoon :sigh I'm all caught up on my reading in this thread, though (priorities, you know?!? :lol) During the day, today, I managed to finish one round of the border on my flannel-ghan and another 3-inches of height was added to my purse. They are both coming along :yes. I hear a request for homework help in the background, so I am going to have to wrap this up, quickly.


Dusti ~ You always have such wonderful ideas! The blooming cards will be perfect for Easter gifts.:yes The bag pattern is great! And it's so fun to see the girls...are they both able to go without their glasses now?

So far, so good without glasses. The girls' next appointments with the ophthalmologist is scheduled for next month, and I really think he is going to let them both continue letting their eyes focus without the help of corrective lenses. It will sure be easier to face the summer, if we do not have to constantly swap regular glasses for sunglasses, though we will, if that is the recommendation, of course.


Linda ~ Good luck with all of your projects :cheer Sometimes, it is nice to have a deadline, though it sounds as though you have a couple piling up, back-to-back. You can do it :cheer


LeAnna ~ Your 'Tree of Life' is stunning :drool I just love the special edging you put on it. You must not mind the pattern too much, as you are planning to make a second one...way to go :clap It will be gorgeous, as well.



Dusti....your DDs are lovely...how old are they?



I got my new Filet going and have 4 rows done,im doing it in a pretty copper color....my Grandbabies are spending the week with me so i will try to pop in but i may be slow(nothing new there) The weather is great today(70) so im going to try to spend some time outside with them.

Hi, Shay ~ Kyri is 8-years-old, and Annika is 5. Thank you for the compliment. Despite the age difference, they do everything together and genuinely enjoy each other's company (let's hope that lasts as they grow older!). Have a wonderful visit with your grandchildren!! Is it Spring Break for them? You are lucky they can spend an extended period of time with you, aren't you?! Outside play is the best way to tucker them out :P I make use of fresh air playtime as often as possible. Your 70s sound lovely. Enjoy.


Catch you all, later.

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Linda ~ Yay for finishing the first row - how large will it be when finished?


Time to get back to some cleaning - or maybe crocheting. :lol

I'll have a better idea of the dimension when I get a few more rows done and can measure the actual gauge. The width looks to be still about 48" and I'm hoping the height will be close to that as well. I'm now close to the end of row two.

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Wow!! Has it ever been busy in here, since I posted, yesterday. Many :hi to all of the crocheters/knitters willing to jump on in, here. Forgive me, as it is going to take me time to get your names and projects straight in my mind, but I'll do my best :manyheart

Nap time passed WAY too quickly for me this afternoon :sigh I'm all caught up on my reading in this thread, though (priorities, you know?!? :lol) During the day, today, I managed to finish one round of the border on my flannel-ghan and another 3-inches of height was added to my purse. They are both coming along :yes. I hear a request for homework help in the background, so I am going to have to wrap this up, quickly.



So far, so good without glasses. The girls' next appointments with the ophthalmologist is scheduled for next month, and I really think he is going to let them both continue letting their eyes focus without the help of corrective lenses. It will sure be easier to face the summer, if we do not have to constantly swap regular glasses for sunglasses, though we will, if that is the recommendation, of course.


Linda ~ Good luck with all of your projects :cheer Sometimes, it is nice to have a deadline, though it sounds as though you have a couple piling up, back-to-back. You can do it :cheer


LeAnna ~ Your 'Tree of Life' is stunning :drool I just love the special edging you put on it. You must not mind the pattern too much, as you are planning to make a second one...way to go :clap It will be gorgeous, as well.




Hi, Shay ~ Kyri is 8-years-old, and Annika is 5. Thank you for the compliment. Despite the age difference, they do everything together and genuinely enjoy each other's company (let's hope that lasts as they grow older!). Have a wonderful visit with your grandchildren!! Is it Spring Break for them? You are lucky they can spend an extended period of time with you, aren't you?! Outside play is the best way to tucker them out :P I make use of fresh air playtime as often as possible. Your 70s sound lovely. Enjoy.


Catch you all, later.


Yeah, I really like this pattern and I'm glad you liked my edging...something different.

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Shout out to JulieKay...how long did it take me to make the Tree of Life ghan? Well, I started it after Harry left in January (I think I actually started it in February...I'd have to look in the Tree of Life ghan thread to make sure) and I finished it a week or so ago...and I took a couple of weeks off to work on other things too. Let's just say about 3 weeks...I'm fast...It's not that difficult really, but you do have to use a graph...

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Thanks again for the compliments...and about the shawl, I just love how the homespun made it's own stripes for this shawl...I'm really impressed with it and I hope the person I made it for will like it too...

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Shout out to JulieKay...how long did it take me to make the Tree of Life ghan? Well, I started it after Harry left in January (I think I actually started it in February...I'd have to look in the Tree of Life ghan thread to make sure) and I finished it a week or so ago...and I took a couple of weeks off to work on other things too. Let's just say about 3 weeks...I'm fast...It's not that difficult really, but you do have to use a graph...

Wow -that is fast! And I love the homespun for shawls- nice and soft and cuddly!

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Hi I'm Cheeria from the 63 Club. Just came back from spending 2 days taking care of my grandbaby so I'm just finding out that the group moved over here. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and making new friends. I will be working on my 63 squares afghan, my knitted baby blanket for my soon to be born grandbaby and I just picked out a pattern to work on from April's "Crochet World," magazine called Half-Square Granny. I am hoping that I can get to know all of you and that I can keep up with such a large active group. Talk to you all soon. :manyheart

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Joanne, the lady I made the shawl for said she wanted big and soft and cuddly and I personally think that Homespun is perfect for that...I'll let you know how she likes it when I give it to her tomorrow...


I am juggling lots of afghans right now.

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Hi Joanne and Cheeria !!



Good to see you both over here . We oughta end up with a really neat mix, bewtween us all ! So many projects going at once, it'll be fun !!!





LeAnna- WOW - 3 WEEKS ? It'd take me 3 YEARS to make that afghan. It sure is beautiful though !

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Hi, my friends. :hug


Thank you for the love and hugs you've sent my way. I truly feel them. Having my crocheting to turn to has been a help and a distraction, too.


I've also had a chance to look at the pics and the things I've seen posted are amazing and wonderful.


Tab, I'm glad you got the box. Enjoy:)


Shay, my hand is a shade of khaki right now, and one small area is tender to the touch, but I can use it without a problem.


I love Julie's idea of consolidating everyone here. It's a terrific thread, and a wonderful place to be. No pressure to finish anything and risk being left alone in a thread;)


Mary, I hope everything is going okay with you and your family:hug:manyheart


Well, I'm going to work on a small project for a friend of mine now...I'll see you all tomorrow.:manyheart

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Hello Everyone. :hug:hug I'm moving over from the 63 club.


Julie: Thanks for the PM to keep me up to date on move. Have been playing Farmville on Facebook, so not really staying caught up here. Glad you are having a good visit with DD. My DD lives in the area so we see or talk to each other at least once a day. Son lives in Phoenix and haven't seen him in about 2 years. He is a good son though and calls me at least once a week. He sent me all 4 of the 63 square books.


LeAnna: Tree of Life is really great.


To all of the old friends from 63 club: After I frogged the herringbone square, I have finished 3 more squares. Got a lot of experience doing reverse single crochet doing the corded ridge square. Alternating between squares, a scrap afghan for my brother, and a lapghan for charity. Posted pics of the 2 ghans in progress in the stashbuster thread.

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Hi Wanda

thanks for jumping on over here with us-- I think you'll like the new setup -we kinda mave a mixture of people now, but as Judy said, there won't be any pressure to complete a particular item in a certain space of time .


We have lots of talented ladies in here, so lots of neat photos !


Our photo Fridays should be really nice !


Sounds like you are making steady progress on your 63. I got 3 more squares done since last week's update. Will see if I can get more done by picture day .

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