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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Diane...love your newest pics! I like making RRs, es from Homespun, and love making graph ghans, too...are we sisters under the skin??:D


I especially like the variegated you picked for Nemo's background....:yes

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Well, my vacation has been postponed until Wednesday. That's all right though. After being off with mom, I just can't afford (work wise that is) to get gone the extra two days. I'm still going to the concert on Wednesday, but I won't leave until that afternoon. Then, I'm off until Monday. Michael Bublé and hockey two days later...man, life doesn't get any better. Anywho....


Mary (Skysmom) - :hug What a wide range of emotions you must be feeling. We'll miss you, but understand you can't be around much.


Diane - Thanks for the skunk odor eliminator idea! Enjoy NASCAR. My Red Wings are playing tonight after being off almost a week. I'm so excited. :D More great looking afghans...the Nemo is going to be gorgeous, too.


Julie - Do you know that crazy woman (my mother) is talking about trying to go back to work on Monday?!?!? I'm going to kill her. She won't have to worry about going to work. :lol She already told me earlier today that she is feel much worse today. Then she up and decides she needs to work. :sigh I don't know what I'm going to do with her. I think I have her convinced to wait at least a few more days.


Tam - How's the family feeling?


Linda - :yuck Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well yesterday. If you come up with any ideas on how to keep my mom low key for awhile, you let me know! Wow! All of your projects are looking great. You're one talented lady. :yes


Judy - How "funny" that you had a skunk problem, too! I'm glad the dogs were able to keep themselves inside. My cats try to rip through the windows after birds and things. I can't imagine keeping a German Shepherd in the house with wild things outside.

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Oh, Mary...:hug:hug My thoughts are with you and your DH at this difficult time. I am glad he is home, and I hope you will draw on each others' strength over these next trying days.

I am glad to hear Little Luke's arrival is not far-off :c9

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Diane- beautiful work !!!!




Linda-- does your grandson like pirates and castles too, or other types of things ?




Nicole -- I have an idea to keep your mom from going to work -- quick, crochet one of them net- toy-holder gadgets that people put stuffed animals in .


You may have to kinda tie her in a net ,so she can't get outta her chair ,or she'll have to figure out how to bring the chair and net along WITH her to work .


She must love her job if she wants to go back so soon .

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Judy - How "funny" that you had a skunk problem, too! I'm glad the dogs were able to keep themselves inside. My cats try to rip through the windows after birds and things. I can't imagine keeping a German Shepherd in the house with wild things outside.

Well, if the screendoor had been the only barrier...I might have another story to tell!

Once I did have to let them out when I smelled a skunk...and I was looking all over the yard as I hurried them through their business! Bad enough meeting possums in the dark:lol

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What fabulous pieces of work you have to show us, Linda. Wow!! :clap

Can I ask a technical question of you? How do you post pictures here, write a few lines of text, and then post a few more pictures? I use the little paper clip attachment-thingie at the top of the 'Reply' box, but I have to post my photos at the end of my message, because that is where the computer puts them :P Not really computer-savvy, let me tell you :blush Any light you can shed on the problem, in your free time, of course, would be much appreciated. Thank you.


Hi, Diane ~ I have only made two RRs, but I would not be opposed to making another in the future, especially if I could use as pretty colors as yours :yes Your grandson's Nemo graph 'ghan is looking good. Are you saving it for a Christmas gift?

Your skunk trials have sure been something else this week. I am really glad your team of pros has the nuissance controlled, now. I really felt for you, when the smell of skunk was making you physically ill -- it must have been so strong. We seem to have a skunk hanging out under the girls' playhouse out in the yard this spring. With all of the flood waters, he (?) was woken up earlier from his winter's long nap than he anticipated, and he seems quite ornery. DH has two live traps out there, now, and we are hoping we soon catch him and move him out of the neighborhood permanently. Annika must have been thinking of the skunk when she fell asleep, because she woke up claiming to have had a bad dream about a skunk in our house. :eek Yikes! I hope not!! Hope your problems with the wildlife are a think of the past.


Nicole ~ Glad you are flexible with your work schedule, and as long as you have a number of "FUN" activities to look forward to next week, the few days that you have to go in to work will pass quickly. Best of luck to your mother as she continues to recover. It sounds as though you and your step-father are going to have your hands full keeping her calm, but it really would be in her body's best interest to follow your suggestions ;) Hope you think of a diversion to her job quickly, so that she does not go to work on Monday.


Julie ~ Your Castle 'Ghan is coming right along :yes I am not sure how you make such good progress on all of the different projects you have your hook in, but it is fun to see how the 'ghan is shaping-up. Is Cam coming for the weekend? It's too early to dye Easter eggs, so what do you have planned?


DH leaves tomorrow for work in CO. He will be home in time for Easter, but we will miss him over the next couple of weeks. His absence means I am responsible for delivering and retrieving the girls every day (read: not as much computer/play time :(). I will still pop in, though I may have to type at warp-speed for a bit. Temps are a mite chilly, today, but the water in the rivers slowed down, so the flooding is not causing any new problems right now. I'm off to make Banana Bread for DH to take to his crew tomorrow morning.


Ta-ta for now :manyheart

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Well the skunk wrangler just left. He picked up 12 today (including our 2). Said he had 12 yesterday as well. It was kinda interesting watching him set the traps. He used bacon for bait. Says he goes thru about 13 lbs of bacon a day. One house he has gone to numerous times. Over about a 3 week period, he pulled 26 skunks out from under their house. Egads.


Hi Dusti, yes Nemo will be a Christmas present. I'm on row 54 of 150, going pretty well, especially now that I am getting into the facial features.


Gotta do some dishes, TTYL

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What fabulous pieces of work you have to show us, Linda. Wow!! :clap

Can I ask a technical question of you? How do you post pictures here, write a few lines of text, and then post a few more pictures? I use the little paper clip attachment-thingie at the top of the 'Reply' box, but I have to post my photos at the end of my message, because that is where the computer puts them :P Not really computer-savvy, let me tell you :blush Any light you can shed on the problem, in your free time, of course, would be much appreciated. Thank you.


Ta-ta for now :manyheart

Okay, to answer your question. I load in the pictures that I want to display like usual. I type in the description for the first one, then left click on the paperclip, click on the picture that I want to insert there. Repeat as often as needed. You can insert one or several at the location of your choice. I tend to put them in the paperclip in the order I'm going to insert them. It helps me not to get them mixed up. You can also just load in the first one(s), insert them, load the next one(s), insert them, etc. I'm not sure how I figured it out. By guess and by gosh, I think. :D I see that I put them in again. Oh, well.



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Diane...love your newest pics! I like making RRs, es from Homespun, and love making graph ghans, too...are we sisters under the skin??:D


I especially like the variegated you picked for Nemo's background....:yes


Thanks Judy,


I haven't tried using the Homespun, how many skeins would it take? This yarn was JoAnn's, boucle, self-striping. It only took 1 11 oz. skein and it was on sale for $5.99. Sure makes an inexpensive shower gift.


The background yarn on Nemo is RHSS, appropriately called "Ocean". That seemed like a no-brainer. :lol


Sister's under the skin....sounds good to me.:yes I have about a kabillion graph's planned. Have one in mind for another brother. It is a silhouette, cowboy sitting on ground in front of his horse, sun rising. Called Cowboy Morning. Also, a cowboy on a bucking bronco. Too many patterns, so little time (sigh).


Oh, I am so excited, skunk man told me they have built a Hobby Lobby in the next town over. I keep hearing about I Luv This Yarn, I need to check that out. Anymore suggestions from anyone?? TIA


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Thanks Judy,


I haven't tried using the Homespun, how many skeins would it take? This yarn was JoAnn's, boucle, self-striping. It only took 1 11 oz. skein and it was on sale for $5.99. Sure makes an inexpensive shower gift.


The background yarn on Nemo is RHSS, appropriately called "Ocean". That seemed like a no-brainer. :lol


Sister's under the skin....sounds good to me.:yes I have about a kabillion graph's planned. Have one in mind for another brother. It is a silhouette, cowboy sitting on ground in front of his horse, sun rising. Called Cowboy Morning. Also, a cowboy on a bucking bronco. Too many patterns, so little time (sigh).


Oh, I am so excited, skunk man told me they have built a Hobby Lobby in the next town over. I keep hearing about I Luv This Yarn, I need to check that out. Anymore suggestions from anyone?? TIA


I can't remember how many sk I used last time...it's only recently that I'm actually keeping any sort of record. I'm working on a lapghan size one now - will let you know how many sk I use up...


I was gifted ILTY...and it is so soft and nice!!! Happy exploring:devil


And I have pics of RRs and graphs I've done on my blog...

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Hey Judy,

I went back and checked out your blog photos. Wow!! What an impressive body of work. You certainly have kept yourself busy. I see on a green/white RR you listed 7 skeins of yarn. I love the edging you put on them, especially a red/white/blue one with "Stewie" on it. I have done a reverse sc edge, have never tried the reverse hdc. I like the reverse st, it just kinda smooths things out.


My charity crochet goes to our local VA Hospital and also a convalescent hospital (the same one I was in last year). It sure makes you feel good to do some charity crochet doesn't it?:yes

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Wow...look at all the pretty projects....they all look so great and it makes me want to do more.


Nicole...I'm so glad your mom is home and doing well.


Mary...I hope everything goes ok and I'm glad that your DH made it home and yay Lil Luke will be here soon.Big :hug to you and yours.


Diane....love your Nemo...i have tried so many times to do gragh work and i just get so mad....how did you make your bobbins???I have 3 patterns that i would love to do so any tips would be very welcome.


Hi to everyone else....hope all are good :hug


I have been very busy this week doing spring cleaning...it was up to 77 today and the trees are blooming :cheerI just love this weather.


This is all i got done this week :blush


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It's Photo Friday! Yeah! First up is my weight loss dragonghan. It's 1/4 done now. Minus the border, of course.


Then comes the new thread piece that I started this week after frogging the Tree of Life pattern that I was attempting to do in thread. This is 8 of 140 rows done at about 1 hour per row.


And last, but not least, is the flannelghan wedding present. Almost 3 of 7 strips with a dark brown border, I think.


OmGosh...............hon............ you have some serious awesome work going on there!!! Wow!!!!











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Good Afternoon


Oh, Linda, great work. BTW I like your bedspread too. =)


Here are my photos. Another RR, colors are very light, pink, lavendar and white.


Second is Nemo, with my new homemade bobbins.


Looking forward to seeing everyone's pictures.


NASCAR qualifying. Yay!

OMGosh................ CUTE!!!! That RR came out GREAT. Nemo is too cute!









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Wow...look at all the pretty projects....they all look so great and it makes me want to do more.


Nicole...I'm so glad your mom is home and doing well.


Mary...I hope everything goes ok and I'm glad that your DH made it home and yay Lil Luke will be here soon.Big :hug to you and yours.


Diane....love your Nemo...i have tried so many times to do gragh work and i just get so mad....how did you make your bobbins???I have 3 patterns that i would love to do so any tips would be very welcome.


Hi to everyone else....hope all are good :hug


I have been very busy this week doing spring cleaning...it was up to 77 today and the trees are blooming :cheerI just love this weather.


This is all i got done this week :blush


That is Way Cool!!!!

Love the way the colors blend!






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Howdy folks


Well,another Saturday -- whatcha all got cookin for the weekend ?


I think Sam will be gone today -- going to help out a friend ,so it'll be me and Cam here today ... I think he has soccer at 12, so I may go up to watch a little of tha if my head stops cracking long enough .


Not sure what else we'll do today. I did get stuff to do colored eggs ,which we MAY do today, since our girl will be getting here on Tuesday and be here for the next week. It might be a little easier to do the eggs today than next Saturday . I think she has plans to see quite a lot of her friends while she's home, and also go visit her inlaws,who live here too ,so she will probably have a busy schedule while she's here .


I have my list of foods she wants cooked while home ... she asked for meat loaf ,which is ODD .

* I LOVE meat loaf, but she hated it when she was at home, now she wants it ? :think


I am still making castle-squares- ,got the bottom one added on, now back to the top I go, making the sky pieces again .


Will check in later .

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Jules...it's plain to me: meat loaf means HOME to DD:c9


I'm icing my hand right now: tried to remove a piece of rawhide from Susie's throat...her teeth are sharp and the darn thing just slid further down.

At least she can breath now:( And I've stopped shaking.


I'm NEVER buying rawhide again...I'm usually more on top of watching them with it...this piece was small enough to get in her mouth and she had her back to me, the snaek, so I couldn't see what she was dong till it was gone!

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I ended up actually pushingthe rawhide further down! Since then she ate the ice cube I gave her - was worried her throat was swollen - and she's had some water...seems to be okay, I think.


On the other hand, my hand is already swelling between the thumb and forefinger...I don't want to think about it being anything more than bad bruising from her biting down on me..more ice is on it now.

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Hi Ladies. :) I haven't read through posts yet, but wanted to say a big thank you for your hugs and concern. :manyheart The doctors weren't expecting MIL to make it through Thursday night, but yesterday she actually seemed better and was smiling and talking! She is in ICU and they're watching her very closely. I've hardly seen DH - he's staying at the hospital with her at night and coming home to sleep...his sister and I are going during the day.


Not sure when I'll catch up, but I will! :yes I hope everyone is okay. :hug

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Thanks, Tam.


Judy, take care of that hand. Did the skin break where you got bit? If it did, you might need a tetanus shot. Glad the rawhide when down and she's okay.


Good morning. Kim and I are planning on running some errands today and going out to lunch at Golden Corral or maybe IHOP. I got most of a preemie afghan crocheted yesterday. Just a couple of rounds left to go.


Mary, I'm so glad to hear that MIL is doing better. :hug:hug:hug to all of you.


Shay, I really didn't expect the filet piece to be that big, but I really didn't want to work with the smaller thread and hook that the pattern called for. Size 7 is about as small as I like to go anymore. I used to go as small as a 14, but that was before bifocals. :lol :lol

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Keep an eye on your hand-- does it seem hard to bend any of your fingers or anything ?


If it seems bad yet by Mon.AM, maybe you'd want to go get it checked just to make sure it's ok .








Mary- wonderful news about your MIL ..Sometimes those elderly people are tougher than we think,and can pull through some pretty rough situations. It'd be nice if she gets to be here to hold her new great-grandbaby .

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