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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Well, Julie...we keep posting at the same time! :lol


She is home now. She could have stayed over if she needed, but she felt ready to go home. My step dad is there with her so she should be okay. She goes back to the doctor tomorrow. My step dad is taking her to do that while I cash her payroll check and all that stuff.

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Good Afternoon ladies,


Nicole, wonderful to hear that your Mom is doing fine. Now it's time for you to get caught up on your rest. Bet you will sleep well tonight. :hug


Linda, glad your Quilt was not damaged too badly. Hope when you assess the 2nd one that it isn't any worse.


Dusti, what great girls! Luv the leprechan story. These are the kind of things that make such wonderful memories, the kind that last a lifetime.


I am looking forward to leftover corned beef and cabbage for dinner tonight. It was so tasty. DH had to drive into town to get the corned beef. We went to Costco on Monday and they were all sold out, then our only local grocery store was sold out. Didn't know it would turn into such a major undertaking.


Well, I am patiently waiting for a skunk wrangler to show up. I have a terrible headache from that dad-gum skunk. We had a friend over today who helps DH with yardwork, odd jobs around the house, etc. He peeked under the house and said he saw the duct work was down on the ground in a few places. Looked like "Stinky" has been living in the ducts. Have called our furnace/ac guy, he will be here tomorrow to do the repairs. What a mess! I am so tired, couldn't sleep good last night. I just want this critter to go away!


Think I will take a short nap, then :hook for the rest of the evening. TTYL

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Yea, Nicole,

I noticed, everytime I post, I see your post at the same time ..


I wondered if they'd keep her -- they usually send people home anymore as soon as possible for most things .


As long as she has help there with her and pain meds she will probably be just fine. I hope she listens though and doesn't try to do too much at first .


Does she do crocheting or things like that ? Something that would make her hold still ?

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Hey gang

Just posting my photo friday pic tonite -- didn't get my last block done ... one to go to reach the bottom .

**Sorry, it's sideways again-- Sam had to stand on the couch to get it all in one shot, and it was laying longways -- didnt even realize it until I saw it on here that it'd be another sideways one .

sorry ---

OmGoodness... look at that come along!

Good deal!!! Gosh.... I'm so jealous how much you have done and I done.................. :sigh.... BAD TAMMY!!!!

I'm really proud of you though! Its looking GREAT!



Good Afternoon ladies,


Nicole, wonderful to hear that your Mom is doing fine. Now it's time for you to get caught up on your rest. Bet you will sleep well tonight. :hug


Linda, glad your Quilt was not damaged too badly. Hope when you assess the 2nd one that it isn't any worse.


Dusti, what great girls! Luv the leprechan story. These are the kind of things that make such wonderful memories, the kind that last a lifetime.


I am looking forward to leftover corned beef and cabbage for dinner tonight. It was so tasty. DH had to drive into town to get the corned beef. We went to Costco on Monday and they were all sold out, then our only local grocery store was sold out. Didn't know it would turn into such a major undertaking.


Well, I am patiently waiting for a skunk wrangler to show up. I have a terrible headache from that dad-gum skunk. We had a friend over today who helps DH with yardwork, odd jobs around the house, etc. He peeked under the house and said he saw the duct work was down on the ground in a few places. Looked like "Stinky" has been living in the ducts. Have called our furnace/ac guy, he will be here tomorrow to do the repairs. What a mess! I am so tired, couldn't sleep good last night. I just want this critter to go away!


Think I will take a short nap, then :hook for the rest of the evening. TTYL


HoHum.... leftover cornbeef and cabbage.... you tease! :P

Skunk? Eeeeeegads! thats no fun! Wow... hope that gets resolved soon!!!!!!









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Hey gang

Just posting my photo friday pic tonite -- didn't get my last block done ... one to go to reach the bottom .

**Sorry, it's sideways again-- Sam had to stand on the couch to get it all in one shot, and it was laying longways -- didnt even realize it until I saw it on here that it'd be another sideways one .

sorry ---

Wow! Looking good, Jules!:cheer Love the colors....Cam is going to flip when you give it to him.


I haven't made another block yet - still making saltines, in between everything else.

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Skunks...ugh! Every now and then (esp in Spring) I'll be out with the dogs in the yard at night and get a whiff of

"eau de skunk" in the distance -- boy, do I get them inside quickly!

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Hi Ladies. I'll be up for a while, but wanted to tell you I may not be here much for a couple of days. It's been a day filled with tears of joy and tears of sadness. DD is just fine and her Dr. told her today "it may be one week or a little longer, but probably no longer than that." :c9 About 2 this p.m. the Nursing facility called to ask permission to take MIL to the hospital. Of course, I said yes and then drove straight there. DH was on a flight back from L.A. and his sister is out of town. She's 95 and this isn't unexpected, but things are not looking good right now. DH drove straight to the hospital from DFW and sent me home. I'll catch up with you all when I can. :manyheart

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Hi Ladies. I'll be up for a while, but wanted to tell you I may not be here much for a couple of days. It's been a day filled with tears of joy and tears of sadness. DD is just fine and her Dr. told her today "it may be one week or a little longer, but probably no longer than that." :c9 About 2 this p.m. the Nursing facility called to ask permission to take MIL to the hospital. Of course, I said yes and then drove straight there. DH was on a flight back from L.A. and his sister is out of town. She's 95 and this isn't unexpected, but things are not looking good right now. DH drove straight to the hospital from DFW and sent me home. I'll catch up with you all when I can. :manyheart

oh Bless your heart!!! :hug :hug :hug









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Morning gang-

Thanks for the comments --


Mary -- I'll just say I'm excited for the new baby about to be here, but so sorry that this other situation is happening right now ,too .


It is probably such an emotional time .. such good news and sad news all at once .


We'll be here whenever you get the chance to check in . Take care and know you are in our thoughts .

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Hi Ladies. I'll be up for a while, but wanted to tell you I may not be here much for a couple of days. It's been a day filled with tears of joy and tears of sadness. DD is just fine and her Dr. told her today "it may be one week or a little longer, but probably no longer than that." :c9 About 2 this p.m. the Nursing facility called to ask permission to take MIL to the hospital. Of course, I said yes and then drove straight there. DH was on a flight back from L.A. and his sister is out of town. She's 95 and this isn't unexpected, but things are not looking good right now. DH drove straight to the hospital from DFW and sent me home. I'll catch up with you all when I can. :manyheart

:hug :hug :hug Oh, Mary, it hurts when someone you love dearly is dying, even if it's at the end of a long, full life. My prayers are with you and your family. :hug :hug :hug Good new about baby Luke.


Julie your castle is coming along very nicely. Good job!


Poor, Diane. A skunk camped out under the house is bad news. Hopefully the guy can catch it without the house getting badly sprayed in the process. Your tale did bring back a memories of a number of skunk incidents I've had over the years and brought a smile to my face.


Nicole, hope you got a good night's sleep last night and that it won't be too difficult keeping mom to stay quiet for two weeks. The second week will probably be harder than the first.


I ended up battling the stomach flu yesterday, so didn't get much done. I'm feeling much better this morning. I'll take pictures in a bit. We have sunshine today and it's supposed to get to about 70* today. John's heading for the cabin and the start of turkey season later today.

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Speaking of skunks...


At 4 AM Susie was downstairs and gave a short bark (she does this sometimes) I woke up to check on her and thoughout our porous house (and from an open upstairs window) I was able to smell "eau de skunk":(

And just after we were talking about Diane's problem with them!

I was happy, though, that I didn't have to let my old girl out to do her business. Even though we have a fence around our yard critters can and do get in. I was envisioning Sparkie, our young male, chasing a skunk - and catching it - and the ensuing ickiness:P

TG that didn't happen.:)


It must be mating seaon:lol

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Good Morning Ladies,


Well, the skunk wrangler arrived late yesterday afternoon. Nice guy, very informative. It seems the sounds we heard the night before were not a skunk and cat fighting, or the sound of crying skunk babies. Judy, you were right, it is mating season and that's what we heard. Apparently the male gets very mean after the experience. I know, TMI. He set 2 traps and told us to call him in the morning. Well, this a.m. we have 2 skunks awaiting the arrival of the wrangler to take them to the secret, hidden, skunk release area. He should be here sometime this morning. Also expect the furnace/ac guy this a.m. as well. If anyone needs the formula to eleminate skunk odor skunk guy gave us the recipe. Here it is:


32 oz. hydrogen peroxide

1/4 cup baking soda

1 small squirt of dishwashing liquid.


Mix together and put in a spray bottle. DON'T spray furniture or carpet, clothers, etc. He sprayed this in our vents. Took the odor right away. Cannot prepare it ahead of time, it has no shelf life.


Mary, happy about Luke, so sad about your MIL. My mom will be 95 on the first of May. She lives in Calif with my sister. We keep travel bags ready at all times, you just never know. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


Just fixed corned beef hash and eggs for breakfast. Will post pictures later.



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Skunk story...lived in Michigan years ago..and we heard a scream in the back yard and the screaming continued past our UPSTAIRS window. We figured an owl caught a skunk in the back yard and flew off with it. Our whole house REEEKED! wish I knew about that recipe back then!

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skunk story...lived in michigan years ago..and we heard a scream in the back yard and the screaming continued past our upstairs window. We figured an owl caught a skunk in the back yard and flew off with it. Our whole house reeeked! Wish i knew about that recipe back then!


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It's Photo Friday! Yeah! First up is my weight loss dragonghan. It's 1/4 done now. Minus the border, of course.


Then comes the new thread piece that I started this week after frogging the Tree of Life pattern that I was attempting to do in thread. This is 8 of 140 rows done at about 1 hour per row.


And last, but not least, is the flannelghan wedding present. Almost 3 of 7 strips with a dark brown border, I think.





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Wow, Mary !!!!!

I never knew owls could catch things as big as skunks !!!




Linda- thanks for the photos -- everything is looking good !!! Your dragonghan has the perfect light-frame -- did you notice that or pick that spot on purpose ?


It's gonna be a beauty with those colors all together . Is that a keeper for you ?



And I keep forgetting to ask ,especially since you made the photo for Cam's afghan -- have you made one for your grandson ,and what is his of ?

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Good Afternoon


Oh, Linda, great work. BTW I like your bedspread too. =)


Here are my photos. Another RR, colors are very light, pink, lavendar and white.


Second is Nemo, with my new homemade bobbins.


Looking forward to seeing everyone's pictures.


NASCAR qualifying. Yay!



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Thanks, ladies.


Diane, love the RR and Nemo is going to be great!


Julie, I used a picture off the internet as the inspiration for the castle and pirate. I haven't made either one yet. And I put the dragonghan in a patch of sunlight coming through one of our skylights so that the colors would show true.

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