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Our House Part One (go to Part Two for posting)


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Good morning, Julie. The weather is nice here again today. Not as warm as it should be yet but it's getting there. We've had three days in a row now where it was about 60* so the trees are starting to finally have buds, not very big ones, but buds all the same. I worked on the wedding flannelghan yesterday. I'm about a third of the way through the second strip now. :hook

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Oh, boy, Linda

That's gonna be a pretty one. I bet it reminds you of chocolate, doesnt it ?


Good to hear that signs of spring are showing down there -- that means they'll be on their way up here too one of these days . I think it's S L O W L Y coming .

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Oh, boy, Linda

That's gonna be a pretty one. I bet it reminds you of chocolate, doesnt it ?


Good to hear that signs of spring are showing down there -- that means they'll be on their way up here too one of these days . I think it's S L O W L Y coming .

It does remind me of chocolate a bit. It's going to be super pretty for an earth tone flannelghan. (I posted instructions with pictures of how I join my strips as I go over on Rose Red's CAL.)

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Morning glories ~:)


Just a quick drop in to say hello -- hope everyone has a good day today .


I hear a bird tweeting in the back yard ,so that definitely sounds good. Maybe spring is finally on the way .

Hi, ladies!


Jules, I'm about to fill up one of our 2 birdbaths...the jungle sounds are back!

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Good Morning, Ladies. :)


Nicole ~ That's such good news about Cooper. :manyheart Isn't the Michael Buble concert this month?


Linda ~ I checked out the FG thread - your pictures and instructions are great! A quilt show sounds fun...I haven't been to one in a long time.


Julie ~ Yep, Spring will be here before you know it! It's supposed to be 75* here today! I can't wait to open windows and get back to taking walks with Gracie. :yes


Hi Judy!


I got the yarn for the rest of Ducky yesterday. DD said she really likes the "checkerboard" look, but would like shades of beige or khaki. The closest I could come was Aran and Buff. I made a few last night and think it will look just fine. :hook

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started my first happy house quiltghan while traveling with a friend. I don't have any idea how many squares i've done, but I know I've not sat and crocheted that long ever and that first day my wrist was NOT happy, but there were LOTS of squares!


Doing the fall quiltghan.


Cold and foggy here on the Oregon coast this morning. Can't do any more squares til I get home. I brought 4 skeins of yarn and they are all gone!

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Welcome, FrLop...we have a Mary here, already....this could get confusing!:lol


Mary, I like aran and buff together - it'll look good!

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How is everyone today? I’m hangin’ in there! Been trying to keep focused on my crocheting. Its kinda hard when I’m being pulled into stupid family drama… but … this too will pass.

I have also been busy with my three younger boys and school sports!

Basketball season just ended for them…. But the 13 yr old got into wrestling. Wow is he good! He took a Bronze Medal in his first tournament and a Silver Medal in his second tournament. I’m so proud of him.

Julie…….. that Castle Quilt’ghan is coming out GREAT! You know… maybe just naming the group ‘Happy House’ this is the place we all come to get encouragement and love.

OMGoodness Linda……. That Dragon Quilt’ghan is coming along really nice!!! I love the colors!

Diane……. WOW is all I can say! That round ripple is beautiful! And your Indian’ghan is outstanding!

Hey Nicole! :hi Your flannel’ghan is coming along really nice!!!

Shay…………. Omgoodness… you’re crazy…..LOL Its awesome .. but you’re crazy!

Oh Mary………… love your picture share! J The afghans are awesome.. and Miss Gracie is adorable!

Judy……. I love your afghan from the Pirate CAL… that came out so neat!!!



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Tam, Thanks!

Sports is great for boys - keeps them busy, and a busy boy usually is too tired to get into mischief. Mine will be 35 on the 23rd;)


I wonder if we can change the name of this CAL to just Happy House?

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started my first happy house quiltghan while traveling with a friend. I don't have any idea how many squares i've done, but I know I've not sat and crocheted that long ever and that first day my wrist was NOT happy, but there were LOTS of squares!


Doing the fall quiltghan.


Cold and foggy here on the Oregon coast this morning. Can't do any more squares til I get home. I brought 4 skeins of yarn and they are all gone!

Hi, Mary! :hi Welcome! :welcome We happy to have you join us. Wow have you done a lot of squares in a hurry!


Happy House sounds like a good name. Julie, I'm thinking that you'd have to change it since you started the CAL and the name comes out of that first post.

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Good Morning Ladies,


All this talk of spring....I am so jealous. Today started out with rain/wind, then turned very cold and it started to hail, it is currently snowing. I want to plant flowers so bad but we usually have to wait until Mother's Day. We have some pretty late freezes and snow on Mother's Day is not unusual. Many people think Arizona is all desert, but we experience all seasons. Sadly our growing season is pretty short. One year I had some nice cantaloupes and sugar baby watermelons growing. Went to work, came home that evening and found locusts feasting on my melons. Lost them all :angry


Thaks for the complements Tam, I just got a new (old, vintage) book of indian blankets. It is from 1915. Has 6 navajo patterns, 1 oregon and 1 commanche pattern. They look very authentic. Like ceremonial and chiefs blankets. I am so intrigued by them. Need to decide which one to do first.


This will be a quick post. Will check back later.

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I'll make sure and check out your new way of joining the strips on the FG -- that would make it go much easier, wouldn't it ? I know lots of ladies hate the joining part,so it'd make it a more popular pattern for those who don't like sewing it together ..



Mary- wow, 75 !!!! We need to move south someplace. All you guys are south of us, so you'll get the nice weather sooner than us . We can at least have a preview of what 's coming .



Jude- so do you guys have a big backyard, and is it out in the country sort-of or more in town ?

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Welcome Mary --


Can we ask what your middle initial is ,so we can somehow tell which post is for which Mary ? That way you guys will know which one we're talking to ?


You don't have to give us any more than that,just like MaryT or whatever your middle initial is ..


You must have really been excited to get started on your quiltghan to make that many squares !

What colors did you make them in, and which pattern did you say you will be making ?


We certainly do welcome you ,and are glad to have someone new in the group .

I think you'll like it here .


Tell us about yourself-- like family ,kids,PETS -- that goes over big in here -- I may be the only one who is PET-LESS ,I think .

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Hi Diane

sorry your weather is still lousy . I honestly never knew the weather was that bad out there. I thought it'd be nice and warm all year.

I've never been out there ,so not very familiar with it, just guessed it'd be warm all the time .


Are you in the northern or southern part of the state ?

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I have the 3rd block together and added. Was going to put the steam on and get as many "63" squares done as possible this week, but missed my castle, so back to it I'm going today.


I'll see if I can get another block done before Photo Day .


Next post will address name change of the group .

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I want to try and finsih my first block for the ATW I'm making so I can post a pic Friday, too!


Jude- so do you guys have a big backyard, and is it out in the country sort-of or more in town ?

We only have 1/3rd of an acre, but we have trees at the back and alongside us on other property - including that of a very quiet neighbor - a cemetery that's right over our back fence.:lol During the nice weather it sounds like a tropical jungle from about 4:30 AM on...


I set out one of our birdbaths this morning. No visitors yet, but the word will get out quickly!:D

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Mary (Skysmom) - Yep, the concert is 3/24! :cheer Yesterday, I found out I won two tickets from the fun club contest. I'm not sure where the seats are located, but I'm super excited about the extra tickets. I'll be taking a few more friends! Hopefully they will be better seats. :D Then, on April 9th I'm going to see the Red Wings play the Columbus Blue Jackets. My brother got me tickets for my birthday. Lots of fun stuff going on in the next month for me. I think those colors are


Mary (FrLopLady) - Can't wait to see pics! :welcome


Tam - Thanks! Congrats to your son. I was a mat maid (cheerleader for wrestling) when I was in high school.


Judy - Happy House is exactly what I was thinking. :yes


Linda - Are you enjoying the weather? It has warmed up a bunch here, too. :cheer

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Back to my hook. Hubby has worn the fabric off the sofa armrest so I'm using yarn (at HIS suggestion) to make a pair of coverings to drape over both armrests. Using the up and down stitch (sc, dc, etc) and they'll be 11 inches square, in coffee, RHSS.


I DID work a couple of rows on my knitted square this morning...even dug out a notebook to use for notes so I won't destroy the LTK book!


Later, gators!:hug

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okey dokey smokies

I changed the name and redid post one -- see what you think -- let me know if it needs tweaked .

:hug Perfect!!! :hug

I love our new/old Happy House!!!!










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okey dokey smokies

I changed the name and redid post one -- see what you think -- let me know if it needs tweaked .

I like it, too, Julie. Good job!

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Howdy Hi Miss Nicole -- you sure have a booked up busy life !! Always on the go :yes



Thanks, Jude -- I tried to make it short ,which aint easy for me !!:D


Hey, me and Cam would have a blast in your graveyard behind your house . ;)



Thanks dear old Tam - how are you, little sweetie ? :hug

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Thanks Nicole & Linda--

Glad it suits you guys -- just a shortened version and shortened post .


PM'd Amy to let her know I changed the name, but everything else would remain the same -- no other big changes in the works .

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