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STASH BUSTING crochet-along GAME!! ****CLOSED FOR 2007 ****


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Thanks for digging up my score, Anglefire! My Mom was here for a visit from from back home in Manitoba and I haven't been online much since last Wednesday. I had been keeping track of my score (which was actually better than the +4 that got me a bronze :cheer ) but hadn't reported them... I'll just factor it into my YTD score :D

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Anna, I'm negative right now, but that's because I bought all the yarn for holiday gifts. When I get all that done up, I'll be back in the positives and be able to make another scrapghan for myself out of the extras! So, I'll be back in the positives once the holiday gifting is done.


Also, finished 2 skeins working on sweaters! So, good on me for that!!!!


EDIT: Just going to add on to this post so I'm not flooding the boards. I finished 2 more skeins at work tonight. I'm moving along well!

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I busted another skein last night, so I'm standing at +4 for the week! At least I'm going in the right direction (although it's killing me that Yarn Bee Sweet Delight is on sale this week and I can't justify buying any!).

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Can we still join? What do I need to do?

The more the merrier

Everyone who's going to join us, put a line in your signature for Stashbusting Score.


For every SKEIN of yarn you use up completely, you get 2 points.

For every SKEIN of yarn you turn into a small ball, you get 1 point.

For every ball of yarn you use, you get 1 point.


For every SKEIN you buy, get given or inherit, you LOSE 2 points!!!

For every BALL you buy, receive or inherit, you LOSE 1 point!


Clarification: for those of you confused by my terms.

"A Skein" is a brand-new bundle of yarn, a whole unit you buy at the store (or its equivalent, if you wind into cakes)

"A Ball" is when you use up half or more of the skein and have to wind it by hand to prevent it from getting knotted.


You will only get 2 points total for any one skein. 2 points if you use the whole thing all at once. Or, one point if you're using a partial skein started on another project and FINISH it off. Or, a point if you start a skein and use it on a project, then have to store it because your project is done.


So put your Stashbusting Score: (and then your points) in your signature.

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Well, no more pluses for me today (I spent the day doing errands before sleep) and I see another large negative in my future. I'm about to order yarn for three more Weasley sweaters. They're getting popular!!!

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Half done the week, I am at least in the positives. I used up two 6 oz skeins of black sportweight making a costume for a 36" walking doll. Still have leggings and a hat to make for her so hopefully will have more positive points soon!


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I have 2 questions. Question 1, I'm making a cheerleader doll for my niece for her birthday, and I'm making another one for her little sister. When I make the eyes, mouth and hair, I won't need those colors anymore, can I claim all 3 colors for 3 points? Okay my second question. I also make items out of thread, like angels and doilies. Do I get to claim the thread too, and if I do how would the points go?

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As far as points go, you only count them if you use enough of a skein to have to wind to a ball (+1), OR if you use up a skein entirely (+2), OR if you take a ball of yarn and use it up completely (+1). Otherwise, you don't get the point just for using "a bit" of the yarn color.


As for me, DH bought me 10 skeins of Red Heart Soft for my Christening afghan, and I have used up one of those skeins... That is -18 for me. I will (hopefully) return the ones that I don't use on this afghan... it is VERY nice yarn, though!

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This may be a stupid question, and the answer may be in earlier posts, but I'm to lazy to look it up. In the Stashbuster score in the signatures, what does WTD and YTD stand for?

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This may be a stupid question, and the answer may be in earlier posts, but I'm to lazy to look it up. In the Stashbuster score in the signatures, what does WTD and YTD stand for?


WTD=Week to Date

YTD=Year to Date


If you look at my sig, you'll see I've been good this week, but naughty this year overall. :lol

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WTD=Week to Date

YTD=Year to Date


If you look at my sig, you'll see I've been good this week, but naughty this year overall. :lol


Thanks for clearing that up for me Renegade. You've been stash busting for a long time.:hook

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I finally finished the afghan for my Dad for Christmas. I took a picture, but have to wait until I can get on my fiance's computer to upload it. I used up 2 skeins and 1 ball of green (+5) and one skein and one ball of yellow (+3). So I'm +8 for today.....now to continue with some other WIPs that have been on the back-burner all week.....

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Well, I used a skein at work last night and I'll hopefully blow through some of these cotton skeins I brought in with me to make kitchen sets with. I'm moving right along!

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