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Valentine Mystery CAL ..Day #6 Post 354, 329, 308, 284, 124,202


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Thanks so much, Lea! Now to do 3 plain backing squares and put them together--the parents and grandparents will get these (and I may make one for myself :) This was lots of fun! :)

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You all are going to make me :blush ...I always have fun doing these... not sure when the next one will be......perhaps Easter.....


But now...thank all of yOU for having fun with me!!!:hug ...I so love a party!

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I too would like to thank Lea, I had so much fun doing this!! Now I will have to think of something to make with it.

Thank you again for teaching me something new!!!

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Brenda, depending how bit it is, add a tail of a little narrower and make a bookmark, find a little frame and frame it, or perhaps double it and make it a coaster (if it's big enough for a glass). :hook


Besure to post a picture if you can, I'd love to see what it looks like in thread. I may have to try it too.

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I finished 2 and made a pillow for my granddaughter's 5th birthday, which isn't till June. She loves anything that's pink with hearts or flowers. Also got her a pair of earrings, thinking about making a little bag to tie on pillow with those in, what do ya think.



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Wanda Kay, why don't you crochet a 1/2 heart, sew it to the front heart shape and tell her it's a tooth fairy pillow? I think it would be really cute. Of, course, you'd probably have to line the heart in fabric, but that would be easy enough to hand sew a small piece to the back of the 1/2 piece.


Lea, thank you so much for this CAL. I had so much fun and learned alot. Now, I don't have to be afraid of graph's any longer. Hummm... maybe a Prof. Snapp pillow would be a good project! :)

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I missed a day & now can't find day 5's instructions.:( I have gone over & over but I'm missing it! I can find all the instructions that I already have just not day 5.:think Can someone help me please.

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Post 329 for Day 5....


Everyone's looks great! Wanda... as usual beautiful!!!!!! I might have to whip one up for the sunporch rocker.... looks great!...the one I did in thread I just put some large potporri in and made a back ... fer Victorian looking!

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You all are going to make me :blush ...I always have fun doing these... not sure when the next one will be......perhaps Easter.....


But now...thank all of yOU for having fun with me!!!:hug ...I so love a party!



umm.... (quietly mentioning) "doesn't St Paddies day come before Easter??" ((now slinking back out, just lingering the thought behind....))


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Well, I've been working HARD today to get my plain squares done for the backing so I could get them stitched together--and I did it! I used the main color for the sc edging--when I'm sc'ing two pieces together like that, the stitches are so big (cause they have to go through a larger thickness) that I'm just not crazy about a contrasting color sticking out so much. I also added a little hanging loop in one corner and I LOVE how they turned out! I made 3 of these, may have to make a couple more because I can't narrow down who to give them to! lol My only complaint is that sc is soooo boring, but I love how it looks :D Thanks again, Lea!

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:blush I didn't keep the contrasting color to the back of my piece.:think So mine looks kind of tacky. I'll do it again the right way. I'm just thrilled to learn how to change colors. :manyheart I'm looking forward to the next one too!:clap:hook:yarn Lavenia
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hmmm...could make a coaster out of it but don't really have a use for it. I could also make a little bag out of it but don't have a use for that either. What about putting potpurri or cedar in it and hanging the sachet in the closet? hmmmm...that is maybe what I'll have to do. Maybe make one for my sons room too.

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Wow I love the pillow! What a great idea for those that used acrylic yarn instead of cotton. I may try to make my mother one for V Day.


Lea, thank you so much for this CAL. I have been crocheting a long time but never really "got" changing colors within rows, tapestry crochet? I tried & couldn't do it. With your help plus the CAL, everyone adding tips & questions & progress I was able to learn how to do it.


I even went outside the "heart" & made my mom a quick washcloth with her initial on it & gave it to her for her birthday Tuesday (using the the basic principles learned here with graphing). She loved it.

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I'm making a pillow, too! Mine is in cotton, though.


I finished the front last night, washed it and laid it flat to dry. This morning the colors had bled! So I had a pinkish tinge all around where the red and white met. I washed it again this morning and put it on a rack in my dryer to dry instead of laying it out to air dry. I wasn't able to get all the bleeding out, but I got most of it. I was really disappointed. I thought I'd be able to sew the backing on right away, and instead I had a red and white pinkish mess.


I've never used Sugar-n-Cream yarn before, and this experience doesn't make me want to use it again.


When I get the backing sewed on, I'll show everybody! :hook

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I'm making a pillow, too! Mine is in cotton, though.


I finished the front last night, washed it and laid it flat to dry. This morning the colors had bled! So I had a pinkish tinge all around where the red and white met. I washed it again this morning and put it on a rack in my dryer to dry instead of laying it out to air dry. I wasn't able to get all the bleeding out, but I got most of it. I was really disappointed. I thought I'd be able to sew the backing on right away, and instead I had a red and white pinkish mess.


I've never used Sugar-n-Cream yarn before, and this experience doesn't make me want to use it again.


When I get the backing sewed on, I'll show everybody! :hook


I am so, so sorry that happened.:( But sounds like you're taking the lemons and making lemonade! WTG!


About the bleeding, I was given a dishcloth in a variegated cotton with red in it and of course, it now has a pinkish tint to it. But then it's in hot water a lot. You would think, though, that a variegated thread or yarn would be colorfast.


Anyway, I worried that would happen with our CAL. I even thought about pre-washing the red yarn in a laundry mesh bag (can you imagine the tangled up mess I would have had?). I asked Lea and she said it was an item that wouldn't require much in the way of washing. I figured it was something that could be spot cleaned. But after we added the red to our CAL, I did a wash test anyway and only let it soak for a few minutes with liquid handsoap in cold water and then rinsed it out quickly, blotted it in a towel and laid it out to dry. It didn't bleed.


I didn't see anything on the label about colorfastness but I don't see too good and I could have missed it. If Lily doesn't address this problem on the label, then maybe they need to hear from us users suggesting that their labels address this problem. Let them know, although you would think they've got to be aware of it already.

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What gets me is that I hand-washed it in cold, and it looked fine when I laid it out, but after it sat all night to dry, it had bled. If I were making this again, I would definitely use an acrylic yarn, but since this was a mystery I didn't know what it would be and ordered the Sugar-n-Cream just for this.


Oh well. Live and learn!

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I wasn't able to do the day by day CAL...but was able to make the square :clap . Great pattern :hook . I wanted to make my Grandaughter (8) a bag but was told it had to be in BLUE.


Here is the square....




and the finished bag.... "front"




My DGD's name is Mariah so I made an M for the "back"...




and the inside.....






I used redheart with an H hook. The handles are those gold hoops you find at Walmart. The lining fabric has lots of little hearts all over it. It reminds my daughter of Minnie Mouse. Now when I look at it, that's all I can think of :lol .


I think it came out so darn cute that I will be making many more!!



This works out good too cuz I am making her an afghan made of a bunch of different colored squares with bright pink hearts in the center. Now she has a matching bag.

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