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Snow day = Crochet day

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I am super jealous that you have snow!! Where I am, the people higher up the mountain have received some snow this winter..... but not a drop has fallen on my yard, I can't wait till it snows!! I love crocheting while it is snowing, and when the world is covered in white, it just fits!! Hope you get some great work done today!

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Congrats on getting a snow day! Over here in Southern Ontario, we just got our snow this week. Hopefully you won't get an ice storm first. We've lost a lot of branches on our trees around my building.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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During our blizzard just before Christmas I made a sweater and cap for my grandson - haven't had a snow day since though we've had 3 more snow storms since then - Denverites are just too dang hardy!!! - have a great time!!!!

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In north Texas we get "ice days." We've had two this winter so far and that's usually pretty good. We rarely get snow and especially snow that sticks. Here if it snows, it's gone by the afternoon most times. :eek


We had a ice day on Wednesday though. All of the schools closed and even my office was closed. Wooo hooo!!

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We have an Alberta Clipper coming in and then Lake Erie is not frozen so that equals lake effect snow. I live in the snowbelt so that means we get it all. Weatherman says this afternoon thru tomorrow afternoon we will be getting 6-12 inches :eek . I love snow and especially a good storm - hoping for at least an all day gentle snow to crochet by tomorrow.

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We had the "snow" day on Monday. It was more freezing rain and ice balls than snow though. I just know that I wasn't going to drive in it and it ended up that my son's school bus was cancelled as well. Got lots of crocheting done!!!!

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Well I was just in the back room working in my new Q hook. Just playing around making a scarf. The lady in the office that quite often comes in and sits and chats with me asked me what I was making. I told her and she asked if she could buy it :eek


Well sure....:clap


That saves me from having to drag it home.....:hook

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Yay! Home today cause we're getting a snow storm, going work on my afghan and start a bucket hat with ww chenille.


Hehe! :lol I hope your hat turns out as cute and handy as mine did! Share pics? :photo

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aint that the truth Jakswalk, we are suppose to get hit again with ice :( Weird Texas weather eh lol

ut ohwell we will get a chance to crochet and knit lol



In north Texas we get "ice days." We've had two this winter so far and that's usually pretty good. We rarely get snow and especially snow that sticks. Here if it snows, it's gone by the afternoon most times. :eek


We had a ice day on Wednesday though. All of the schools closed and even my office was closed. Wooo hooo!!

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Oh I Want It To Snow, I Live In The San Fernando Valley Of Southern California, We Havent Had A Decent Winter Yet. Its Dry And Windy. Okay We Got About A Fraction Of Inch Of Snow But The Other Day And Today Its About 70 And Sunny. I Love To Crochet When Its Rainy And Cold.....

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I love snow days. They mean sleeping late, no school or work, and time to work on whatever you want. I am definately waiting for another one! Maybe Monday in the Chicagoland area! All I can do is hope!


I hope you enjoyed your day!



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Tracy, weren't those ice balls the weirdest thing? We still have some rolling around under the snow. :lol


We started out with snow today, but the roads were fine. Now? WHITE OUT!




I'm in for the rest of the day, alone (well, our pooch and I, until about midnight when hubby gets home from work; kids are at their Dad's this weekend), with all the munchies I could possibly want and none that I need, got 3 cheesie new magazines sitting beside the tub with some cozy jammies ready for me to jump into (might even do that now), and tons to crochet!


Sing it with me ... "Heaven ... I'm in Heaven!"



(Hmm, did that make me sound like a terrible Mom? LOL What can I say, they're teenagers!) :devil


(Just kiddding ... I really do love 'em to pieces and miss them like crazy when they're not here!)


Really, I do!

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*lol* I was in very southern Texas (almost Mexico) last week trying to describe what it's like to have 12" of snow on the ground. The guys who'd lived there all their lives had a hard time believeing it. I like snow days too. Unfortunately, there really wasn't enough to justify it this morning and I had an important call coming in this afternoon. I'm just glad we finally got a half in or so! We've had a bit of rain, but now it's finally winter here. Week after next I get to go to major winter... North Dakota! :snow

:flake :flake :flake :flake :flake :flake :flake :flake

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Hehe! :lol I hope your hat turns out as cute and handy as mine did! Share pics? :photo


I wish it had. :( It turned out very loose and the brim won't curl right. I should have used a smaller hook. Maybe try it again another time with different yarn.

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Ok, i'm no longer having to be jealous of your snow!!!!! A couple hours ago the kids came running down the stairs screaming that it was snowing outside!!! :clap:cheer :cheer


So, they put on their newly made by mommy winter wear (by newly made i mean check out show and tell, they were finished wednesday and thursday :lol) and went outside to catch the flakes on construction paper, and see how they are all different! We had HUGE flakes, :yay

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