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New Yarn Storage

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Hey! Guess what. Those new Ziplock "Big Bags" are *perfect* for yarn storage! I saw a commercial on TV and bought some of these at Wal Mart today. I love 'em!!!




As you can see (if you enlarge that) I got the XXL size. (You can also see one or two of my recent "but it's on sale!" splurges :blush:lol ) (and I'm not showing you the rest of them!!! :devil )

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They do make great project bags :-) They've been out about two years - I used some to move here. The 2XL will also hold a full bolt of fabric (or two), and they're roomy enough I can stash my sewing machine and computer in them in case of bad weather (hurricane season is sneaking slowly up on us). I do wish that they had gusseted bottoms so they'd stand up a little better ...

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Those are what I have my comfortghan yarns and squares in!


It so great to resort into them, too. I've got all the comfortghan yarn sorted by color family now, and it really helped me get a better idea of what I'm going to do.


I have FOUR XL bags full of yarn that go donated to me (or that I bought with $$$ from friends that are also friend of the recipients).


Anyway, yeah, the XL bags are great for yarn storage that you are going to go in and out of alot. I have some of those plastic drawer towers, and those are nice for stash yarn.


And I have some baskets in the living room that have "current" projects in them (current as in "I made at least one stitch in this in recent memory, lol!), but I think I may move some of the living room yarn into XL bags and stash it in my closet, too. Or under the bed. Or behind a chair. They are just so squishy and hideable!

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but I think I may move some of the living room yarn into XL bags and stash it in my closet, too. Or under the bed. Or behind a chair. They are just so squishy and hideable!


Don't you just love that about yarn :wlol

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I wonder if they have crossed the border yet? How new are they?


They would be nice for project bags.


I live in Pennsylvania and I haven't seen them yet..not even an ad on TV. I can't wait to get my hands on some!!!

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To those of you who have these bags and are using them


Are they anything like the "space saver" bags?

Meaning if you remove the air does it stay out?

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Actually I have a whole bunch of them. They are AWESOME for extra bedding and comforter sets. I just stored a Queen Size set with bedspread and sheets in the Grande size. Also, they're just perfect for sliding under the bed.


They're way cheaper than the plastic storage containers and ...




After I fill one I close the ziplock most of the way, lay on top of it to get the air out and vaccuum seal it and finish sealing it.


I have to sort thru my yarn before I but it away. My sweetie bear decided to help me with that and it's all FUBAR'd now. So much for men helping to sort yarn. It was a surprise! He was surprised when I came home and said "What did you do ?!?!?!?!?!?" instead of being happy that he helped.


Oh - I always put fabric softener sheets or cedar balls in the bags when I'm going to store it for a while.



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Funny you should mention those, I JUST saw those at the store the last week and was thinking about getting some. I just bought two more plastic bins with the fold over tops in an effort to get my stash 'under control' and these would be helpful so I can see at a glance what's what. Thanks!

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I've had the bags for awhile now and have been using them for projects. I'm thinking about using one to make a bedside pochet to put projects in. I'll crochet a pocket big enough for one of the bags to fit into and add a flap that will go under my mattresses so the bag will hang right beside the bed. Putting the bag in will make the ball of yarn slide better. Also I could zip it closed so my puppies won't steal the projects. They like to play with yarn.

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Just one quick question... Are these considered acid free?


I don't know about that but they do list their contact info on the box :D


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  • 3 months later...

wow these are great ideas ;). Thank you for sharing them. I like the idea of using those extra big zip bags for projects, but I´m not sure if they have them where I live. I always use the ziplock bags for little projects or to carry around some wips.

I have tons of storage bins in different colours I bought in IKEA and baskets all around the house with more yarn. I started somethings like a craft room a while ago ( still in progress) and I bought a cool cabinet IKEA again) where you can store lots of yarns in some cool plastic drawes.

When I use the plastic bags and the yarn is going to be stored for a long time I put those softener sheets or cedar balls in them, they are wonderful.

But I still need more ideas so I will come back here to see if anyone has some mroe tips or ideas to share :).

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I live in Pennsylvania and I haven't seen them yet..not even an ad on TV. I can't wait to get my hands on some!!!


I live in PA too. The Clemens, well. er... now Giant near me has them. (Grocery stores) right with the rest of the baggies and plastic wrap and stuff. I think I've seen them in WM as well, but I don't go there very often....

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I have them but haven't used them for yarn. I have blankets/comforters stuff like that stashed in them. YARN!!! ummmm might have to do that:lol

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Well, I picked some up last night at Giant. Actually, I picked up the Glad version (slide zipper and just a bit bigger and cheeper). I plan on using them for my yarn and then putting my cloth from sewing projects into my 3-drawer plastic thingy... Hopefully this will help de-clutter the craft room a bit...

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