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The Pursuit of Happyness

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Wasn't sure where else to stick this. I went to the movies last night with my 14yo DD and it was such a wonderful movie. If you go, I highly suggest bringing a big box of tissues as my DD and I kept getting popcorn in our eyes :blush Okay, I'll admit it, it's a real tear jerker. The kid in it is such a little sweetheart.


As we were watching it, I noticed two rather beautiful granny squares afghans in it. One was large squares in black and white and the other was smaller squares in brown, orange and either white or yellow (hard to tell in the dark). Before I could mention them to my DD, she leaned over and said "Yes mom, I already know you could probably make them". Honestly, I can't wait to work up the pattern and do them :devil


Just wanted to share but I highly suggest seeing this movie if you like tearjerkers. I normally don't watch them but this was a real good one.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I just checked the Christian reviews and, aside from a couple of bits, it looks like one I might go see. I don't like movies and try not to give Hollywood any money.


This is a theme I would like to see played out. I can get a glimpse of those 'ghans that way. Like we need an excuse to go and see afghnas :wlol

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I really liked the afghans in the movie :lol I noticed them right away too :) I think I'm an odd ball tho because I really didn't like the movie. Yea it was a good ending but I had 2 problems with it. 1 it was really really long and dragged out and 2 I don't believe that money is the key to happiness. Anyways ... I digress... I think I'm one of the few people that didn't like this movie

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I really liked the afghans in the movie :lol I noticed them right away too :) I think I'm an odd ball tho because I really didn't like the movie. Yea it was a good ending but I had 2 problems with it. 1 it was really really long and dragged out and 2 I don't believe that money is the key to happiness. Anyways ... I digress... I think I'm one of the few people that didn't like this movie



You're not an oddball for not liking the movie, everyone has their own tastes. While I agree money isn't the key to happiness, I do believe that it helps in giving those you love what makes them happy.


BTW, the little boy in the movie is Will Smiths real son Jaden.


Wasn't he just adorable? I think he looks just like his dad. Every time he told a joke, he reminded me of my DD Breanna who loves to tell jokes. And he had those cheeks you just want to pinch. The explanation for why it was spelt Happyness was cute as well but I'm not going to ruin it and spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet. I never thought I'd see Will Smith play a role as dramatic as this one but he did a really great job at it.


I agree with you Darski, Hollywood hasn't been putting out a lot of movies that are worth the price of a ticket. I love movies and used to go on a regular basis but lately, it seems like everything they put out is just a bunch of special effects hiding the story or there's no storyline to it at all. I don't think our generation is going to produce anything that's going to be listed as one of the great classics.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Will Smith's children are both just gorgeous. His little daughter Willow is surely a charmer. I saw them on the Oprah show and Jaden is really am awesome little boy. I am a big Will Smith fan from way back ans still catch reruns of "Fresh prince" on tv.


While I agree that money can't buy happiness I also think having it is a whole lot better than being homeless! The man this story was based on has also helped young people through college and has changed alot of lives. Sure, he's made his money, but he also knows where he came from.


And after doing all he has done, he says the greatest achievement of his life is that he broke the cycle of child abandonment that ran in his family. He never met his own father until he was 28 and swore he would never leave his own son.


He made lots and lots of money, but he surely has his priorities straight!



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1 it was really really long and dragged out and 2 I don't believe that money is the key to happiness. Anyways ... I digress... I think I'm one of the few people that didn't like this movie



Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Funny thing is is didn't think is was all that long, maybe I just got caught up in it.


And I didn't think the message that money is the key to happiness was what the movie was about.


I thought the message was that no matter where your from you do not have to repeat the cycles of poverty and abandonment. No matter what, he was going to hold on to his son and take care of him. I didn't think it was about making money or becoming rich, I thouht it was about finding security and stability and not turning your back on your responsibilities.


In real life the man is now very sucessful but does a tremendous amout of charity work and funding of innercity children's education.


Funny how 10 diff people can see a movie or read a book and get 10 different messages :)


I just love Will Smith. I remember an interview years ago when he was asked why the lyrics to his songs were so clean compared to the other preformers out there. He said that when he first started to get famous he had recorded on song with foul language and when his Grandmother heard it she told him how disappointed she was in him. That an intelligent man could get his point accross with out being vulgar and made him promise never to record music with foul language again. He never did. Now that'a a boy who was raised right and taught how to have his priorities straight.

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Don't get me wrong I wasn't putting down the man who the movie was about. I would have just rather seen more about him doing charity work and all of that with the money.

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I think that people would think differently about the movie had the title been different. There are a zillion movies about homeless or poor people who climb out of poverty and no one has a problem with it.


Anyway, I loved the movie and I can't wait for it to come out on DVD. :)

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Don't get me wrong I wasn't putting down the man who the movie was about. I would have just rather seen more about him doing charity work and all of that with the money.



Oh, gavinsmom, I didn't think you were. I truly believe you are entitled to your opinion. I was really just commenting on how different people get different messages from the same movie or book.


I was a single Mom for a very long time and lived below the poverty level and yes even received govt. help for a short time. While I could have let my children go live with family while I got on my feet, I chose to work 2 jobs and go to school to get a degree AND keep my children with me. I really connected with his need to provide a better life for his son and remove himself from the viscious cycle of poverty.


Money is not the answer to happiness, but self respect and self reliance and the ability to pay the bills goes a long way :)

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Money is not the answer to happiness, but self respect and self reliance and the ability to pay the bills goes a long way :)



That is what I think the movie is really about. I don't think his pursuit was necessarily for wealth but for self worth, a better home life for his son and a job where he could use his gifts and intelligence.

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That is what I think the movie is really about. I don't think his pursuit was necessarily for wealth but for self worth, a better home life for his son and a job where he could use his gifts and intelligence.


I couldn't have said that better Barbara Jean. I agree with you. :yes

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I do agree with Angie. Money is not everything. Just look at us, we can go shopping for an expensive crochet item at department store or choose to spend time to make it at home. Of course the joy of making things with our two hands is unmeasurable. So yep, money doesn't buy everything.


Btw, I saw the afghans and turned to my roommate who saw the movie with me and told her "that thing is crocheted!" She laughed, realizing I was so deep into this crochet business :D


Personally, I think the movie industry really charges us an arm and a leg for tickets. I usually go to movies 2, 3 times a year or wait until it comes to dollar theater (tickets are $1 each!)

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Don't get me wrong I wasn't putting down the man who the movie was about. I would have just rather seen more about him doing charity work and all of that with the money.


Maybe they'll continue in true Hollywood fashion and make a sequal :D


Shortylam, gotta love those cheaper theatres. There was one in Toronto near where I used to live. Nothing said heavenly like sitting in a balcony watching movies that haven't been in a theatre in a while. My favorite was seeing The Shining on the big screen since I was too young when it first came out.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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  • 4 months later...
As we were watching it, I noticed two rather beautiful granny squares afghans in it. One was large squares in black and white and the other was smaller squares in brown, orange and either white or yellow (hard to tell in the dark). Before I could mention them to my DD, she leaned over and said "Yes mom, I already know you could probably make them". Honestly, I can't wait to work up the pattern and do them :devil


Hi Auntie Kellie


Just wondering if you have got the pattern for the black & white (I thought it was brown & cream, must be my eyes :P) afghan?



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No, I haven't figured out the pattern yet but I'm working on it. I bought the DVD just so I could study the B&W one. When I bought the movie, I told my DH it was for the afghan. He then dragged out my copies of Casa Blanca, Gone With The Wind and Fried Green Tomatoes and asked me to show him the crocheted items I wanted to make from those movies :blush. I tried to tell him that GWTW was for the dresses so I could recreate them for the kids but I couldn't explain the other two. Guess I'm a closet chick flick watcher.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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I agree with those that said the movie and pursuit isn't about the money itself. It's about getting off the street and taking care of himself and his son. It's about not leaving/losing his son no matter what so that his son would know him, unlike his own father.

I also disagree to a point about money not buying happiness. It does in a way. If I'm not worring about feeding my child, if I'm able to spend some time with him and not all my time at work, then I can be happy. I too have been a single mom and worked myself silly wondering how I was going to pay the bills. Trust me you can be more at peace/content/happy if you're not going to bed every night wondering if your lights will be turned off the next day or not.



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Isn't it typical of all of us to notice the crocheted items no matter where we

are. They just jump out at us. I always love to observe the color variations.

There are so many colors that I would never even think to put together until

I actually saw it done. By the way what was the name of the movie?

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No, I haven't figured out the pattern yet but I'm working on it. I bought the DVD just so I could study the B&W one. When I bought the movie, I told my DH it was for the afghan. He then dragged out my copies of Casa Blanca, Gone With The Wind and Fried Green Tomatoes and asked me to show him the crocheted items I wanted to make from those movies :blush. I tried to tell him that GWTW was for the dresses so I could recreate them for the kids but I couldn't explain the other two. Guess I'm a closet chick flick watcher.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K


:lol They just don't get it, do they?


I am desperate to begin making this rug. I finished a tartan rug for one son and the other one wants the rug he saw in this movie. I will re-hire the movie & just do a count of the rounds to start with. I can barely follow a pattern so all my crocheting is done by looking & testing things out.

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Isn't it typical of all of us to notice the crocheted items no matter where we

are. They just jump out at us. I always love to observe the color variations.

There are so many colors that I would never even think to put together until

I actually saw it done. By the way what was the name of the movie?


Yes, crochet does catch our eye! I was walking by a lady in church last evening and saw a beautiful bit of crochet hanging over her arm. Of course, I couldn't resist walking up and touching it and asking if she had made it.

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