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Hubby starting a yarn stash

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Soo my hubby says he LOVES this cotton yarn I bought and started making a bunny for Tristan yesterday. He's so proud of it so far (has the head done) and says he REALLY enjoys crocheting more than he thought. He's crocheted some here and there but has really wanted to make stuffed animals for Tristan to play with.


Anyway we've (read ME) have agreed to behave and not buy any more yarn or anything for a little while since I've kinda gone a little crazy and money is a little tight after the holidays. Well last night he tells me that he would like to stop at AC Moore after work because he NEEDS more yarn for his bunny creation. First, I told him I have plenty of yarn that he could use and he says he wants his OWN and its not the right colors that he wants lol Ahhh the irony to hear that from him!! hehe


So anyway I surely want to encourage him to keep crocheting steadily and really enjoy seeing him so proud of what he's doing. So apparently the "yarn ban" that is going on is only for me and my hubby's yarn stash is going to be officially established! =)


I just think its too funny, he was discussing with me the different things he wants to make and what yarn colors he's thinking of picking up. I hope his yarn stash will be safe from me, I love the colors he is talking about picking up hehe

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Oh also, I'd like to ask this question.


Hubby doesnt want to use my fiberfill for the bunny...he wants to use cotton or something. I don't know why he is snubbing his nose at my polyester fiberfill lol


Anyone hear of another type of stuffing that would work for stuffing toys?

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Fiber fill is really the best option for animals. It keeps it's "fluff" better than cotton. The other plus is you can plop the bunny in the wash and a little in the dryer and it washes and dries up fast. Cotton is more likely to settle and compact so the toy would not keep it's shape well.


The next best option would be wool. Wool has more spring to it so it's also a good choice for toys. Draw back is it's expensive and not washable. You would only be able to surface wash the animal. I would only surface wash a cotton filled toy because you would use so much cotton fill to fill it that it might not ever dry.

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You're so lucky to have a husband interested in crocheting!


My husband doesn't seem to want to learn, but he did sit down once and chain a bunch, then try some SCs. I guess his mom taught him a little when he was a kid, or something. He lost interest pretty fast.


But at least he gives me color advice when I'm making things, or offers his opinion, asked and unasked, on things I'm making. I'm so glad he at least listens to me while I babble on about crochet stuff. :)

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Ok I will try harder to convince him to use my fiberfill stuff. I just wasn't sure if there were other options as I never really checked around since i had my fiberfill stuff.


Thanks for the responses, now I'm sure he'll be disappointed (for whatever reason, he's a weirdo) lol


I'm very excited about it, he's done it here and there..made a hat for Tristan and a few squares here and there but he seems really into this bunny and has plans for some other toys and such so...I'm hoping it will graduate into afghans and other stuff too!!


He told me he wants to make me something for Valentine's Day, I think thats so sweet. Better than anything else he could buy me =)

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Oh dear, competing yarn stashes in the future! How great is that?! It is wonderful your hubby has seemed to find the niche for him to really get into crochet. Tell him to join Crochetville so we can encourage him!

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Your Problem with your hubby and yarn sound like me and my BF problem with tools. I keep wanting to buy more tools for my work and he says no, but every week the snap on fairy brings him something new.

(We both work on diesels and stuff)

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Your Problem with your hubby and yarn sound like me and my BF problem with tools. I keep wanting to buy more tools for my work and he says no, but every week the snap on fairy brings him something new.

(We both work on diesels and stuff)


Aww, the Snap On Fairy visits your hubby, too? :lol


I tried to teach mine to crochet but he could barely "get" making chains. Watching him try to maneuver the hook into the stitches reminded me of my cat trying to pick something up with his paw. And then I realized he was watching TV over my shoulder, so I gave up. LOL

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Very cool that DH is now joining you in your addiction!! And that your sweet boy is totally benefitting from all of Daddy's learning attempts LOL!! As far as stuffing materials....I've heard other members suggesting using those little left over balls of yarn that are too small to do anything else with as stuffing...maybe that would work???



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LOL well I wouldn't let go of my little balls of yarn for stuffing! hehe


He has agreed to use fiberfill and last night got the head and body done on the rabbit, and its all stuffed! They didn't have the color gray he wanted yesterday so...he's faced with having to find out what other color he wants to use.


As far as a "room" I don't have enough of a stash now to need a room. I have 2 - 30 gallon totes full of yarn, an old bed in a bag bag full of thread, another 20 gallon tote full of patterns/books and 2 or 3 wicker baskets with misc works in projects and such.


Trust me though we've discussed the room thing, when we buy a new house (after living here in our house for another 3 or 4 years) one of the things we agreed was that it would have an extra room for me to store my crafts and things in and be able to set up my sewing machine for quilting. I don't do much of my quilting at all because of my 18-month old but soon I think I may be able to get back into it. Enjoying crocheting so much now though =)

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