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My wonderful family

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They listen! For Christmas from my inlaws I got great software for my embroidery machine and from the rest I got crochet goodies. There were several crochet books from my parents and husband and my husband not only gave me a set of Quicksilver hooks (which I requested) he also gave me a set of hand-carved rosewood hooks, sizes G through K. They feel wonderful and are absolute works of art, in a nice cloth carrying case. I had seen them at a local shop but never would have asked for them because of the price tag. On top of these great gifts, my oldest daughter knitted me one of the most beautiful scarves I've ever seen. And this is in addition to other, non-craft gifts. I am really spoiled!

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Oh what a lucky person you are! :cheer So many wonderful goodies:c9


Yes, I am very lucky to have the family I have. It isn't just that they do things like this, but my husband and kids are especially supportive of all my weirdness!

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