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Makes me rethink how much I charge....

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Don't raise your prices too quickly. If you look, you'll see that she's been selling on ebay since April 2005, but has only 32 people leaving feedback. They're not exactly selling like hotcakes.

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Her friends may be raising the bidding, but in the end someone has to pay. There are people in the world with lots of money who may like this type of original looking stuff. Christmas is a good time to sell things like this as well.

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i was shocked when i saw the price!!! they are cute, but they aren't that cute.... any crocehter with a pattern could make em, lol. I'd rather spend my money on real unique things, like maybe if they were freeform, ya know, something I can't do myself, lol.

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I don't get it. :think I'm faaaaaar from an experienced hooker...and I could easily make something like that...even without a pattern. Even before I could crochet I wouldn't pay that much for something like that. Finally...even if her friends are bidding it up...who on earth would compete with those prices? I just don't get it.:think Then again...I'm amazed at what people will pay big bucks for on ebay.

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When I said I think her friends are bidding I said that because alot of times if people se things going for a high prcie they think well someones willing to pay that so they will too :lol I don't get it but some people are followers & have too much money to spend.


I also agree I could make those it would be easy enough to figure out & even if you can't crochet you could make somthing similiar out of felt Or other material.

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An attorney at work saw me "knitting" yesterday (crocheting) and commented that she'd seen some crocheted earrings in a high-end catalog for $750:eek !!!! I didn't get a chance to ask her which catalog or find out of they were yarn or wire... and I would have offered to make her some for the greatly reduced price of only $500:lol

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