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Bedspread Bonanza


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Tracey, that looks great:yay ! Your DD must have an artist's eye - I never would have thought to change the color for the center!:hook

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Thank you lady's for your comments. I figured to post early as I will have my blue star CAL here tomorrow for a week of work on it.


Judi~ Artist is the word for my little one. Well not so little anymore but will be always to me.;) She wants to major in Culiary Arts adn combine her love of pastry making and her artist skills. Some of the things she can do with Fondant is amazing. She makes full bloom roses the size of your little fingernail. And her drawings are really very good.

One of her pieces is here if you care to look.



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Wow, Tracey! She knows how to make the figures look like they want to walk off the page! I can see her doing something very special with such a gift!:c9

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I will be taking her with me in the future to pick out yarn colors, that is for sure. She has already started pointing out which colors I should stay away from. Such as Green doesn't look good on me because my face is too pink. But I can wear Red just fine. I get lessons on cool and warm colors and why this color works with that color but not with another color. I just told her, I don't need lessons, I have her :rofl

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You know what is sad, I ran out of red here at work. It has been a very very slow day, and I begged DH to let me go home. That didn't exactly happen, so here I sit with my black yarn only making the centers. I have 8 full square attached and one square that needs the last row of red, and 11 centers and working on more. Figure out it takes 15 minutes with interuptions to make a center. I am bored of the centers. At least with the Casablanca you get to change colors. Okay 20 centers out of 63. Back to making centers for me.

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Poor Tracey. A perfect day to crochet at work and then you run out of yarn. How frustrating! :hug

I'm doing the crocheted quilt cal, too, and I find myself not remembering what I put in this one and what I put in that one. Is that a split mind hiccup? :devil Anyway, I did not go out in the rain, sleet, etc. today. At least, not yet.

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wow tracy your daghter is very tallented

and i love you bedspred

i loved the motive you`re making and long time i was planning to make a coloured shawl from it :)



thanks for the wishing

glad to hear you are half way cam`t wait to see it



is it ok to felt any 100%wool bs??

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Well I have finally been able to get on the computer. My DH has been taking the laptop to work with him and our other computer is upstairs in our bonus room and not really childproofed completely for my toddler. I have seven squares attached and am about to start my eighth. I am just slowly plugging along. So much has been going on around here lately that I haven't had a chance to crochet as much as I would like to.

Tracey-I looooove your BS for your DD. I was thinking about doing that pattern, but I never thought about changing out the center. I now need to dig my book back out and relook at that pattern. That will have to be another day. I need to stay focused on the tasks at hand.

I can't wait till tomorrow to see everyones pics.

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because of the fact that the ladeis from us includeing our big boss julie then now in her area its 4 am so she`s not waked yet so i`ll continue working on my progress little more then i`ll post a picture:)

it`s photo friday ladeis we will have lots of awsom photos

hmmmmmm maybe i should prepare a speach for all of the tallented ladeis around here :)

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Julie~ YOu have got to be like my SIster Bek, She ever sleeps wheeeen everyone else in the house is. Everytime I stay with her, she takes little cat naps day and night. Learned real fast to get my own car, so I can go and do my own thing. The best thing about being at her place is you will be rested and relaxed when you leave. She has the perfect country home to take a vacation from life at.

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Everyone is doing such a great job on their bespreads. I can't wait to see todays pictures. As you can see I still have a ways to go on mine, but I'm getting there in between my other projects. Here's what I've done thus far.


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Wanda, that is truly awesome! :yay Great work! :cheer:clap All those popcorns would drive me crazy!!!:2eek I'll get my pictures up in a little while. I'm not all that awake yet.

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is it ok to felt any 100%wool bs??

Do you mean to make a BS out of wool?

If that's your question...IMO...NO! First, it would have to be very oversized so once felted it would still cover your bed. It would take FOREVER! ...the other reason is expense. 100% wool isn't the cheapest yarn to work with...

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