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My yeehaw lady hat


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I LOVE it!!! In fact, I like yours even more than the one depicted in the HH book.........the yarn you used is wonderful. A question, what yard DID you use? I was not convinced I wanted to make this after seeing it in the book, but your model has convinced me otherwise. Keep up the great work!:clap:yarn:clap:yarn

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Wow! That came out great! Love your yarn choice. I have the book and every once in a while I read the pattern.... but it looks so confusing. Maybe after the holidays I'll just give it a try.



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Thanks for all you nice comments!


The yarn I used is 100% acrylic yarn (very cheap).

I crocheted with double strand, a blue and a dark blue.

I was very surprised how the hat came out with this really cheap yarn. The pattern is very good!

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excellent! I was putting this one off because i wasnt sure what it would turn out like in acrylic. I think il keep a look out for a nice colour for one for my BF - wonder if il get it done in time for Christmas.....

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Thank you! :)



excellent! I was putting this one off because i wasnt sure what it would turn out like in acrylic. I think il keep a look out for a nice colour for one for my BF - wonder if il get it done in time for Christmas.....


xampx - It took me only two days! It is not a big project but the result is awesome!

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