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Layette and grandma time!!



found out I'm going to be a grandma for the first time! Me.. a grandma.. at 41! my married son and his wife are having an opps! :oops weren't planning this for awhile. Yikes!


Okay, YIPPIE! :yay2


I get to crochet new little baby things! Never had a reason before (except baby showers)


Any favorite sites/patterns anyone can link me to for favorite baby crochet??


The more intricate the better! I love the beautiful and hard to do stuff!!


Simple stuff is great too.. Heck, anything is great!! :cloud9

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This is the best time! You are like me I love making baby things. I don't have children of my own but I have God children. After December I am going to have 17 Grand God children! I am only 48 years old.


I have to make 4 baby blankets by December. I have already done 3 and now I am on my 4th!


I am so happy for you! :hug

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Congrats! The good thing about starting projects "just in case" is you can stock pile for either the next baby, or for showers and such.


I wish someone I know would get pregnant. I love making baby things, but no one ever has girls in my family it seems.

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Thanks for the congrat's everyone!! I've started a christening gown.. and next I will start on a little boy christening outfit. Just gotta be prepared for either, you know.


I LOVE the star afghan/blanket pattern, and am anxious to check out the other sites mentioned. Thanks everyone!


The names they picked-- Jason or Hannah.

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Awwww, what a cute way to tell you!!


When DH & I told my mom, we were giving not too subtle hints but she wasn't picking up on it, lol! Finally had to come right out and say it <img border=0 src="http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/eek.gif" />


Anyway, you are going to have a blast making all those adorable baby things!!

I just finish this blanket <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/va3/heartfeltangels/littlestarafghan.html" target="_new">star blanket</a> and there is a picture of mine <a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v201/ilexmi/starghan.jpg" target="_new">here</a>


It worked up very easily but it's nice because it's something unusual.




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Congratulations! :))


Babies are so much fun. Especially when you can send them home when you get tired! :frog:ha


Kayla ~ I love that! (thank you for sharing that quote)

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Congratulations on your "surprise" grandchild!


I will say, I think Roseanne (yes, from the TV show) put it best when DJ once asked her if he was a mistake. Bear with me, the quote may not be exact...


DJ~"Was I a mistake?"

Roseanne~"No DJ, you were a surprise."

DJ~"What's the difference?"

Roseanne~"A mistake is something you didn't want. A surprise is something you didn't know you wanted until it happened."


When my dtr started asking why I had her so young (I was 19) I gave her the above explanation. I hope that doesn't come across as a lecture, because I surely don't mean it that way. Just giving an alternative to "oops."



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Guest kitchwitch

Many Congratulations!

You're not too young, I'm 38 and have 5 grandkids. It just means you can enjoy them longer.:)


If you want some really cute patterns, try http://www.angelcrafts.net


I think that's the address, if not you can search on google or something.

Anyway, you have to register, but it's free.

My favorite is the Round Ripple Baby afghan. It works up so quickly.


Also, Bev's Country Cottage has tons of patterns and loads of links.

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CONGRATULATIONS :bounce :bounce :bounce :bounce

I am 42 and I am a Grandma too! I have 2 granddaughters :)

My son told me about the oldest in an e-mail and I was at work. :oops However, my son and his wife are not "into" crocheted items :( so each of the girls got a baby blanket. My DH's daughter is due in November and she wants all of the crocheted items I can get to her :bounce . Needless to say, I am only to happy to oblige. So far I have made her:

2 buntings (1 done and 1 on it's way to being done)

A sweater and hat

Several hats

5 pairs of booties

3 blankies (1 done, 1 almost done and one started)

Needless to say, I have many WIP'S. :)


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Congratulations Grandma!! I think my mom was only 38-39 yrs when she first became a grandma. Both my sister and I had baby girls 8 weeks apart!


Little crochet mitts are a must so baby doesnt scratch her/his face. Crochet set to bring baby home from the hospital in including cap, sweater, booties. A baby blanket that totally matches the nursery theme/colors. I just love crocheting for new babies :)h

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Ohh so cute the way Jason, my son, told me! Called me on the phone and asked.. "Watcha doin"

"looking on the internet," I said.

"What for?"

"Awh, just for crochet patterns."

"find anything to make" I heard a smile in his voice.

"nah, not really" I said, I was curious why his sudden interest, then he said,

"How about little girl or boy clothes and blankets." :hug

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