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holiday SNOWMAN crochetalong!


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I made this snowman because I love mantle mittens. I don't actually have a mantle so it's a door hanger for me :lol




I am trying to write a pattern but it is pretty much a crochet by the seat of your pants thingy. Most of you could probably copy it if you want one.


I might still get the lights across the top or add a brim ... we'll see.



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That's real cute Darski. :cheer

I've done a couple of small snowmen. I came up with the pattern myself! :D That's big for me. I've never done a stuffed animal or anything stuffed for that matter, so for me to come up with a pattern was a big thing. I'll post a picture soon. Gotta get back to making squares:hook

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Just found this post and i am about done with a snowman that I made out of plastic bags. i needed to make b/c i heard that people make staffed things out of plastic and use what the handles that they cut off to use for the staffing. It does work great for staffing. I just need to finish stuffing it and make a hat from trash bags and a scarve. Don't know what color bags i want to use for that. The pattern that i am is from a snowman that someone gave to me for christmas some years back. While i hope i can put a picture up here when I am done.



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Darski- I love your snowman door hanger!!! How fun!


Here are my snowman parts. :lol I will be assembling them this weekend.



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That is toooo cute! I don't have a mantle either :D , the first thing that popped in my head was it would be a cute little stocking for the kids. Santa fills our stockings with little things, so the big stockings don't look full and my oldest always looks soooo disappointed(not that he doesn't spend 10 minutes rippin through everything else to realize he only has the stocking left!)

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A mantle mitten is a replacement for a stocking. I just think they are cute and always wanted to make one. i was thinking that the thumb would be a neat place for some very special but small item.

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I started a snowman today. :sman I have been going snowman crazy today. My four year old and I made one out of paper with little snowflakes all around (ahem, I mean *I* made one...) It was still fun though. Then I looked through all my magazines where I thought I remembered snowman patterns. I am almost positive I had one with about five different snowmen out of thread. :think I'll look more tomorrow.



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I thought I would share this bit of Snow wisdom in this thread...


Today's CleanQuote


"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together."

- Vesta M. Kelly:flake :wlol

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Oh I'm in! It's been a while since I've done a CAL. I bought yarn ages ago to make a snowman and this will be the perfect jump to get me going.


Plus it will be a nice distraction from the move. (I hate packing.):2snowman

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I finished mine! It's a little guy, but I am just pleased as punch with him.




And the details:


Pattern: Snowy McFlurry, my own design

Yarn: Bernat Baby fingering weight in a shimmering "White", an unknown red with silver metallic thread, and orange embroidery floss, small amount of each

Hooks: Steel size 1 for head/body, steel size 2 for carrot nose, H for hat and scarf

Started: November 18, 2006

Finished: November 18, 2006

Dimensions: 2 1/2" tall

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I just:manyheart your cute snowman he is just so adorable.


I would like to make a Xmas Tea Cosy to put on my china teapots red and green of course but do not have a pattern.


I have two o fmy Mums cosies she khitted and put on china ladies on the top and the knitted part was their dress shall post a photo.

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