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Mighty Oak Scarflette


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I am finally posting the results of my pattern testing! It's this pattern



I kept making more stuff and felting it. :lol I altered things a bit by deciding to felt the scarf "branch" part. After the fact I realized I should have joined it into a tube before felting, so I ended up making it 1/2 the length I wanted and sewing the 2 ends together to make a tube... and adding some little circles into the ends. While the stitchery is a bit crude, it gave me the look I wanted! :cheer So, sorry - no closer up shots than these. :lol




Mighty%20Oak%20scarflette__thumb.jpg 2913228390026294795CkwXPE_th.jpg


I still have a non-felted branch so I'm going to make some non-felted leaves/acorns for it too, at some point, which will look more like the original.....:)

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