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Crochet Fantasy is back---


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I just recieved my copy of the new Crochet Fantasy Mag.


This is from page 1:

"Effective immediately, all subscription offers prior to Feb. 15, 2005 are null and void. For the current, valid subscription prices please see our ad on page 64."


So I guess this is a curtesy copy or something. I had half a year left on my subscription when they decided to dump the magazine. It will be $20 for 4 issues. Starting with the Summer issue it is suppose to increase in size -- hince the increase in price verses number of issues.


I'm not real thrilled with this issue. You'll have to see it and decide for yourself, but if this is improving. . . I'm not impressed. I will hold out on judgement until the next issue which will be when this new group completely takes over. This one is like a combo issue.


Anyway, look out for a copy if you had a subscription, but be prepared to pay for the following ones.



by the way: this one is only 64 pages....hmmmmm

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Actually, I think I remember reading they'll honor your subscription if you paid directly to the magazine...if you got it from a magazine deal site, you can forget it. What a way to keep your customers, huh?


I wasn't big on the magazine to begin with...but I'll be looking for the new one to see what it's like, at least. I'm glad to hear a review of it though!

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hi i got mine yesterday, and its alright, wasn't that impressed with it, but will wait and see, i e-mailed them and they said that if you have bought the subscription from crochet fantasy itself, it will be honored. good thing too cause i had just reupped for 3 years. :loco :loco next issue is suppose to be 100 pages, and as long as the pages contain patterns then i will be happy, if they are more yakkkking then i won't be and will ask for my money back just my:twocents vicki:yes :yes

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Whew! Glad I'm not the only one who wasn't terribly impressed with this when it came the other day! It's not that I mind the articles, but I want the magazines more for the patterns, and there weren't many in this issue. On reading the editor's note, it seems like more articles is what they're going for - more focus on yarn, and less on actual crocheting.


I'm not sure when my "subscription" ends, but unless the summer issue is jam-packed with patterns or crochet techniques I can use (without pricy yarns), I won't be renewing...bummer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought the new isuue of Crochet fantasy and I was diappointed. I don't really like any of the patterns. They seem dated. The old Crochet Fantasy was definitely better.

I'm with the rest of you. If it doesn't get any better I wont buy it again.

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