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Chic on the Halfshell No.2


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Here is the second Chic on the Halfshell purse - this one is for my bf's younger niece, I think she's 8 or so (the one behind is for the older niece who is 10 or so). ok ok, this one took me 4.5 hours to make in it's entirety....remember the first one took me 3 days of on/off crocheting...mostly off... :yay I must have project A.D.D. or something, because I can't seem to work on one single project for more than 10 minutes.....don't you ever feel like there are a million things you want to make but not enough time?! LOL



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I love both of them and yes there arre always so many itmes swirling around in my head and i want to work on all of them and there is never enough time in a day to complete them...even if i crocheted 24/7 I would never get them all done. but each day crocheting is another day well spent.

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Great job on the purses! I like them both. :hook And, yes, I know exactly what you mean about not being able to work on a project for more than ten minutes. I drive myself nuts. Why can't I just work on one project and finish it like a normal person? :P Oh well...


Nice job on the purses!


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I like them! and yes I know exactly what you mean too about wanting to make so many things and not having enough time lol I come up with ideas ALL the time and then my mind just gets overwhelmed with possibilities :faint lol

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