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CUTE ALERT: amigurumi dogs


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Um. I find that mildly desturbing. The animals are really cute, and I'll be glad to donate my cats hair if someone wants it, but that's disturbing.

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I love it! I wish I could spin so I could do something with the mounds of really soft and totally scent-free rabbit hair that my bunny is shedding now, which is probably a lot nicer than dog hair. He's lost enough in the past couple of weeks to make at least 2 amigurumi rabbits!

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I think it's neat! I have been collecting my doggies fur after the get groomed as I hope to learn how to spin it into yarn. What a neat thing to do with their fur!

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I second theworm, just a tad disturbing for some odd reason but can't put my finger to it...cute dolls though!:think it's like if someone were to wear a "dog fur" coat...even though it's obviously not killed for it, it just doesn't jive w/ me! sorry...

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Did you see this site?

Crocheted dogs with REAL dog hair, its amazing!




This pages shows all sorts of pictures.





This pages shows the harvested dog hair.



Those are so creative. :)


I wish I still had my dog TinyMonsters (he was a 100 pound Bouvier des Flandres) I would have loved to learn how to spin yarn from his hair.


I dont see it as disturbing, since it only uses what comes off the dog during normal brushing and grooming. I used to brush my dog outside and would have to keep stopping and clean his brush off because it would get so full of hair. If it was a windy day, I'd just throw the hair out into the yard...there are a lot of birds in my neighborhood and I've seen Tiny's hair used as building material for their nests. (now I wish I'd saved it all)


I'd love to be able to crochet a little TinyMonsters replica to remember him by. (Tiny died in mid-march from chronic diseases from being over-vaccinated throughout his entire life....if I'd only known). I saved one sample of his hair from his brush. I guess if I were to attempt that I'd have to find a nice mohair or a fun fur to replicate his hair.

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I have heard of this - these are really amazing! They did such a great job of copying what the dog looks like, too. I saw a site once that would make like a mouse toy out of your cat's hair for you, but this is really something! How did you ever find that site? I crocheted a replica of my favorite dog, Maggie, but I used yarn. She's a Jack Russell, so I wouldn't be able to spin her short hair anyway. :lol And now she's older & has more white hair on her head where it used to be brown! Happens to the best of us I guess! :D

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How did you ever find that site?


My old black cat gets more white hair also :lol


Anyway, I googled :computeami gurumi as seperet words and than used the images option. And there they were! :dog

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I spin a lot of my own yarn and have yet to spin dog hair. I've heard of a lot of people saving the hair and having someone spin it inot yarn and then crocheting or knitting it into an item. On one of my email lists I think someone used to do this for pet owners after their pets passed away. I have 2 dogs, one of them has no fluff she is all super short hair and wiry hair (Cheseapeake Bay retriever) but my puppy is a mix and I am hoping he gets some nice fluffy winter hair... Maybe I will be posting a photo of him after I spin him up next year.

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