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Trying to Find Out About a Site Before I Join. . .


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Hi Everyone! I just ran into this site, never saw it before. It claims to have a large library of free patterns but to join you need to fill out a survey (several pages). Before I go that far I want to know if anyone here knows this place and if it's worth joining. It's called freecrochetlibrary.org

This the URL:


Any info will be greatly appreciated, since I crochet for charity and am always looking for patterns.

Thanks! ;)

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This is nothing more than a sales ad. Did ya notice the XBox sign up line? That is like nothing to do with crochet. These marketing lead ins are as bad as a scam. Go to Crochet Pattern Central. We know for a fact that is legit.

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This is definitely a scam. You will get hit with ads galore and spam via snail mail, email & phone solicitations. You would also be setting the stage for your computer to be infected with various trojans, rookits, etc. that can come in the form of a download *cough* pattern, an ad, an image in an email, etc...etc...


On my home forum we have assisted thousands of users get out from under the nightmare onslaught from being enticed by these to good to be true offers. It's unbelievable at times how many infections and new variants we see daily. The biggest one right now is an identity theft trojan that is stealing not only passwords but social security numbers, credit card numbers and banking information. It's just awful.:(

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The biggest one right now is an identity theft trojan that is stealing not only passwords but social security numbers, credit card numbers and banking information. It's just awful.:(


This is a little ha-ha :lol to add on:


Friends of ours lost $10,000 from their bank account due to "the internet somewhere" ... my husband was VERY concerned about how it could be us, but I told him that the day we had that much $$ in the bank I'll worry, but for now our $1.32 is safe :D



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This site says:

"We're sorry!


This offer is not available in your area.

You will be redirected shortly."

What does that mean? Isn't the internet universal? Definately screams "SCAM!" to me...

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This is a little ha-ha :lol to add on:


Friends of ours lost $10,000 from their bank account due to "the internet somewhere" ... my husband was VERY concerned about how it could be us, but I told him that the day we had that much $$ in the bank I'll worry, but for now our $1.32 is safe :D




That is hysterical!:lol But the flip side of that is we had one person who had someone steal their info and they applied for credit and received it & used it. It was a huge mess.:(


Another one that has made a comeback from several years ago is a tiny little thing that zips the majority of the files on your computer and sets a password on the zips. If you try to unzip it you get a message in notepad telling you to send $300.00 via credit card to get the password to unlock your files.


It's a never ending battle.

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This site says:

"We're sorry!


This offer is not available in your area.

You will be redirected shortly."

What does that mean? Isn't the internet universal? Definately screams "SCAM!" to me...


Actually, that is a good indicator and it could be because of some law that is in place in Canada. Canada does tend to be less strict in some areas of internet law than the US but when you are dealing with mailing things across the border, etc. it can get tricky for the companies trying to scam you.

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I don't know about anyone else, but when I try to look at the free patterns on Lionbrand's website, I have to fill out a short survey thing... When did this change? Bernat also made me sign up for membership. How can you tell which sites are scams?

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I don't know about anyone else, but when I try to look at the free patterns on Lionbrand's website, I have to fill out a short survey thing... When did this change? Bernat also made me sign up for membership. How can you tell which sites are scams?


Lionbrand switched a week or so ago. I wish they hadn't, but I'm living with it. :)


Sites like bernat are usually safe. They're known companies and most everybody has experience with using them with a problem.

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@ eyenowhour


If it's a known site/business like lion brand than yes it's legit but you do want to make sure the URL is correct as many not so nice people will buy up domains with similar names and/or common misspellings in order to fool people.


To be safe so you don't get spoofed you should always bookmark known sites and use your links to access them rather than risk a typo taking you to spoofed site with malicious intent.


For critical logins like for your bank AI Roboform is awesome! If you happen to land on a spoofed site say for example your bank sites been spoofed, your login information will not be available. It is free to use for up to 10 logins. If you use it for more than 10 logins you need to purchase it.


Another fairly new browser add on called Site Advisor for IE & FF users is really nice too. For example, when doing a google search you can read rating information about a site before even going to or watch the bar in your tool bar to see what color it changes to as you are going to a site. Click on the animated bar and you can access more information that way too. If you go to the link you can read more about it there. Better than I can explain it anyway.:)


Hope you find some of this helpful!:)

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Another suggestion is to set up a hotmail account (which is free) which is separate from your regular email. That way when a company asks for your email you can give them that one. It keeps spam/junk to one place and reduces the risk of viruses.

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Did you check out the "contact us" page where their email is:


admin (at) FreeCrochetLibrary.org. ?


COME ON! Smells fishy to me....the whole site does! You can usually click on the email link and it sends you to an email page...what a scam!

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Another tip: one way to avoid phone solisitations (geez i can't spell!) is to set up an alternate phone number. There are several websites you can get a free voicemail box... One is http://www.k7.net and another is http://www.evoice.com Both of these are FREE to use; when a form asks for your info and it's a place you really don't want to give your home phone number to, just give them your voicemail number. It is free as long as you don't care if you get a local number LOL I have used both sites in the past. I believe with them both you can even listen to your messages thru email...



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Another tip: one way to avoid phone solicitations (geez i can't spell!) is to set up an alternate phone number. There are several web sites you can get a free voicemail box... One is http://www.k7.net and another is http://www.evoice.com Both of these are FREE to use; when a form asks for your info and it's a place you really don't want to give your home phone number to, just give them your voicemail number. It is free as long as you don't care if you get a local number LOL I have used both sites in the past. I believe with them both you can even listen to your messages thru email...




Another way of keep phone solicitors from bothering you is say you are going to be recording the call. All companies are told not to speak to people who record their messages... (my hubby knows a phone solicitation person). :phone

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Another way of keep phone solicitors from bothering you is say you are going to be recording the call. All companies are told not to speak to people who record their messages... (my hubby knows a phone solicitation person). :phone


Always tell them to take you off their list; legally they are required to do so. If you just hang up, you're just gonna go back on their queue and get called again in a few days.

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