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Crochet -a- Quilt


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I'm not familiar with the Bernat Satin, but it certainly sounds like a really nice yarn . Can't wait to see a photo !



I don't think you should feel bad at all that your PS is not yet done-- you have REALLY made lots of progress in one week ! Good for you . I am excited to see the finished afghan, which it sounds like will be within a few more days !



Glad Mary is feeling a little better . I have never tried cranberry juice, but I hear it's pretty sour or strong-tasting .I probably wouldn't like it either ! :lol

As for your colors. It's hard to say since I don't know what all colors you are using for the others, but I'd think if it was more American-type shades, then maybe you would want to go with more of the reds, whites, blues. Painted desert has some red and blue in it,so it may look fine too, but I think I'd go with one of the others . Just my 2 cents :)


Ines- I loved the term you used for your yarn pile ~` you LOST THE PLOT .:lol I think I understand where you're coming from . This yarn -buying CAN actually become an obsession, can't it ? You already have enough, but every chance you get, you buy more. I know the feeling ,as does probably most everyone else here .I get to the same point you do, where it no longer is FUN to see that big of a pile, it's overwhelming .

Good luck to you on choosing a new pattern. Maybe you can find a really big one that will take some MAJOR yarn , and can use up a lot of what you have on hand .

Also, congrats to your girls in your class. I bet you are a really good teacher, so it's probably very rewarding to see all the progress your students have made . Is this an all-girls school, or do you just have all girls in your class ? Good luck on getting their hats done-- you'll be able to achieve your goal- you seem to be a speedy crocheter !




Now, as for my PS -- I am now putting the POINTS on the star ( the part where you have the 2 of one color, then the one point on the end)

I am trying to do that the whole way around, then tackle the big sections of white next . So far I THINK I'm doing it right. I will post a photo when I get all my points finished, before I start the whites .

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Brandy~Glad to hear Mary's feeling a little better. Hope fully she'll be back to her angelic self soon. :devil I'm not sure if i'de go with the painted desert for americana but it's hard to tell unless you're sitting in front of all of the colors so use your judgement. I'm sure it'll be beautiful no mattre what you choose.

Andrea~Congrats on coming so far in so little time. :clap You made great time. Can't wait to see a pic. of it finished.

Julie~I did nothing yesterday at all except visit my parents & find out my hot water heater is broken. So, now my bathroom is becoming a lake while the landlord chooses not to check the office messages. :angry No emergency # and no clue on how to turn the dang thing off. :eek I hate living in this dump but hey lets not go there. :no As far as progress on mine, ummmm.....yeah that's non-existant, lol. I really hate the way it's joining. Is there another way?? It looks like the edges oberlap a little so it really doesn't lay flat all of the way. Not liking it at all. Hmmm.....any suggestions??? Anyone??? :think

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Tabby- are you doing it to tight when you join? Thats the only thing I can think of without seeing it.


Brandy- I think if your using reds, whites, and blues, then you should pry go with the blue varigated but agree with Julie that whatever you use will be beautiful. I am gonna need some help on the border I think so Ill pry be blowing up your yahoo lol.

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Good Morning!


Ok I took some pictures of the yarn I am going to be using without the varg. cause I dont have them. But I do have links to them...hehehe But I do have another problem. Deciding with darker blue to go with. Either navy or country blue.


*all imagines are clickable*


First pic is with the navy...




This one is with the country blue.....



Here is the varg. blue... well there is two on the page... Blue Jean and Shaded Denim. And I think you all know what the Painted Desert looks like. Now their picture is not really true to the color but you get the idea.


Now I am leaning more towards the navy, but still not sure about the varg. Hubby likes the country blue.


Tabby..... It will lay flat once you get more added to it. It does tend to curl a little but it will be ok. The joinings are you doing them into the previous joining sc or not??? That might be the problem too. But I really believe that it will flatten as time goes on. I am soo sorry you are having water heater troubles. Landlords can sometimes be pains in the you know what. I hope it gets fixed soon. I could send ya a row boat in the meantime if you like??? LOL


Ines.... Hi there!! As fast as you crochet I am sure you will have the wip pile cleaned out in no time flat. I still have to finish making my secret project before I can start the PS. Your students will love those caps. That is very sweet and thoughtful of you. Mary and Ryne had a teacher who had her mother make little bitty stockings for the kids each year. She was one of the better teachers the kids had. Its not that she gave them something its that she cared enough about her students to think of them. Those are the great ones and you are one too!!:manyheart


Julie... Just for you I took pictures so you could see all the colors and help me decide. I love driving myself nuts over the colors and sometimes I dont know what I am going to use until I actually sit down and start working on it. But in the meantime I will bug ya to pieces over it....:devil


Andrea messenger is turned on and waiting for you if you need help. I may not be in the dining room but someone will be and will let me know!! Your on the home stretch now!!:cheer:clap



I, my friends, am off to work on my secret project. Its coming out really cute and I cant wait to get it done. Then I have a couple of other secret things that I will be able to get whipped up in no time flat.


:manyheart Have a great one!! :manyheart

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Morning gang


Tabby- Brandy is right, they tend to curl or something towards each other. I think once it gets bigger and more is added, it will lay more flat . Mine is doing the same, but no way Jose am I taking this baby apart .


Sorry to hear your hot water tank is on the blink, those things like that can be a pain in the rump. All I can say to make you feel better is be glad you don't OWN your place, or you'd be the one shelling out the big buckaroos .

We had to replace our furnace last fall and have our entire chimney redone in the spring, so we shelled out more money for them 2 things than I have spent in a lifetime of buying yarn. THAT is the bad thing about owning a house- look out when something breaks !



Thanks for the photos- If I was choosing I 'd pick the lighter blue and the lighter blue variegated . But you are choosing, so whichever one YOU like best is what matters. I know I am like that with colors. I change my mind a lot til I decide what I think looks right with what pattern. I think certain colors only look good with certain patterns. I may just be picky, but if I am not happy with a color, then I know I won't finish the item, so I need to rip out a lot until I finally find the right combo for each thing I make .


If you go with the navy, I'd use the darker variegated .

Good luck !

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Brandy~Hmmm......well I have no idea what you're talking about with the sc & whatever. LOL. I'm joining them the way it says, a sc where the ch 1 space is on the other piece. Now i'm all confused. It's not that they're curling. They're just overlapping one another at the joining edge. I've tried to just loosen my joining sc but that still didn't work but oh well. I just hate when I get frustrated in the beginning of a project because then it tends to be the one I won't pick up again. I'm going to try to keep going but I may just need a few swift kicks to the rear. And yes, could you please send me a row boat, LOL. :lol

Andrea~I tried to loosen my sc & it didn't seem to matter, but thank you for your help.:hug

Julie~Be afraid, be very afraid for this ghans future.:devil

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Brandy- sorry I had to go to work right after I posted that this am. And Im with Tabby I didnt join any of mine in the sc I did it all in the spaces so maybe thats why I havnt had any curling or buckling like the rest are talking about. And I am NOT (lol) about to frog all of it to do it lol. Also I like the lighter blue but I am partial to country looking colors as well.

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:eekWOW ladies, all of the pictures are so beautiful. I never seem to get much posting done. I seem to spend soooo much time just going through all the different forums looking at everyone's work. All of these quilts are going to be gorgeous. Great Job!:yay

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Tab- Could you post a closeup picture of what your joining looks like ? I can't tell by the way you are explaining it if it's right or not. I HOPE you don't give up, but if you really do not like the pattern, don't feel that you have to do it !

If you get a chance, post a photo and we can go from there .

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Well it's dark here so I won't be able to post a pic. tonight. I did decide to keep going on it because I looked back at Andrea's & thought hers looked great and she joined it the same way I did. So, i've been chuggin along on it today & i'm almost to the white part, 3 more star points to go. :yay I'm actually pleased with how it's coming along. I will try to post a pic. tomm. if I get a chance. Thanks everyone for the advice & encouragement.

They're coming to replace the water heater tomm. :clap:cheer:clap

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I had some issues with joinings at first too, until I gave up and decided to join each side in two places, not counting the corners. I can't explain it... I have 4 points to finish and I'll have a pic for you. :rock

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Hi everyone, my internet is on the blink. We had to buy a new modem so hopefully we will be back online tonight. Im on here at work, its my lunchtime.

You dont realise how much you rely on the internet until you dont have it.


Brandy - sorry to hear about Mary, I hope she is all better now.


Tabby - Im glad to hear you have worked out your quilt, I would have hated to see you frog it after all that.


Rosette - I like the country blue color. What did you decide to use in the end.


Julie - Hows it going with your ps quilt?


Well I have got a bit done with mine, in between all the other projects. I will post a pic soon.

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Good morning to you Wendy, I hope your having fun at work lol. Cant wait to see pics of your ps. Mine didnt get completed like I wanted it to but its coming along quite nicely. I already with Brandy's help have my colors picked out for my next one. Have a great day.

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Hi Everybody


Tabby- I'm glad you decided to keep going and are liking it better now. I'm sure you are doing it right, that just seems to be the way the pattern looks as you add diamonds. The only way I'd know to make it flatter would be to sew each diamond together , but my gosh, that would make this pattern a LOT more difficult ! MILLIONS of directions to sew in, millions of ends to deal with , millions of years to finish it ( at least that's how long it'd take ME ) This joining method is so quick and easy, I wouldn't want to try it any other way .


Andrea- wow, how impressive, you are already planning your PS 2 ! What colors are you thinking of for it ?


Adria- can't wait to see your photo !


Wendy- good morning to you ! I know, it's a pain when your computer isn't working. Hope you can get it repaired soon .

My PS is coming along well, I now have 3 more diamonds to add and my main STAR is complete.

NEXT .... comes the tricky part where I fouled up before. I am gonna try my darndest to see that I do it right this time .:)

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hi Julie they are all pinks and rose colors and decideing off white or bright white. when i get it all going ill post a pick of the colors neeed to stop counting my chickens before they hatch and get this one done first

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Thanks Everyone! I'm glad I kept going to because I really like it now. I think I just pick stuff apart too much. I was hoping to get the 3 star points done last night but just didn't feel like it so i'll get them done today.

Julie~I actually thought about sewing them together but wasn't sure if it would look right. But i'm glad I stuck with the original joining method. Oh, and I won't tell you that the snowman CAL is calling me, lol. *slaps hand* But I won't join until I have some stuff wrapped up which will probably be after christmas is over. :think

Wendy~Sorry about your puter problems. Can't wait to see your ghan. Good Luck!

Andrea~The colors for your second one sound beautiful.

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Andrea -Can't wait to see your new colors togehter, but you are right- EYES ON THE PRIZE -

In other words- concentrate on the one currently in progress THEN think about the next. That's a lesson I need to follow more myself. I am very busy trying to stack up millions of other projects when I have 17 already laying here . NOT SMART .



I only have one comment about you signing up for the Snowman-Along.


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Hi Guys

Here's a photo of my PS so far-- this is as of NOW - This is also the 911 area. I got this far before, then totally crashed and burned on the white diamonds that lay sideways.





PS- the last 2 colors are so dark, they don't show well on the photo - but the 2 diamonds at the SIDES of the tip are done in grey heather. The tips of the diamonds are done in windsor blue .

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Julie yours looks great! Love the colors

I haven't worked on mine forever... ugh. I got tired of it, I've been working on it since I think July (when did this post start, it was the same mag...)


Just wanted to also say there's a sort of quilt afghan on Annies Attic free pattern today. It looks pretty nice. Fall colors. Big squares which I like, mine are really small.


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Julie yours looks great!!:cheer Way to Go!!!:clap Now the sideways diamonds are not that bad. Its just positioning it a little different is all. Instead of starting the join right away on the last round, do that one side until you get to the tip and start the join there. Makes it easier all the way around. Maybe I will take some pictures later and show you what I mean if that would help. I dont want to see you through it out the window. I :manyheart the colors you are using for it. Beautiful!!!:manyheart



As for me, I am going to order the other varg. and play around with it before I decide. Maybe if I see it in person I will know more what I want.


Tabby I seen the snowman-along.... And I am very tempted to join it!! :devil I love snowmen. Matter of fact I have two trees, one for toys and one for snowmen!! I do my whole living room in them at Christmas time.


But I have to be a good girl and get my secret project done first!! :yes I should be done with it by the end of this week. I am moving right along with it.


Have a wonderful day!!:manyheart

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Julie- your colors are really pretty you are moving right along. Dont worry about the sideways ones it just takes a little longer thats all. I copied the bigger sheet you gave me for the diagram and hilited it as I went so that i knew where I was easier. If ya need help holler.

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