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Crochet -a- Quilt


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Sorry, I forget who mentioned it , someone having a little trouble getting the boards to work properly -- they have been working on them to upgrade them so there may be a few technical difficulties til they work out all the kinks .


( Either that , or we are posting so much, we are making their switchboard smoke . :lol )


Keep 'em smokin, ladies !

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You guys KNOW when you post those beautiful photos , it is tempting me to make one of those Prairie Star afghans too . I will get going on one soon myself ,but decided to tackle the nine patch first . I am also trying to do a red white and blue ripple and my first knit afghan .

This place is a crochet-a-holic's worst nightmare, isn't it ?

I am a one-track person . Always have been ,always will be.

I like to be very organized and only have one project at a time going. Finish it . Move to the next .

GEEZ, that is just plain IMPOSSIBLE here .


Picture this : You are REALLY hungry . Haven't eaten for days .

UH OH --- reach into your pocket . There's 20 bucks in there .

HEY LOOK , there's a BAKERY !!!!!


And look, in the window ~~~

They have a SALE on CremeSticks .


Tell me the truth : Are you gonna buy just ONE ?

Or are you gonna ask if they have a wheelbarrow handy so that you can carry your purchases to your car ? :D

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I found this in the front of my book and thought you guys would like it!!


Oh, say, can you see by the dawn's early light,

What you failed to perceive at the twilight's last gleaming;

A crazy concern that through the long night

O'er the bed where your slept was so saucily streaming;

The silk patches so fari,

Round, three-cornered and square

Gives proof that the lunatic bed-quilt is there.

Oh, the crazy-quilt mania triumphantly raves,

And maid, wife, and widow are bound as its slaves

On that quilt dimly seen as you rouse from your sleep

Your long-missing necktie in slience reposes,

And the filoselle insects that over it creep,

A piece of your vest half-conceals, half discloses;

There is Kensington-stitch

In designs that are rich,

Snow-flake, arrasene, point russe and all sich.

Oh, the crazy-quilt mania, how long will it rave?

And how long will fair woman be held its slave?

And where is the wife who so vauntingly swore

That nothing on earth her affections could smother?

She crept from your side at the chiming of four

And is down in the parlor at work on another.

Your breakfasts are spoiled,

And your dinners half-boiled,

And your efforts to get a square supper are foiled

By the crazy-quilt mania that fiendishly raves,

And to which all the women are absolute slaves.

And thus it has been since the panic began,

In many loved homes it has wrought desolation,

And cursed is the power by many a man,

That has brought himso close to ther verge of starvation,

But make it she must,

She will do it or bust,

Beg, swap, and buy pieces or get them on trust,

Oh, the crazy-quilt mania, may it soon cease to rave

In the land of the free and the home of the brave.


Just thought everyone would like this. Have a great day. I am off to work in my yard some more...:manyheart

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Just wanted to tempt you with another CAL to be ...

What is it , you say ?

SOON you will see . :hook


I have 2 new ideas that I'm excited about and trying to figure out how to combine them into one BIG idea .


where is the smilie for "i'm not listening to you"?

dazy (fingers in my ears. LALALALALALALALALALALALA!!!!)

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Brandy -

Thanks for the cute poem ! I like it . :)


Dazy- They don't HAVE a smiley that has his fingers in his ears ... JUST for this reason : When a new CAL is offered , resistance is futile . Why plug your ears ? Your EYES will STILL be able to see the words .... :D


Evelyn -Drop in and tell us what colors you pick !


PS- Don't feel bad about the color -wheel thing . I don't even HAVE one and wouldn't know what it was if it hit me in the head . :lol

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Good morning fellow quilters! Yes, I'm feeling a little more cheery today. It's not because my headache is gone (as it's not) but I think it's because today is my LAST day of work before vacation! WOO-HOO! :cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer


Well, square #6 is done! I hope I can crank out a couple more this week too!


Julie, you're doing yet another one? Ok, it's official! You're bonkers!!!! (Maybe that's why I like you so much! :D) Anyway, can't wait to see what you're going to do!!!!


Well, since I'm in such a good mood I'm going to start on square #7!!!! Keep them hooks, hooking ladies!!! :hook

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Morning everyone, It is a nasty rainy day here in Maryland. didn't get much done last evening . It was my only grandsons birthday and they came and had cake and ice cream at my house . He is nine now. I talk about him a lot because I feel like he is mine . I practically raised him. any how . Here is what progress I have gotten done.

aran need 93 still 32 to go

sage need 48 still 13 to go

woodsy green need 124 still 84 more to go .

Burgundy all done.

I have three panels put together . I will try to post a picture later when I get home .

Donna I don't envy you that is the one thing that I don't miss since my hysterectomy . I use to get bad headaches and cramps and I was the queen of PMS. That something to look forward to when you get past 40 yrs

Julie I think this is a smoking thread anyway . I can't get anything done during the day because I keep checking to see what everyone is posting.

Good luck to all today

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glad you're doing a little better today and have fun on your time off !

Yep, I could be called BONKERS, but I have a whole GANG of people that are just as BONKERS as me in here, so we all fit together well !



I know what you mean about your grandson. Mine is like that too . YUM , birthday cake .... here we go again . What kind was it ? I LOVE CAKE .


Sounds like you are making great progress on your afghan ! Keep it up !

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Fran and Vims ----- Love your Prairie Stars! I'm going to have to add that one to my looooooooog list. Everyones afghans are coming out beautiful. VIms, your reminds me of a cherry sundae on a hot day!


Well, the crazy fans is almost done. I am on the last round of edging, then it get blocked and its picture taken.



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I know what you mean about your grandson. Mine is like that too . YUM , birthday cake .... here we go again . What kind was it ? I LOVE CAKE .


Sounds like you are making great progress on your afghan ! Keep it up !



He wanted a chocolate and vanilla cake :manyheart with fudge marble ice cream

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Wow! I guess you can't just check in once a day, you'll end up with 4-5 pgs. to read:lol . Since i'm so behind on commenting i'll sum it up with this, Great Job everyone! Love all the ghans in progress.:cheer I've been working on so many things at once that I haven't made much progress with mine. The weather is terrible here (rainy), so I hope to make some progress. Have a great day!:manyheart

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Frann and Vims: Your afghans are looking so pretty! :cheer


Julie: You went and gone loco, girl. I see steam coming out of Hicksville, USA. Just what in the world are you up to now? <sigh> No wonder I can't get anything done, I have to keep reading the posts just to keep up and now you went and gave us a teaser. Not fair! :lol

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Frann and Vims, your Prairie Stars look gorgeous! I love both color palettes.


Ya'll, I'm SERIOUSLY feening to do another Prairie Star. What IS it about that pattern that is literally calling my name?? :think I guess because the finished product is so beautiful and I want one for myself! Hubby's not crazy about the pattern, but that's ok, because I'll use it for me - I'm making him a Dallas Cowboys graph-ghan as a surprise for his birthday! (For which I designed the pattern off of a picture I found on the net and spent about 40 hours working out the graph in Photoshop.) :thair


Anyway, back to the Prairie Star - I can't decide if I want to do close to the original colors or if I want to do a neutral tones palette. Hmmmm.... I plan to go yarn shopping on Monday (after hubby and 7 yr old are back in work and school respectively) for the PS yarn and also for Homespun to start on the Americana Afghan for the Patriotic CAL. I want to have that done by the 4th of July so we can use it when we go see the fireworks.:mdust :firecrack


So many afghans, so little time!!:hook :hook

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my favorite color is pink!!!:c9 but my room is red because i had to switch rooms with my brother but here in about six months hopefull i would be able to redue does anyone know if it is possible to crochet comforters???:devil:manyheart tah-tah for now

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AJ- wow, you must have some design talent if you can design a graph-ghan of the Cowboys logo .

I'd hate to see what MINE would look like. I am no good aat making up patterns, I have to read it off the paper or can't do it !

Let us know what colors you choose for your next PS


Mary - We'll let you call your afghan a quilt pattern so that you can join in with us here. It is kinda like a quilt -- it'll be made in pieces and put together . Reds and pinks would look nice together .

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