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Crochet -a- Quilt


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I hit 4000 posts !!! :lol:yay:yes


And that was just in a month . ( nope, just kidding, it took me 2 years to get that many .)

I think I'm a little off my game. I should have easily been at 5000 by now .


Must be because I have typed so much, my fingers are ground down to the first knuckle . :D

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Oh, Oh, Oh, I forgot to mention that I am 9 squares away from being done with my ghan. Of course the I have to sew the last 2 rows on & put a border on but hey i'm still really close to the finish line. YEAH ME!!!! :dance

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Ha Ha, I wish that's what I was doing all day. :juggle I just did that in the last hour. :hook My last couple days have been so busy & stinking hot/humid. Between pre-school field trips :1sheep , my son being sick :yuck , laundry mat :wash & so on & so forth i'm lucky that i've had time to breathe. :sigh It has been so hot & humid here for the last 3-4 days that we can't sit, sleep or move comfortably. :hot It's been horrible. It rained all last night & was suppose to cool down but I haven't seen that yet. We'll see tomorrow when it's suppose to be in the 60's again. :sun Anywhoo, now that i'm done with my :blah :blah :blah How have you been??? :lol

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We're ok here, still kicking .


I didn't realize it had been that hot up there. It's bee nice here , warm most days now, but not too hot. I think it's been in the 70's so it's not real bad .


I figured Cam would be asking to fill up his swimming pool by now . He has asked me the past 2 months if he could swim, but it's usually not hot enough here before June to swim. I kept telling him to watch the tree in the front yard and when it got leaves on it, it'd be coming summertime. Now the leaves are out and he asked the other day, but it was only about 60 that day, so I told him when it's so hot outside that he sweats when we go out, then we will swim .:lol


We have been out bike riding and his old favorite hopscotch .:eek


Gets a little rougher each year to pull that off, but I'm still out there jumping. Keeps the neighbors entertained . :D

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Welcome Sharon! :)



Julie~Yeah, most people here have ac's in already but I REFUSE to put mine in yet. It's only May and it was just a 3-4 day hot streak so why waste the time & then it takes up one whole window so we wouldn't be able to enjoy the fresh air by opening through the rest of the spring and don't even get me started on what my electric bill would look like...........:no So i'll just suffer & wait. It feels good first thing this morning, pretty cool so as long as it stays that way we'll be okay. :yes I'm glad you & Cam are having so much springtime fun. Jaden started asking me to go swimming when there was still snow on the ground. :lol I'm glad you have found ways to keep the neighbors entertained. I just wish I was one of them.

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Oh Julie I wish we had your temps. LOL It's in the 90s regularly already. We've had to use our AC off and on since February:eek And what with the humidity it's looking like a long summer:hot with lots of :sun. And even the :rain doesn't cool off the temps here. You see lots of people in my area wearing shorts and a tank top in the middle of a thunderstorm :lol


One good thing about the quilt is that it's little squares. So luckily when I'm in the truck waiting for my oldest to get out of school I can work on the little squares. I took my RR I'm working on yesterday and boy was I miserable. LOL So maybe I'll be getting more of the quilt done now. :lol

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That is just beautiful ! A real tribute to the people who have had the disease and their families . Wonderful job .

It'll make your friend cry -- not because it will make her sad, but because she will see what a wonderful friend you are to her to make this .

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Thank You Donna & Julie! :blush


Julie~I hope she likes it. It looks alot more akward in the pic. then in person. I was going to give it to her today but I didn't think that would be a good idea because she is already so sad being that today is Mothers Day. I just didn't want to make it anymore fresh for her then it already is. Thanks again! :manyheart

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