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It Came From Under The Couch...

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Okay... so my yarn stash is a little out of hand... and pattern stash, hook stash... ya'll can understand. So I suggest to hubby, "I could use that wicker chest that's behind my chair to stash my yarn in! Let's take the blankets out, turn my crocheting chair a bit..." Well, I pull the blankies out of and off of the chest, he goes for the little table behind/beside my chair... and proceeds to pull out grocery bags of yarn, and the further he digs, :eek the more that comes out... the Fun Fur I bought for... well, not sure exactly what project I bought it for:think ... a couple UFO's... umm... I feel so EXPOSED:blush ... but you guys understand....

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I totally understand, my Husband is not allowed in "my" room where all of my "stashes" are kept. (Yarn stash, fabric stash, pattern stash...etc!) Most of the time he never asks and I certainly don't volunteer any information! Ha ha!



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... yarn stash is a little out of hand... and pattern stash, hook stash... hubby, ... use that wicker chest ... stash my yarn in! ... pull the blankies out of and off of the chest, he goes ... little table behind/beside my chair... to pull out grocery bags of yarn, further he digs, :eek the more that comes out... the Fun Fur I bought for... :think ... a couple UFO's... umm... I feel so EXPOSED:blush ... but you guys understand....




Do you think he had and idea that the bags were there?


Did you commander the wicker chest?


:-) 's

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Do you think he had and idea that the bags were there?


Did you commander the wicker chest?


No... and yes!!!!:hook

He knew I had "a little bit of yarn I need to find a place for" 'cause I'd been mentioning the wicker chest would be a good place for my yarn... I think he was thinking the yarn under the bed and out in the den and in the storage shed and behind another chair in the family room... :devil He had no idea about those, um, other bags... ;)

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AAAGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!! The yarn won't all fit:eek in the wicker chest... I waited for hubby to go into the, um, reading room:D to stuff some of the yarn BACK under the bed... so now he's gonna think it's in the chest... and, oh well. At least the killer attack dust bunnies are off the bags, so not a total waste... and I found that Fun Fur!

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well, I haven't got to crochet all day long :( 'cause this yarn organizing really got out of hand. I've finally delegated the 'really nice stuff' to the wicker chest, and the 'so-so' stuff to a plastic storage under the bed. I mean, does anyone actually need four one-pound skeins of bargain yarn at their fingertips for immediate use?:think I think not! Of course I haven't been working on this all day... I took a break and went to Michael's and bought... MORE YARN:clap ! It was on sale... what can I say?

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hehe yeah, getting caught out like that is kinda embarassing lol. My hubby just saw the mess behind/beside my couch when he went to unplug my laptop the other day. :blush There's a box of yarn I got off Ebay that I will probably never use, but it provides height behind the end table for me to put the things I *am* using on (a sweater in progress, a couple of pattern books, two magazines I need to read, thread for snowflakes, a bag of yarn odds n ends for swatching stitches....) Most of my yarn is nicely hidden in baskets and closets, and though he knows I have a lot, he's not seen the entire stash in about a year and he has no idea how many places I have it stashed lol. Let's not tell him ;)

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Well, it is nice to know that you folks are not so unlike me. While wood is my thing I acumulate pieces of wood that are drying or waiting to be worked and my spouse doesn't know the half but looks at the piles that she can see and sees fire wood and projects that will never be done. Oh well, I guess that happens whenever our partners don't share our interests.


But you really must put that fun fur to use



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last weekend we changed bedrooms. I proceeded to put my stash into boxes and tubs so dh would not know . My spare room is where the stash is kept. Well needless to say when the rooms were all changed around I had to put things away . He walked in the room and said " Well I know where there is some yarn on sale if you want to buy any" I told him he better not try . Well my grandson came to spend friday night with us and he was in the new spare room arranging things. I had all my yarn on shelves so I could see it and he took it all down and put it into space bags and a contractors trash bag . I am glad he didn't want to use my storage bins then I would have a big mess. But its all good. dh is always complaining about my corner of the room he says the yarn is going to over take us.......lol :lol

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sounds like me:lol :lol , i have this giant craft room, stuffed to the max, and instead of being a good stash buster and using what i have, i decide to go out to michaels as they had something i wanted and needed as a raok i am sending out next week for a special friend, well of course i had to go back to the yarn section, and what to my wondering eyes did appear? a isle full of yarn on clearance . thats what. need i say more?:lol :lol :lol :lol i left with 3 big bags of yarn, i had to stuff away.this was on top of the yarn i had bought from joanns, since they had that new colors with the boucle' i had to go buy a few extra skeins(like 8 skeins that is):eek :eek , i am so bad:devil :devil

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I think David feigns ignorance at the amount of my stash for his own sanity I think he tries NOT to think about it.


Although sometimes he makes a comment like "you mean in all those 50 boxes you DON'T have the right yarn for that?" (It's so not even close to 50, ok maybe 25 but some are small boxes). But he is really teasing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread makes me so happy. Being relatively new to crocheting, I thought my yarn addiction was something unusual--I felt so guilty about my yarn (especially when my husband takes a notion to come into my office and stares in horror at the bins and baskets and shelves full of yarny goodness). I have taken to hiding my new acquistions in the trunk of my car or behind the couch. I've felt so sinful! But now I know I am not alone!:cheer

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my poor hubby. he's sitting here staring my stash in the face. my yarn closet (which i'm in the process of trying to shelve adequately) sits to his left when he's on his computer....so he can just glance over and whine! YAY. he just doesnt' understand either.

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My hubby....he tells me to get MORE yarn....he says you dont have enough!! hahahaha! I have it in storage boxes in my room and in my closet. I showed him a pic of the crochet dudes yarn supply and he was saying...seeeeee you do need more.....

I feel guilty buying it, but I am slowly getting over that!!

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What a complete joke this 'organizing my yarn' idea is... :loser I went back to my original post, then my follow-ups, and here I am now... a few weeks later... :huh My crochet chair is surrounded ~ looks like it's under seige ~ with baskets of WIPs, a crate of pattern books:book , another basket thingy of 'loose' patterns... the wicker chest has failed me miserably:grumpy ... I need a minivan to store the yarn... There is a pretty basket under the table - I mean I think it's pretty... I can't see it because it's buried with yarn... I stuffed more yarn behind the chair that DH had pulled the yarn out from behind (no, he doesn't know)... and then he was "so proud of me" that we were heading out to get our taxes done and he pulls off the :drive freeway to WALMART WHERE THERE IS YARN ON SALE!!!!!!! Says it looked like my stash is down and I might want to get some more!!!!! So what could I do but fill the cart up and smile weakly...:shop


Ah, DH just got home so gotta send this out before he looks over my shoulder :compute and finds out my dirty little secret... bye now:waving

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That is so funny and so true, Paulette. Traveling in an RV, I really have to be creative! I have yarn squashed between the mattress of the sofa bed when it's folded up. My clothes cabinets are very deep, always about half again the size of a folded item. Yep, I have yarn stashed behind my clothes. Our bed lifts up for storage so I have yarn there. I even have a round wicker hassock from IKEA that has struts across the bottom. You guessed it...more yarn jammed up in the hassock! And my DH is similar to yours. If we happen to pass a Michaels in our travels he always suggests we stop so I can buy yarn or beads--even when we are towing our 35 foot behemoth 5th wheel and it means crossing lanes and pulling into a tight parking lot!:lol

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I have absolutely nothing intelligent to add to this thread. Just want to say, I love you guys! There's nothing like being somewhere you know other people *understand* the craziness.






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