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Boo hoo--Project ruined!

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I have spent the better part of the past six weeks crocheting a nice shawl out of Merino wool. I even took it on my Christmas vacation to Mexico, where my super-crocheting mother-in-law seemed very impressed by it! A friend of mine had asked me to perhaps, maybe make a shawl for her and I was all ready to surprise her with it this week when disaster struck!


I had carefully washed the shawl by hand in cold water with gentle soap, paranoid that loose ends were going to start popping out. I didn't want to squeeze out the extra water with a towel as I was sure that was going to get lint all over the nice, blac yarn. I then put the shawl into a "delicates" bag and put in the dryer on the "air fluff" (no heat) mode. An hour later & it was still soaking wet. So stupidly, I think "I'll turn the heat on low, just to speed things up a tiny bit, and just for 20 minutes."


Well, that was enough heat & agitation to felt my beautiful shawl! :cry

It's now reduced by about 1/3 of the size and it's no longer even long enough to go around my shoulders & meet in the front.


I'm so disappointed and angry with myself. I had been so careful & cautious all along... I can't believe I was in such a hurry to dry this stupid thing that I ended up ruining it in the process.


::sigh:: I guess I'll just cut it up and make a pillow case out of it.

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I'm so sorry that happened. Before ripping it up, don't you know of a little girl who could wear the smaller poncho? I'd hate to see all your hard work go to waste!


Here's a big :hug hoping your day gets better!

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I feel so bad for you. I had a gorgeous merino sweater that I loved and one day somehow it got in the dryer. When it came out it wouldn't have fit a toddler - even if it hadn't been as stiff as a board. Hopefully you'll find someone the shawl will fit who will benefit from all your hard work.

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Could you possibly fold it in half lengthwise, stitch up the sides, make a drawstring and turn it into a hobo bag? Maybe even "felt" it the rest of the way to make it tighter, and become a tote bag or something? :think

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I'm so sorry to hear about your shawl. What a disappointment. :(


Would you make you feel any better if I told you my 9 month old kitten threw up all over two balls of my KPPPM yarn (at $11.50 a ball). It's 100% wool as well so it's toast.



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That is really bad news. However I dont think I would even put merino within 6 metres of a dryer as it has a habit of shinking. I was caught out years ago where I had the knowledge :think not to put a similar thing in a dryer as I had had this beaten into my head by the Spinners and Weavers group I was a member of at the time. Never put wool any wear near a dryer.


It was a beautiful white babies shawl. So I lovingly placed this on a towel to dry flat in the sun. While it died quitely nicely, the colour scorched and went grubby yellow colour. Lesson learnt was dont do that again!


I understand your pain. Can you reinvent it as a cushion?

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Thanks for everyone's sympathy & suggestions for projects to give this former shawl a new life!


You know those silly thoughts you get at 4AM that won't let you sleep? Usually mine are "Did I pay that bill?" "Did I file my student's grade?" "Do we have dog food for tomorrow?" But this morning at 4, my brain kept telling me what an idiot I am for putting that shawl in the dryer!

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Thanks for everyone's sympathy & suggestions for projects to give this former shawl a new life!


You know those silly thoughts you get at 4AM that won't let you sleep? Usually mine are "Did I pay that bill?" "Did I file my student's grade?" "Do we have dog food for tomorrow?" But this morning at 4, my brain kept telling me what an idiot I am for putting that shawl in the dryer!

You are NOT an idiot! We've all done things like that - the important thing is, we learn from our mistakes, and we post it so others won't accidentally do the same thing! One time, when I was a teenager waaaaaay back when, I put my beloved mohair sweater in the washer AND dryer! Talk about dumb! When it came out it would have fit a Barbie doll!:eek The whole family had a good laugh! :rofl

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oh Francesca, that sucks!!:hug :hug


I don't have any advice for you as I'm still fairly unfarmiliar with all the different types of yarn, just wanted to sympathize with you!


(Note to self: Don't put Merino wool in the dryer - thanks Francesca!)



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