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Has any one else gotten this??


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I had ordered this pattern last night and paid for it thru my paypal acct. As of today I still have not recieved the pattern. I have emailed three times to the person that I have not recieved the pattern and still have not.. I am wondering if anyone else ordred this and did or did not get it?



I am getting upset that my emails have been ignored.. Is she one of our members so maybe I can get ahold of her on here?

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That is odd... she usually answers e-mails in a relatively timely manner. Perhaps there was an emergency in her family and she will get back with you when she can? It's always a possibility.


I don't think she is a Crochetville member. Tell you what, I'll write her and see if she got your payment...perhaps she can't send e-mails to your address. Things like that happen occasionally.

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IT has been 25 hours and no pattern... No repsonse to emails either.I have emailed to both of her email addresses, the one on the site and the one that is on her paypal acct.. I will give her till monday and than I dont know what I will do than.. I would hate to give a bad review. I had purchased it thru the crochetroundup site.

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I read somewhere that she sells on E-bay only....I wonder if that could have something to do with it? Maybe she is not getting the info from Crochet Round-up?




Oh, she's definitely getting the info, unless e-mails are not going through properly due to SPAM blockers or other related things. Everything is set up professionally on Crochet Pattern Roundup.


By the way, she doesn't only sell on ebay. At least two of her patterns were (and probably still are) being sold on Etsy.

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Cathey I'd have to say with all the positive feedback on her ebay site and the nice things said here by our members that she's had something come up that is preventing her from immediately responding to you. Have a little patience and faith, she'll get to you.

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I understand you are upset. I saw where it just says the pattern will be sent immediately upon payment, and if you have confirmation of payment, after 36 hours, you should probably have received the pattern. I would send her a final e-mail tomorrow night and state that if you don't get it by Monday afternoon, you will cancel the paypal transaction and leave whatever feedback is necessary.


I know emergency situations come up, but no one has the ability to know about it and she just looks unreliable. When you have a business set up to accept payments with no prior transaction like that, you need to at least have someone second-in-command who will check purchases while you can't and either fill orders or send out an e-mail stating the problem and when the seller can get back to you.


I hope it works out for you.

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I just ordered this pattern and now have it saved to file.

I couldn't believe how easy and fast getting the pattern was.

Keep your chin up you still can get it.


That's why I think it might be an e-mail address problem. I'm not saying Cathey's e-mail address is wrong or bad, but it may be that Carolyn's e-mail is having trouble getting things to Cathey. I know I have a terrible time writing to anybody with an aol.com e-mail address (for example)...always gets rejected. Where was it that I read (a joke) that aol.com's security is just as good as the White House?

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Funny how you got yours.. Nothing came at all for mine.. I know it states that it comes immediatly after payment.. I even sent a copy of the paypal transaction etc.. So I dont understand why it never came to me than..



I just ordered this pattern and now have it saved to file.

I couldn't believe how easy and fast getting the pattern was.

Keep your chin up you still can get it.

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I gave her all of my email addresses for reassurance too.. So I have no idea.. I use comcast and have never had any problems with the email..

That's why I think it might be an e-mail address problem. I'm not saying Cathey's e-mail address is wrong or bad, but it may be that Carolyn's e-mail is having trouble getting things to Cathey. I know I have a terrible time writing to anybody with an aol.com e-mail address (for example)...always gets rejected. Where was it that I read (a joke) that aol.com's security is just as good as the White House?
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It might be Comcast. I have only recently begun having problems with that e-mail: last week I had a customer's e-mails to me rejected by Comcast (but only when they go through a certain server at their company), and I also can't write to Hotmail addresses.

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I have never had any probs with them for recieving emails at all. The only probs I do get with comcast is the spam that has been getting real bad..I will give her till monday and than I will retract my paypal..

It might be Comcast. I have only recently begun having problems with that e-mail: last week I had a customer's e-mails to me rejected by Comcast (but only when they go through a certain server at their company), and I also can't write to Hotmail addresses.
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Oh, she's definitely getting the info, unless e-mails are not going through properly due to SPAM blockers or other related things. Everything is set up professionally on Crochet Pattern Roundup.


By the way, she doesn't only sell on ebay. At least two of her patterns were (and probably still are) being sold on Etsy.


Sorry Rachel - I didn't mean to sound like I was slamming CPR...I know your site is awesome! When this post first started, I went to look at the person's patterns and other stuff, and just thought I read somewhere on her site that she only sells via E-bay...I will have to go back and look again...I must have read it wrong! Sorry!


That is strange that other people are getting the pattern, but Cathey is not...has to be something weird with one email or the other!






Went back and found where I read that...I clicked on the link from CPR to her website, and this is what it says:


Welcome to Gourmet Crochet!




This site is under construction.


Gourmet Crochet patterns are now exclusively available in our eBay store!




In the meantime, if you have purchased one of our patterns and have any questions or comments, please send us an email.

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I'm so glady, Cathey! Carolyn also e-mailed me and asked me to post the following, and I'm very happy to oblige:


Thanks so much for your interest in the Lilliana pattern. Sales through the crochetpatternroundup site are automated. The way it works is, once your payment through paypal has been received, it automatically triggers an email to you with download instructions. Sometimes there is a problem when someone has an old or non-working email address associated with their PayPal account--obviously in that case the message does not get through. So if anyone ever has a problem with any of my patterns coming through, (after checking your email address on file with PayPal), please email me just as Cathey did. It sometimes can take a day or two to resolve when a human (me) has to get involved, simply because of family commitments or computer trouble or whatever-- but not usually. In this case it did take a couple of days but the minute I discovered the issue it was resolved. Anyway thanks very much to Cathey and all, best wishes with the crochet :) -- Carolyn Christmas

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Sorry Rachel - I didn't mean to sound like I was slamming CPR...I know your site is awesome!


Oh, don't worry...I know you weren't slamming it at all. :hug I just wanted to clarify for the sake of people who might be reading this thread. ;)

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the issues, realize things can be sent wrong, lately charter has been sending a lot of my mail to the spam box so I am always looking at that. I have not, not had a pattern...always get it eventually, sometimes when new viruses are detected your own ISP could be checking all incoming attachments and etc, so if you ever have trouble, try and get an answer first. My patterns from caneylane and diane langden that i ordered, both got delays from having a new virus sparks and also always, always, always, keep an eye out in the spam folder if you are waiting on an E-Pattern, diane's came that way the first time but since I knew, I was keeping an eye on the spam folder too...


There is always a reason if you aren't getting a quick response, so they will get back to you and any great designer out there want you to know you are a great customer!:clap

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