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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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Hey ladies! Can I ask for prayers from the praying women here? When I fell down our stairs about 5 months ago, I messed up my foot and ankle. Didn't think of anything else. Well, when I started walking and biking about 4 weeks ago, my low back started really hurting. I had x-rays done yesterday and found out that my low spine is really screwed up. I had a treament yesterday and I am in big time pain. Came down to email and let everyone know I'm not allowed to sit (or am I able to comfortably) at my puter.



I guess I'll be getting my afghan finished sooner than I thought! hahaha


Hugs all and I'll check back when I can.:manyheart


Hope you feel better soon, Nancy! I can't imagine not being able to access my computer, but I hope the crocheting will help.



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Thank you linda ,,,well...I wasnt doing anything wrong...I always got the number of stitches it said I was supposed to have ..but some how on the row where the cross stitches started.....thats where the problem started....i had the number of x stitches ...18 I think it was....well.... I eliminated one cross stitch on each corner leaving one less than it said ...and everything straightend up...:hook


Olga, I know the round you're talking about - I had the same problem, and I ended up putting an extra X on each side at the beginning right near the corner. I got into the habit of counting stitches on many of the stitches after that, because of the cross stitch round (I think that round took 3 tries out of me).


BTW, I took a roll and a half of film yesterday of the 7 projects I've recently finished (including the L&B). Since I still have half a roll left, I'll be taking some pictures of my kitties, and then getting the film developed. I'm hoping to have some pictures to share with you all soon. Hopefully they'll come out well enough to see the vibrant colors. I photographed them on my bed (off white sheets), but the lighting isn't all that great in my room.


I may start another one of these soon. I liked the idea of using SS (or some other soft yarn): I suspect it would be easier on my hands than using Red Heart.



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I know that i havent been around in a while, im sorry. My L& b has stalled so I could get swap things and baby gifts done. But dh fixed the camera last night and I can fineally show you what i have done so far:cheer


I am going to have to rip the last 3 rows cause they are ruffly for some reason


and you can see the colors better here



Those are beautiful colors! It looks great, so far.



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Hi Guys

Looks like things are livening up in here today ! That's always a good sign .


Poor Cristin, I don't know if that yarn is still available or not. I sure hope so. If we had any stores close that had it, I'd look for you ! Maybe you could try Herrschners or one of them places if all else fails .


Nancy & Shelain, hope you're able to get back to yours soon , too !


Renee, we'll be watching for your photos when you get them done. I bet lots of the ladies would like to see your kitties too. We have lots of kitty fans in here I think !

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I am going to have to rip the last 3 rows cause they are ruffly for some reason


and you can see the colors better here



Shelain, mine has done the same. I frogged and redid a few rows adjusting the stitches. It's a little bit better but still on the ruffly side. Also find it to be stretching. I didn't have this problem with the worsted yarn.


What size hook are you using? I'm using a K.


Your colors are lovely. I haven't seen the green or blue in suede in my local stores.



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Hi Guys

Looks like things are livening up in here today ! That's always a good sign .


Poor Cristin, I don't know if that yarn is still available or not. I sure hope so. If we had any stores close that had it, I'd look for you ! Maybe you could try Herrschners or one of them places if all else fails .


:lol Well, don't feel *too* sorry for me! I think I was looking for the wrong brand!! I had lost my label and assumed it was TLC -- now after calling the last LYS, I think it's actually RH. I'm going to munch a bit of lunch down and then drive over during my lunch break (since it's not POURING rain like it was Friday!) What a dork! hahahaha...

Hopefully, I'll come back with a big ol' wonderful skein of Sup-a Sav-a in WARM BROWN! Ahhhhhh, sounds so heavenly!

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Hi Guys

Looks like things are livening up in here today ! That's always a good sign .



Renee, we'll be watching for your photos when you get them done. I bet lots of the ladies would like to see your kitties too. We have lots of kitty fans in here I think !


There's something about yarn and kitties that seems to go well together.



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Shelain - I love the colors of your afghan. It is such a nice warm combination! I had problems with ruffling too, but I frogged and it worked out better the second time.

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um, okay NO ONE in this county has Warm Brown yarn! I guess when the woman clarified for me that I needed RH yarn instead of TLC I should have asked if they had it in stock. DUH! But I did get some yarn for my next granny a month square, so it wasn't a total wasted trip.

So, now I have two WalMarts near me that I'm CALLING TO SEE IF THEY HAVE IT FIRST tonight. Hopefully I'll have a finished L&B soon!

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Thanks Celeste!!!

I got the yarn this morning (last minute, frantic stop at WalMart)! YAY!!! So I grabbed the ghan and brought it to work with me just to finish the last corner and the last side of the LAST round!!! :woo

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Hey Madelyn - Are you out there ? I have been wondering if you got your problem with the last few rows figured out ? Did the smaller hook work, or did you take out the part that was getting too "frilly " and redo it ? I was just wondering about it this morning . :think

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All done!! Well, I didn't get all of my ends crocheted over, so I have a few more to weave in before I'm COMPLETELY done.


Great job - someday I will have the never ending afghan finished too!

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I know what you mean, Cheryl, I was SO ready to be done with it! ~ I hate to say that, but it seemed like it WAS never ending! And I commited to myself, in order to cut some stress out of my life, that I would only do one project at a time.......and I have a LONG list of to do's


I took pictures last night, but didn't get them downloaded because of kid issues last night and this morning AND my Dad is here visiting (:D) so I haven't taken much computer time at home. I'll post them soon though!

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Hi Everyone! :waving

Sorry I've been quiet! Very busy at work.


Congrats, Christin! Can't wait to see it. Shelain, your colors are so pretty!


I am plugging away but haven't had any time to stitch the last few days. Still on Round 19!


Hope you all have a great day!

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