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Lace & Bobbles Crochetalong


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Danielle..I hope your boy gets better soon...My grandson always gets those and believe me they are no fun.

Cheryl...That is so nice....it looks really cheery...I also did all those s/c in hdc when I read it on a post here. keep it up.:hook

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Good Morning Gang! :waving:ccompute


:dance I am happy to report that I actually got up to row 12 last night. Only had an hour and it was interrupted about a million times but it was nice while it lasted! I probably should have worked on the shrugs but I just couldn't resist the call of the Alpaca! :llama It's coming out really pretty but very slowly...


Cristin... I hope you head held together long enough to get your yarn!:sick

Danielle... believe me, I totally understand! Hang in there. You'll get some time soon... you and I can lag together! :juggle

Olga... I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you. Your ghan is turning out so pretty! :yay

Mad (hee hee) Hi! :neener

Cheryl... those colors are so bright and cheery! That is really going to be a lovely ghan. Perfect for snuggling under when you are sick and need to be cheered up!:2magic

Julie... you better make something for yourself, you silly woman! :box


Y'all have a great day!


:hook Mare

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Cristin -


You ran out of yarn THAT close to the end ? I bet that made you madder than a wet hen ! :hen


Hope you feel well enough today to get the last of your yarn and finish it up. I know what you mean when you get that close to the end of a project . I always get like that . I get very antsy to get it done . I guess it's because I start seeing other projects in my head that I want to do next !

Actually, it was kind of a relief..:lol..I didn't feel well and I was almost on auto-pilot trying to finish it -- eyes glazed over, head throbbing but HAD to finish it....and my *fingers* started to HURT from holding my hook.....:eek

I get very antsy! It actually shocked me how antsy I got....so I just started my new project...

I'll take pics to share as soon as I finish. :D

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Here's my afghan to date - I think I am on row 39 or so - can't remember. I did switch to hdc instead of sc and it makes it go faster for sure.



Wow, that is incredibly beautiful!! I absolutely love those colors!



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Nothing wrong with that !


I don't think I've ever made anything for myself and ended up keeping it. I usually start out thinking I'm gonna keep it, then think of someone else that needs it or wants it, so I give it away !


I think maybe one of these days I'll keep something for myself !


I agree! We put in so much work on our projects, sometime we should treat ourselves. I love the work I do for PL, but I did once make an afghan, and I loved the colors and yarn so much, I admit, I ended up keeping it. The only thing in 5.5 years that I've kept. Maybe one of these days I'll actually make something for myself. But every time I say that, I think about the children who are served by PL and I end up making something for them. It's more close to home for me now, because last year one of my brothers died in a car accident, and PL gave his children blankets, so I know more firsthand the value of that work.


But still, it would be kind of nice to have something for myself. I did make a little blanket for one of my kitties (she's 18 1/2 and arthritic, so it helps her feel better).



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Renee, I feel for you. I truly do. I lost one of my brothers July 10, 2003. It does get a bit easier as time goes on. But, I still really lose it sometimes and I think of him all the time. I really miss him.



Big hugs to you :hug

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MARE - WHY DIDN'T YOU MAKE IT BIGGER LAST NIGHT ? Only row 12 ? Why not row 72 ?????


Hee hee I was wondering if you'd see that.


I would have LOVED to keep going but it seems that lately, hubby gets jealous of my crochet so when I finally have a minute to sit and stitch, he wants to go in the spa or get on the computer together or???? Oh well. I do love him dearly!

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Renee, I feel for you. I truly do. I lost one of my brothers July 10, 2003. It does get a bit easier as time goes on. But, I still really lose it sometimes and I think of him all the time. I really miss him.



Big hugs to you :hug


Thanks, Nancy! I have to say, it's been a bit surreal. The same day my brother died, a good friend who was 9 months pregnant lost her baby, and my niece went into labor. It was both horrible and wonderful.


The one blessing that came out of this: my brother and I hadn't been in touch for years, and I didn't really know his children. But now I've been able to develop a relationship with them, and I just adore them (they're 16 and 15).



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Thanks, Nancy! I have to say, it's been a bit surreal. The same day my brother died, a good friend who was 9 months pregnant lost her baby, and my niece went into labor. It was both horrible and wonderful.


The one blessing that came out of this: my brother and I hadn't been in touch for years, and I didn't really know his children. But now I've been able to develop a relationship with them, and I just adore them (they're 16 and 15).




That is wonderful that you're closer now with his children. My favorite aunt passed away literally 2 weeks before my brother. That was such a blow.


My brother's oldest son just had twin girls 5 days ago. I just can't help but thinking how much Wade would have loved to hold them and spoil them rotten.


If you ever want to chat, please feel free to email me!



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Cheryl, that looks amazing!!! Are you using Caron SS Brites, or something else? I'd love to know how many skeins you end up using!!! :hook It's positively GLOWING!



I'll definitely look for my testers here :) Thanks, ladies! :hug


Yep it's Caron SS Brites. It's so soft (hence the name I suppose) and I love it!

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Hey gang, it's Saturday.:D Even though it's still early here on the east coast, time is going fast.


I've been doing some work on the suede afghan. I don't like how it's turning out, it's really stretching:think I frogged a few rows and will try again.



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Good morning Madelyn.....:eek Oh no....I'm terrified of that word"FROGGING".:hook I'm sorry you have to do that ...and believe me I know about frogging..


Hey gang, it's Saturday.:D Even though it's still early here on the east coast, time is going fast.


I've been doing some work on the suede afghan. I don't like how it's turning out, it's really stretching:think I frogged a few rows and will try again.



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Hey ladies! Can I ask for prayers from the praying women here? When I fell down our stairs about 5 months ago, I messed up my foot and ankle. Didn't think of anything else. Well, when I started walking and biking about 4 weeks ago, my low back started really hurting. I had x-rays done yesterday and found out that my low spine is really screwed up. I had a treament yesterday and I am in big time pain. Came down to email and let everyone know I'm not allowed to sit (or am I able to comfortably) at my puter.



I guess I'll be getting my afghan finished sooner than I thought! hahaha


Hugs all and I'll check back when I can.:manyheart

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Dear Nancy

I'm very sorry to hear of your health problems . If you have a laptop computer, maybe you could rig it up to use in bed or on the couch, wherever they have you staying .

I hope you are soon on your feet again and feeling up to par . We will all be thinking of you and hope you'll be able to check in occasionally . We would definitely miss you if you couldn't check in once in awhile ~~~

Take good care of yourself .:)

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