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You are very ambitious Tina.  The whole garden?

Well, it is another beautiful day in the neighborhood, with a chance of rain.:jumpyay

Thought I would drop in to see how everyone is doing.

I am off to get my stuff together before I leave.

Have a fun day everyone.

Oh yeah, the Gulf is almost 90 degrees.  Now that is a warm bath.

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1 hour ago, Tampa Doll said:

You are very ambitious Tina.  The whole garden?

Well, it is another beautiful day in the neighborhood, with a chance of rain.:jumpyay

Thought I would drop in to see how everyone is doing.

I am off to get my stuff together before I leave.

Have a fun day everyone.

Oh yeah, the Gulf is almost 90 degrees.  Now that is a warm bath.

Yes the entire garden got planted. My back still hurts. Come harvest, there will be vegetables for everyone. lol

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Back to the land of the living, DH and I took 5 of the grands to play in the water at a near by lake on Monday, DIL wasn't feeling well and Tuesday morning she called to say she was Omicron positive. I didn't think anything about it and didn't go near her in the bedroom Wed morning I got up and went to get my new glasses and have lunch with MIL and had a scratchy throat, the middle of the night I woke up coughing up a lung, joints ache and bad headache... I text my Dr and she immediately sent in, I think its call Plavicx, not sure of the spelling, Thursday and Friday were awful but today  it seems to have moved to my head and I have no sense of taste or smell.  Im house bound til Tues.

MJ, what did they say about John?  What's the game plan..  Lordy the rest of you don't go melting on me, 

No garden for us this year...makes me sad, even sold one of the big pressure canners this year...I told DH we'll move as soon as the pantry clears out so we don't have to move all the canning jars of food...LOL


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Rain and thunderstorms over night.  Looks like something might form any time.   At least dh wont need to water the garden plot he is babysitting for someone. I miss not having my flowers and vegetables but I knew it wasnt going to work here having to get in car or hike over to the garden area along with the time restrictions that you are allowed access.   I am more of a piddler.  I walked by saw things things that needed done and did them.  My allergies were getting too bad anyway.  We had a bonsai meeting this morning but had last minute change of plans and wound up at a friend's husband's celebration of life instead.  Almost didnt hear about it in time.



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Good afternoon! It's pretty quiet here and still hot. I'm sure the heat is here to stay until early to mid-October when it starts to cool down. 🥵 

I've been cleaning and organizing my studio/office. I found some yarn in a cabinet I completely forgot I had. Lucky me! I've been good about not buying more yarn, trying to use up what I have but that will probably not happen in my lifetime. I have a large plastic bin filled with just crochet thread for doilies and such and haven't made a doily in quite some time. In fact, I have a WIP doily sitting by my recliner that has sat there for months now screaming at me to finish it. One of these days I'll organize the 9 or 10 large bins I have of acrylic and natural fiber yarn stored in cabinets in the garage. Someday, someday, someday.

Tina- You're going to have enough veggies to feed your whole town! 🤣

Mary Jo-I hope you got that rain you wanted.

Lea- I'm so sorry you came down sick. I hope you are well soon.

Brenda- I'm sorry for your loss.

That's all for now. Back to cleaning- Whoopee! Not!


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Tina, hope your back is feeling better. It’ll be so worth it.

Lea, hope you’re over it real soon.

I’ve been dog sitting for my older son this weekend. Paz and I have both been couch potatoes. Back home tomorrow.

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1 hour ago, ReniC said:

Good afternoon! It's pretty quiet here and still hot. I'm sure the heat is here to stay until early to mid-October when it starts to cool down. 🥵 

I've been cleaning and organizing my studio/office. I found some yarn in a cabinet I completely forgot I had. Lucky me! I've been good about not buying more yarn, trying to use up what I have but that will probably not happen in my lifetime. I have a large plastic bin filled with just crochet thread for doilies and such and haven't made a doily in quite some time. In fact, I have a WIP doily sitting by my recliner that has sat there for months now screaming at me to finish it. One of these days I'll organize the 9 or 10 large bins I have of acrylic and natural fiber yarn stored in cabinets in the garage. Someday, someday, someday.

Tina- You're going to have enough veggies to feed your whole town! 🤣

Mary Jo-I hope you got that rain you wanted.

Lea- I'm so sorry you came down sick. I hope you are well soon.

Brenda- I'm sorry for your loss.

That's all for now. Back to cleaning- Whoopee! Not!


It was the husband of one of the ladies in our dulcimer group.  I had only met him twice but dh knew him from the hobby hut.  They were childhood sweethearts and married 67 years. He is another one here that after attending their funeral that we wish we had got to know him better.

Meanwhile we have a new move in next door.  We talked to her a bit this evening.  One of our garden friends brought some beets by from their garden plot.  I love beets.  

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Good evening.  

Wow Lea, I sure hope you feel better soon.  You could of told Chris he does not have to move till the yarn is gone.:rofl

The have now moved DH up to 6 days a week for PT.  They are trying to make it that when he comes home, he can at least get out of bed.  The plan is to go from there to home.  The real factor will be when the co-pay kicks in.  That will be a killer.  They did tell me they would help with getting a bed and wheelchair and lift if needed.  I will also get some nursing help.  What bothers me the most is, He is not eating.  He says he is not hungry and the scary thing is he has been in there for 40 days.  When this thing started about 2 months ago, he was over 300 now he is almost to 200 lbs.  I carry a case with food I think he will like to try and entice him.  We were told today we can order door dash or pizza delivered.  I am worn and tired and the brain is spinning.  I need to regroup.

Thanks for letting me vent.

No rain, maybe rain starting Wed next week.  Yeah right.

I came in to say Hi and see how everyone is doing.

Off to yell at the hockey.

Hugs, to all and have a great weekend, what is left of it.

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Rain has stopped, going to fix up the front perennial garden today and plant some blue and white campanula.

Wow Mary Jo, that is a lot of weight to lose in that period of time.  No wonder you are worried about him not eating.

Lea, I hope you feel better soon.

Brenda, sorry for your loss.

Thanks Mona, back is feeling better today.  Enjoy your day being a couch potatoe with your fur companion.  Sometimes we need that.

Have a great Sunday everyone.

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16 hours ago, Tampa Doll said:

Good evening.  

Wow Lea, I sure hope you feel better soon.  You could of told Chris he does not have to move till the yarn is gone.:rofl

The have now moved DH up to 6 days a week for PT.  They are trying to make it that when he comes home, he can at least get out of bed.  The plan is to go from there to home.  The real factor will be when the co-pay kicks in.  That will be a killer.  They did tell me they would help with getting a bed and wheelchair and lift if needed.  I will also get some nursing help.  What bothers me the most is, He is not eating.  He says he is not hungry and the scary thing is he has been in there for 40 days.  When this thing started about 2 months ago, he was over 300 now he is almost to 200 lbs.  I carry a case with food I think he will like to try and entice him.  We were told today we can order door dash or pizza delivered.  I am worn and tired and the brain is spinning.  I need to regroup.

Thanks for letting me vent.

No rain, maybe rain starting Wed next week.  Yeah right.

I came in to say Hi and see how everyone is doing.

Off to yell at the hockey.

Hugs, to all and have a great weekend, what is left of it.

:hug I feel for you on the food issue as I have been thru it with people and pets.  Its frustrating trying to find something they will eat and then you get so discouraged when they wont eat it.  

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hi all  

well feeling better now that mary jo will keep track of things, so the thread is saved  im glad cos i hated to see it go  thanks MJ   Tampa  love to all guess i will see you here again lol yay  

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Mary Jo, that's a lot going on. Hope all the issues can be resolved.

I got home today in time to eat lunch and then have four of the grands for the afternoon. Now I'm pooped. It will be early to bed for me.

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Hi! It's 94°F out and no rain in sight. That would be a blessing to cool things off a bit and lower the volume of dust from the wind blowing so much.

Mary Jo- I feel for you so much. I was my DH's caregiver for over a year so I know how frustrating and hard on your soul it can be. Hang in there dear and know we all have prayers and good thoughts for you and your Tampa Guy.

Mona- You have the stamina of Superwoman with all the time you give to your family. They are so blessed to have you in their lives.

Katy- I'm glad you popped in. Don't be a stranger. 🙂

Now it's time for more iced tea and figure out what to make for dinner tonight.

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Hello everyone.

Yesterday I was really down in the dumps, so I dumpled all over you guys.  I am doing my best here and in a way I guess I am scared when he comes home and needs a lot of help.

I do appreciate you all listening.  That is really all I need sometimes.

We are finally going to get some rain starting Wednesday.  I sure hope so.  My lawn needs it and I could use the relief on the water bill.

I have been getting pictures of the garden from Tina.  I love the flowers and she even has Lilacs.  I love them, but down here we can not have them, as it does not get cold enough or long enough for them to take a nap, so they can have flowers.  Down here they are only pretty green bushes.

Well, no hockey game tonight, so I will try to get some sleep, but I am wide awake right now.

Have a good night everyone.

Thank you all.

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Up early this morning.  Got some shopping done and soon I will have to get ready to leave.

The sun is shinning, but there are clouds in the sky.  Maybe some maybe rain?

Have a fun day.

Hockey tonight.

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11 hours ago, Tampa Doll said:

Hello everyone.

Yesterday I was really down in the dumps, so I dumpled all over you guys.  I am doing my best here and in a way I guess I am scared when he comes home and needs a lot of help.

I do appreciate you all listening.  That is really all I need sometimes.

We are finally going to get some rain starting Wednesday.  I sure hope so.  My lawn needs it and I could use the relief on the water bill.

I have been getting pictures of the garden from Tina.  I love the flowers and she even has Lilacs.  I love them, but down here we can not have them, as it does not get cold enough or long enough for them to take a nap, so they can have flowers.  Down here they are only pretty green bushes.

Well, no hockey game tonight, so I will try to get some sleep, but I am wide awake right now.

Have a good night everyone.

Thank you all.

We are all here for each other Mary Jo, you can lean on us when you need it, no need to apologize.  It isn't easy what you are going through, you are allowed to be down in the dumps.❤️

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13 hours ago, Tampa Doll said:

Hello everyone.

Yesterday I was really down in the dumps, so I dumpled all over you guys.  I am doing my best here and in a way I guess I am scared when he comes home and needs a lot of help.

I do appreciate you all listening.  That is really all I need sometimes.

We are finally going to get some rain starting Wednesday.  I sure hope so.  My lawn needs it and I could use the relief on the water bill.

I have been getting pictures of the garden from Tina.  I love the flowers and she even has Lilacs.  I love them, but down here we can not have them, as it does not get cold enough or long enough for them to take a nap, so they can have flowers.  Down here they are only pretty green bushes.

Well, no hockey game tonight, so I will try to get some sleep, but I am wide awake right now.

Have a good night everyone.

Thank you all.

You dumple on us anytime you need to. We are here with wide shoulders & arms to hug you with when you need hugs!

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I would feel offended that you didn't rust our love enough for you to dumple all you need....No need to be brave , stiff upper lip, etc... let it all go right here, this gave me a moment to stop and pray for John and you, getting old is scary business, golly if we didn't rely on each other we would be dusty old bones in a corner drinking rum out of a jug eating hotpockets 3 times a day ( actually not a terrible way to go)...LOL

We love you always and we are here

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Being able to share our ups and downs is one of the great things about this group.

Lea, thanks for the laugh about the rum and hotpockets!


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5 hours ago, minwifeof4boys said:

I would feel offended that you didn't rust our love enough for you to dumple all you need....No need to be brave , stiff upper lip, etc... let it all go right here, this gave me a moment to stop and pray for John and you, getting old is scary business, golly if we didn't rely on each other we would be dusty old bones in a corner drinking rum out of a jug eating hotpockets 3 times a day ( actually not a terrible way to go)...LOL

We love you always and we are here

Hey I like Rum and hotpockets.  Thanks for the laugh.

I am doing better today, thanks to you guys.  You guys are the best.

I just finished a dog for a friend, now I have to put it all together.  The part I dislike the most.  SEWING!!

Well, off to get my cup of tea, that will probably go cold, as I will sit and fall asleep.  Thank you Microwaves.

Have a fun night.

Second hockey game tonight.  Let's go Flrorida.

Edited by Tampa Doll
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Been on the run this morning.  First out the door to prayer shawl meeting.  I turned in four.  Then off to meet my old work group for lunch.  Now I know why the one has not come to dulcimer practice the last two weeks and we hadnt heard from her.  She (79 years old) has been without power for 13 days.  My bil lives in same area and his was only off 4 days.  When she got to part in her story that the meter was ripped off house I knew it was going to be bad as that means you have to deal with an electrician as well as the power company.  Her car was in the garage but no handle on garage door to lift it when you bypass opener.  Initially she didnt know meter was off of house because she didnt feel safe wandering out to look around.  She has the monitor she wears to push for help but those batteries all went dead.  Cell phone went dead  (didnt have car charger)and her daughter couldnt track her.   Daughter who lives in TX wound up calling police to do a welfare check as electric company told daughter meter at that address was working properly. There are multiple people that would have come picked her up and let her stay with them but she said she kept thinking the power would be back on at any time.  One good thing when meter ripped off the house did not catch on fire but only scorched the paint on the siding but no damage to siding.  She does need guttering and fence repaired.  They had to reboot/reset her ac to get it going.  She says she is hearing an alarm in basement and thinks it might be the washer dryer and someone is coming for that.  She subscribes to a company that does maintenance and repair on appliances, HVAC systems, water heater etc.  I told her that stories like hers made me very grateful to be living here.

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Brenda, that is a real horror story. It really makes me appreciate having family living close and living in a small town where you know the neighbors. So glad she is ok.

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That is one scary time she is having.  That is what I worry about here, when they talk hurricane.

We finally got rain today.  It started this afternoon and kept up till 5.

I had to laugh, I looked out the window of DH's room and it is usually a dry gully.  Well, it is now a small pond and it has ducks swimming in it.  It will probably be gone tomorrow, as it is just a drainage ditch.  We are looking at rain the rest of the week.:jumpyay

Have a fun night.

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She was scolded today and admitted she knew she had multiple people she could have stayed with but she just kept thinking power would be back any time.  After getting the car out of the garage she spent a lot of time at the library.  Insurance would have paid for her to stay at a hotel.  Bad thing was when coordinating with electric company and electrician.  Electric company says her outage was never reported and after 13 days without electricity it would be at least another 5 days before they could get to her.  She said she just lost it at that point and got so ugly that she later felt bad but she had reported it, daughter reported it, electric crew had been there as thats when she found out meter was off of house and should have reported it, electrician reported it, insurance guy reported it.  They finally got back to her and said crew was in area and would be there second shift.  They got there 7p and she had power 20 minutes later.

Mary Jo I was wondering if you were getting any of that rain they showed on the news.  

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Wow Brenda! Your friend had quite the experience. It's a good thing her DD had the incentive to call for a welfare check. I'm so glad she is okay. I'm so grateful I get checked on every day. It's not easy living by oneself.

Mary Jo- I'm glad for you too that you finally got some rain. Yay! Your "pond" with the ducks swimming reminded me of when we were at the other house. The two golf fairways across the street from us had a large pond dividing them. When the super heavy rains would hit, the pond overflowed the fairways. Looking out my front window, it was a hoot seeing ducks swimming around on the fairways instead of the pond! 

We're having some testy temperatures here still- 101°F today. My AC checkup got postponed until next week since the company had so many AC emergencies to take care of.

We have a wildfire going about 20 miles east of town up in one of the smaller mountain ranges. About 30 homes and ranches are in its path. It's super rough terrain where the fire is and so far, there are 140 firefighters out there battling it in this heat. Hotshot Firefighters are being brought in if they're not there already. The Hotshots are trained for wildfires and help so much. No clue yet how the fire started. My prayers go out for all of them.

Since today's chores are done, now it's time to go pick up my book and read a little before dinner time. Have a good evening!




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