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2024 What's On Your Hook? Share your WIPs.

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PS.  It looks nice so far and yes, blocking improves things by about 1000 per cent.  That's why they invented blocking. 

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38 minutes ago, Horsy said:

Re "frogging".  If you could somehow compensate for the error in the next row, and no one (but you) could even notice that something isn't quite right, would you just keep on going?  I try to correct a mistake in the next row or round if it is not a severe error which makes it impossible to continue.  Just asking!  

I have left errors that don't show and where I can fudge the stitch count (add a stitch/leave out a stitch) to correct on the next row. Probably a lot easier to do with say an afghan in worsted weight yarn than with thread in a doily.

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37 minutes ago, Horsy said:

Re "frogging".  If you could somehow compensate for the error in the next row, and no one (but you) could even notice that something isn't quite right, would you just keep on going?  I try to correct a mistake in the next row or round if it is not a severe error which makes it impossible to continue.  Just asking!  

I'd forego the frogging if I wasn't such a perfectionist. There were more than a couple of errors in both rounds so, it was too noticeable to me. I wouldn't have been able to proceed without having to make compensation for the errors on each succeeding round.  The last round I completed has 2 more errors on the new rounds so now I'm not sure what to do about the whole shabang. I'm discouraged with the whole project and since I would probably never use this doily, I've pretty much given up on it so I set it aside and maybe I'll pick it up at some point and finish the last 8 rounds on it someday. I have to admit, when it comes to thread patterns, I am not well suited with advanced patterns anymore!

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1 hour ago, ReniC said:

I'd forego the frogging if I wasn't such a perfectionist. There were more than a couple of errors in both rounds so, it was too noticeable to me. I wouldn't have been able to proceed without having to make compensation for the errors on each succeeding round.  The last round I completed has 2 more errors on the new rounds so now I'm not sure what to do about the whole shabang. I'm discouraged with the whole project and since I would probably never use this doily, I've pretty much given up on it so I set it aside and maybe I'll pick it up at some point and finish the last 8 rounds on it someday. I have to admit, when it comes to thread patterns, I am not well suited with advanced patterns anymore!

I have corrected minor errors that can be easily hidden or fixed, but like you if it's too noticeable or will cause issue in later rows...RIP, frog.

Sorry that doily has given you so much trouble!  I don't know if this is the one you've set aside previously.  Sometimes that's all I need to suddenly have greater attention or a lightbulb moment to finish.  There have been some I tossed in the trash never to re-visit.  lol

This tee that I've finished the panels on was a problematic pattern.  The way it was written (the back panel) ended up making me think I did something wrong, ripped way back only to discover I was correct the first time.

Then 50% on the front panel ...I contacted designer for errata.  The short of it, the designer will work on what happened with this pattern.  I pretty much had to start over and re-write the pattern and calculate the numbers of rows, etc.  Simple design made that feasible for me and the investment in Coboo.  🙂

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Thanks for responses and further discussion!  I myself have never made errors in doilies whether circular or rectangular (what luck!) but with other things, I just hide the mistake unless the whole project would be thrown off. 

This tee that I've finished the panels on was a problematic pattern.  The way it was written (the back panel) ended up making me think I did something wrong, ripped way back only to discover I was correct the first time

A "problematic pattern"?  You don't say.  A goodly portion of crochet patterns fit into that category.   This is just one of my sad tales:  I ordered a pattern for mitts and they came out like they'd be roomy for Paul Bunyan.  I know how to read patterns for mitts; I know to use the right yarn and right hook; I know to follow instrs; all that and more.  Yet these mitts were crazy large.  So I half way ripped the one I'd completed and used it as a base for a good sized jar.  SMH...

Sorry about your woes with the tee. 

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What a gorgeous colour.  What brand of thread is that, and what is the colour?  Thanks.   And good luck with your project.  

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Currently still working on random things to give away & only using what is on hand in my house...please excuse the pictures that are not the best lol

Figet balls and wind spinners 

** the wind spinners need to be adjusted a little more since I just pulled out of a plastic bag and took the Pic really quickly to post...



Edited by Jayashiangel
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2 hours ago, NCcountrygal said:

Doilies, doilies on the hook.  Some for my use and some as gifts. 
Next, paw coaster for vet and cat coaster for vet desk, kitty section. 


Paw and cat coasters for the vet?  That's a great idea!  When you post them, please include links to the patterns.

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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, Scoop183 said:

Paw and cat coasters for the vet?  That's a great idea!  When you post them, please include links to the patterns.

Better that I share now or I might forget.  May have already, several months back.  🤔

Several are free on the net (video tutorials)  This one has photos and video. 


I bought this one last year.


Cat face

may find free video...



this looks like what I bought...(not signed in )


Edited by NCcountrygal
Reduce babble
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I have to give a shout out to all you dollie makers that takes a lot of patience that I just don't have...

Another quick use of small amounts of yarn (perfect for scrap yarn) to give away to people in need of some cheering up...

Heart & Flower bookmarks..


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18 hours ago, ambiekraftsreads said:

This is what is on my hook. I've gotten done with the yellow and am on blue since this pic was taken.

Your Granny is turning out great! It's going to be a plus during wintertime when the cold seeps in.

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