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Sometimes I hate myself!

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You all are obviously not doing your part to keep me from buying more yarn. I specifically asked you to stop me! This weekend I finished the all-white baby round ripple and began a (gasp!) knit baby round ripple yesterday as well. I don't NEED any more yarn. Then why, why, why can't I stop myself? I hit Smiley's again. I saw the Peter Pan in Baby Dots. It's so cute, and I don't remember seeing that color before - a lovely soft yellow with flecks or pink, blue and bright yellow in it. I've heard that Peter Pan is nice and soft, so I had to buy 10 skeins, enough to make a blanket and maybe hat and booties, too. Then I saw another yarn I hadn't seen before - Berella Sportspun in a color called Too Blue Print (looks a lot like Red Heart's Ocean). And it was only 77 cents a skein. So..... there goes another 10 skeins. I somehow managed to stop there, no thanks to you all.

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My co-workers have been asked to instruct me NOT to purchase yarn. It does no good...I shop anyway. However, sounds like you got a great buy at 77 cents a skein! :lol

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This is not the place to be if you want to curb your yarn or pattern acquisitions. :lol Not even the place if you don't want to add more things to your to-do list. :devil


PS- Thank goodness there is Crochetville though :devil

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I totally agree. One can never have too much yarn. But there does need to be a sufficient amount of time in order to use it? Since I'm in the shopping mood, can anyone tell me where I might purchase a few more hours in which to crochet?

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I have decided that as long as I am producing finished items every few days, then it is okay to buy yarn. I think I need to empty the dresser. I have really stocked up and now that I have all of my Christmas present yarn I am done shopping for a bit.


I never was a stash builder until this summer when cotton-ease was discontinued. It was at that moment that I realized there is a reason people stock up and buy when it is on sale. I try to stay within budget, though recently went over budget because of Christmas shopping.


Anyway, I feel your "pain." I guess you just need to crochet more!

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:clap:yayHurray!!! I'm not the only one that has an obsession with buying yarn. I have so much yarn it is crazy. My husband swears I'm addicted, well between you and me, I am addicted and what an addiction it is.

I'm glad to know there is nothing wrong with me, wrong with me, wrong with me.......uh sorry about that.

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There's noway any of us can help you until someone helps us.Anyway there's a great buy online at Herrschners,they have Red Heart christmas metallic in bue/silver and rose/gold that was 2.97@skein now it's .97 cents@ skein. yyahooooo..... good luck,Evelyn

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someone asked if it is possible to have to much yarn. YES it is, my yarn stash has taken over the house, yesterday i gave 3 huge bags(lawn and leaf size) to the sisters of st anns. and i still have more than i can ever use in my life time. but my dd is also crocheting so i will pass it on to her. yarnaholics should be setting up shop in my house:devil :devil :devil :devil

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There's noway any of us can help you until someone helps us.Anyway there's a great buy online at Herrschners,they have Red Heart christmas metallic in bue/silver and rose/gold that was 2.97@skein now it's .97 cents@ skein. yyahooooo..... good luck,Evelyn


Oh girl, have you looked today? they have They also have red/dilver,victorian gold, and holly silver!!! And theres a count down of how many are left!! boy they really know how we work dont they!


edit:the jamie baby circus print is 97 cents to!

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someone asked if it is possible to have to much yarn. YES it is, my yarn stash has taken over the house, yesterday i gave 3 huge bags(lawn and leaf size) to the sisters of st anns. and i still have more than i can ever use in my life time. but my dd is also crocheting so i will pass it on to her. yarnaholics should be setting up shop in my house:devil :devil :devil :devil


Why Vicki, what a wonderful RAOK some of your stash would be!:wink

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I have an idea! Go ahead and indulge! Buy all the yarn your little heart desires. Then when you get home and realized that you bought way too much yarn send it to me! :hook:hook:hook


My hubby keeps saying "I'll be glad when Christmas is over" because he thinks I'll stop buying yarn after Christmas presents are done... HAH! That's what he thinks! I've become so addicted that it's impossible to stop!!!!!!

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I also suffer from this dreaded disease.:sick .

I buy yarn because i have to, I love it!!! So what I don't have a project to work on, I have my yarn. I love going to yarn stores/sections, so much yarn so little money.


But I rather be addicted to buying yarn than anything else.:D

So ladies, its ok. Just understand that as long as these yarn companies keep coming out with wonderful new yarns, we will not be cured!!!


FYI, if anyone is going to be in NYC the last week in november Smileys is having their infamous hotel yarn sale!!! www.smlieysyarns.com This is when Smiley's takes over the holiday inn in NYC for 7 days and gives us yarn addicts the ultimate fix!!!:devil :devil :devil



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