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Is This Man Crocheting???

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I was looking at costumeing sites today and saw this. Does it or does it not look like a crochet hook in this man's hand with a starting chain in front of him? This was art from the 1500's. If my assumption is correct then that would put crochet at a much earlier date than what I suspected!

Any thoughts from you folks?



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Actually, it looks like the pic is called somthing with Hercules and a woman's name, so I suspect we're dealing with a Roman/Greek semi-deity who's for some sneaky purpose dressed up as an old woman and snug into the women's company. It would be so like them!

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Okay, thanks ya'll. I won't raise the alarm to my history group.


His beard is really a funny shape though and I couldn't figure out if it was a starting chain for crochet or if his beard was braided!:lol It sure faked me out but it would have been great if it HAD been crochet! I've never seen spinning being done.



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He is spinning with a spindle using the fiber from the distaff the lady is holding. It was more common for men to spin and to knit back in that time as every one wore hand knitted hose. They developed knitting guilds back then which were exclusively male.:cheer Jacqui

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:eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek
They developed knitting guilds back then which were exclusively male.:cheer Jacqui
welll at least we women share our love for knitting and crocheting. thank gosh that time era is passed:lol :lol :lol
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He is spinning with a spindle using the fiber from the distaff the lady is holding. It was more common for men to spin and to knit back in that time as every one wore hand knitted hose. They developed knitting guilds back then which were exclusively male.:cheer Jacqui


Thanks for the history trivia. That's pretty cool that men did the knitting/sprang back then.

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looks more like he is spining, as far as the beard many people used to square their beards in that fashion to create the illusion of a strong chin which was considered a trait of strength and leadership.

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