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I understand

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I just started a month ago, and didn't understand why people would have multiple projects going on at once. It seemed to me, it was better to do just one at a time, that way it got done faster. I am not patient enough to wait, and am anxious to see my final product.

Well......I have been making a baby blanket the past five days, and am just sick to death of it. I have a list of other stuff I want to make, and this is boring me to tears. Last night I had to frog (what does that stand for anyway, i know it means pull the stitches out, but why the word frog?) fifteen rows or so because I missed one ending stitch and it made my whole blanket wonky. That was the last straw. I'm doing something else today. Something I can get done in a day or two. The blanket can wait.

I'm either making the interweave skinny scarf, or this one.

FREE Crocheted Incredibly Soft Scarf Pattern from Craft Designs for You!

This is the blanket I am working on. Hmmm, it says it is a level three intermediate and I am more a level one LOL It hasn't been difficult so far, I hope it is not the edging that makes it a three because I haven't even read that part of the pattern yet. The flyer I picked up in the store didn't have a rating. Oh well.

Bernat: Pattern Detail - Softee Baby - Baby Blanket and Booties

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Yep - having several projects going at once helps maintain a little sanity. ;) When I am making something big, like an afghan, I like to work on it for a couple hours 2 or 3 days a week then the other days I work on smaller projects, like hats, scrunchies etc. Keeps me from getting bored with any of them.


Frog - when you are frogging something, you "rip it" apart, and frogs say "ribbit". Took me a little while to figure that one out too. lol

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LOL I felt the same way when I started crocheting too! I was so anxious to see my finished project that I couldn't understand doing more than one at a time...


Now of course I realized I would go bonkers if I worked on only one thing at a time... I have gone a little overboard though... It seems that I like to start projects more than finish them so I've got more than a dozen WIP's that I really need to finish before starting anything else!

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I just started crocheting too and I like to keep 2 projects at once.... a large one like an afghan and a smaller one like the hook case I'm making now. This way I don't get bored with the large project and I have the gratification of finishing the smaller project. :clap

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I always have atleast 5 things going on. However, I can truly say that right now, I am at the point where I am trying to be good about only buying yarn for what I need, instead of having a HUGE stash lying around that takes forever to get through.


I pretty much finished off my stash for the Harvest Fest I did (save for about 5 skeins of white yarn and a few random colors), and my intentions now are to only buy for one project at a time.


*we'll see how long that lasts*

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I understand also! I am always impatient when I start a project to see it finished. BUT, I started a Jessica Simpson shawl 3 weeks ago. I got the pattern from Stitchdiva which said complete over a weekend. I started it with LB Suede yarn. It calls for 1M yards which cost me $70. I love the colors and could not wait to wear it. I frogged it (took me a while to figure that out too) so many times that the fuzz started to wear out on the yarn. I then decided I cannot do this in the Suede. Bought 1M yards of TLC Amore. Yesterday, after using 4 skiens of yarn, realized I had skipped an end stitch or something because it was not shaping correctly. I could cry. My dh tells me just forget that pattern, make a different shawl. But this has now become a challenge. Complete it or bust. However, I think I will do a quick pattern before a start it again. I am begining to doubt my skills. I need a little ego boost!

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"Frog" has also become an expression of frustration or disgust for me: "Frog this!" or "I'm ready to frog this to the chain and start over," when a plan doesn't work.


In short, I use it as a substitute for the other "F-word." animal0083.gif

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I have many WIPs and not only do I get many things done because I'm not bored, but when I worry that I haven't crocheted something for a week (like this past week for instance) going back to one of those unfinished projects, especially a small one, seems to get the juices going again and I'm going like gang busters.


I had the foresight to take several unfinished projects with me to the states while I was on vacation a few weeks ago and for a while I worried that I would have to bring home these projects not only unfinished, but not even a stitch added to them...however, as God is my witness, everything I brought got finished...catnip mice, kittyghans, a vintage grape trivet made out of bottlecaps, and a bolero jacket (pattern from Crochet! magazine from a few issues back...) made me feel much better.


I still have something like five unfinished projects left...but I'm hankering to do something different, and just haven't found my inspiration yet...

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My first project, I only had one project going. But, after that, I keep adding more and more project. Right now, my goal is to not start another project until one is finished.

Current projects: A sweater for my husband (WW yarn), shawl for me (WW yarn), knitting a scarf (sport weight), a cover for the heating pad (sport), a new pair of socks that I started today (fingering weight), a thread shirt for me and another thread shirt for my mom (differnt paterns, of course). I find that not only does it keep me from getting board, but rotating between differnt yarn weights and stitch patterns help my wrists not to hurt.

Though, I do have to keep at least one small project going at all times so that I can finish something relativly quickly.


I nearly went insane trying to finish off the bably blanket for my aunt a little while ago. In order to finish it before my aunt gave birth, I was forces to work on it over 90% of the time. The boardom was to much for me. Next time, If I start one knowing that will happen, I will pick something that isn't such a simple boaring stitch pattern.

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I used to only work on one project at a time but when I got sick of a sweater I was making I decided to have one or two smaller projects on the go as well as a big project. I'm impatient too and I have to struggle not to get too obsessed with finishing a project- end up working on it till my eyes shut only to find I've made mistakes because I was so tired when I look at it the next day.

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I am usually busy with multiple projects too. But I recently made myself promise not to start anything without finishing anything. Just keep the status quo. That lasted all of two weeks. I am now doing 2 projects, but in my head I have like 13 others planned. I can't wait to get started on those mental WIP!

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<<<<Right now, my goal is to not start another project until one is finished.

Current projects: A sweater for my husband (WW yarn), shawl for me (WW yarn), knitting a scarf (sport weight), a cover for the heating pad (sport), a new pair of socks that I started today (fingering weight), a thread shirt for me and another thread shirt for my mom (differnt paterns, of course). >>>>

LOL! It doesn't sound like you are doing too well with your goal!

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