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Teaching my husband crochet

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So tonight, I am sitting there finishing off a purse for my mother. :cheer (Ya, it's finally done.. This has been the most annoying project ever.) And, of course, I've got hooks and yarn all over the place. Making a real mess.


My husband walks over and sits down next to me. Then he picks up a crochet hook, some yarn, and says "so how do you make that chain thingy ?" . . . I can't belive my ears. I get all excited about the idea of teaching him. First thing I did was get him some better yarn (the purse is out linnen which looks wonderful, but it is a bigest pain in the *** to work with).


So, I go into the stash and pull out some left over Caron Simply Soft for him and one of my larger hooks. ( I figure even if the hook really is to big for the yarn, he'll see the loops easier. ) Once I put thehook in his right hand instead of his left, things started going really well. ( I'm left handed, and he's right handed.... So once we got the whole mirrior immage thing down, it went well.)


And now he can chain like a pro. We are still working on yarn handleing. But he's doing great considering he's been crocheting for about 1/2 hour. Tomorrow he wants me to teach him how to do a single crochet. This is a lot of fun. I"m really enjoying teaching him.

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hehe, I know the feeling. :D


My hubby did a couple of things a couple of weeks ago. I was soo proud of him, he just picked up the hook and yarn and went to town. I was shocked that he picked crochet up soo fast and in one night had 3 projects done.

(pic's of his work on my blog)


He said that he had been watching me and picked up most of what I was doing. All he needed help with is working in rounds.


He did mention thow that he wont be doing it as much as I do, but he see's how it is relaxing.


Hope your hubby continues learning :D

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i wish my hubby would want to learn. i told him i would be glad to show him as i teach crochet for a job, and he said no he doesn't want to:eek :eek oh well at least then i won't have to share my yarn supply:clap :clap :clap

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I'd worry that there's been a rip in the time-space continuum or something if my SO decided he wanted to learn...


It's really not his thing, and we have an agreement, I don't have to learn how to fix my comp for myself, if he doesn't have to crochet :lol I'm pretty happy with that :)

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My husband just picked it up too. Had a heck of a time trying to help him since he's right handed. He's doing squares right now, trying to make a pillow cover for our older daughter. :) (Mind you, he's doing this without a pattern for the cover, just a pattern for the squares.)

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It really freaked me out when he asked. Before this, computer things where his thing and yarn was mine. It was completely unexpected. I'm hopeing that he keeps it up, even if he doesn't do it as much as I do. I was planning on makeing a blanket out of squares with all sorts of pattern using up scrap yarn. THe blanket is for my cats who have adapted my shawl as thier blanket. I'm hopeing if I make them thier own, they will give me back my shawl. So now I'm thinking that making a square or two would be a great first project for my husband. Big enough that he doens't think I'm just hurmoring him. Small enough that he can get it done quickly. BUt, if he decides he hates it, it won't be a huge deal...

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I'd worry that there's been a rip in the time-space continuum or something if my SO decided he wanted to learn...


You and me both, sister. I picked up my husband's hobby -- roleplaying games -- so we'd have something we could actually do together, but he wouldn't dream of taking up crochet.


Ironically, he's the one who took the sewing class in high school and taught me to use my sewing machine.

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That is so cool. Mine watches sports on his new big TV that he just got. I rather watch old movies while I crochet. I also play roleplaying and other pc games so I am a gamer too. He has never ask me to teach him would be really cool to look over and see him crocheting WOW!:cheer



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I really wish mine would ask!!! Actually, when I made my first dishcloth (an original pattern nonetheless) he said "Yeah, it's nice, I made several of those when I was a kid" I said "You crocheted dishclothes?" He said "Ask my grandma, I made a bunch of them." I said "It was crochet?" He said "I used a hook" I said "Was it a loom with a bunch of little nylon straps?" He says "Yeah, crochet!"


I wanted to strangle him!!!! Putting little nylon loops on a loom is NOT crocheting! Heck, I did that when I was a kid because I couldn't crochet!!! So needless to say, he thinks he already "knows how to and doesn't need to" learn how! LOL


P.S. My hubby would rather "listen" to the football game on the TV while playing Chess on his laptop than do anything constructive! LOL

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That's just great! It's so much fun to be able share your hobby with your husband if he understands how much fun it can be! Only trouble, you'll have to fight for the yarn!!:devil


Yeah, my love has the green yarn that I need to finish my pumpkins in another state since he's making me an IPod cozy. I forgot I needed it too! Oh well, hopefully he's done with it by the time I see him this weekend. :)

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I'd worry that there's been a rip in the time-space continuum or something if my SO decided he wanted to learn...


It's really not his thing, and we have an agreement, I don't have to learn how to fix my comp for myself, if he doesn't have to crochet :lol I'm pretty happy with that :)



LOL! This could be my post!


Except replace "fix my computer" with "play role playing or online computer games." :lol

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Long before I lost my hubby, he was interested in learrning how to crochet. I figured that since he could knit, crocheting would be a breeze. After several lessons, he gave up because I told him that he was too tight. I had a good laugh at this because when I begged him to teach me how to knit, he told me I was too tight as well! That was a fun time. I am looking forward to teaching my dd though one of these days.

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Actually, when I made my first dishcloth (an original pattern nonetheless) he said "Yeah, it's nice, I made several of those when I was a kid" I said "You crocheted dishclothes?" He said "Ask my grandma, I made a bunch of them." I said "It was crochet?" He said "I used a hook" I said "Was it a loom with a bunch of little nylon straps?" He says "Yeah, crochet!"


I wanted to strangle him!!!! Putting little nylon loops on a loom is NOT crocheting!


Heh. My husband calls all yarn craft "knitting." He thought cross-stitch was crochet. animal0083.gif

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