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Best Yarn Find Ever!

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A lady I work with told me her SIL was selling some yarn at her yard sale. I checked it out and bought it all for $100.00. 10 boxes of all kinds of 4ply and bulky weight and soft yarn. :cheer:clap:cheer:clap:cheer


Wow! There must be $600.00 worth of yarn there!


This lady has problems with her eyes due to diabetes, so she's not crocheting any more. Some one else beat me to her books!!!! :thumbdown But I am still thrilled at my haul! Hubby didn't blink.


His hobby is alot more expensive than mine, he makes, shoots, collects long bows. All that stuff plus going to archery shoots adds up! But, being the good loving woman I am sacrafice his presence and crochet while he's gone.....:devil


Had to share my excitement!!!!:woo :woo :jumpyay:party:hyper





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I was laid off last year and used most of my stash up. I was so excited to find this! She even gave me afghan she had started and didn't finish. We just used the yarn winder and made yarn balls out of them. Now to buy a bunch of plastic bags to put it all in!


:hug ,



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Wow, that's awesome! And at least you two have an understanding...guys usually don't understand how much their bass boats and new rifles cost in comparison to what woman spend on their hobbies which tend to involve lots of very inexpensive items.

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Wow! What a find!


What are you going to make with it all now?




I need to make my Daughter's family Christmas stockings, her hubby a Clint Eastwood type poncho, MIL a shrug, FIL scarf......lots of Projects in mind! You should see all the colors!


She had half done afghans--books were sold--so, I will tear them apart with my trusty ball winder. My grand daughter loves that!!! We are in crochet heaven here! :dance:bounce:h5:2spin


My scanner died and Hannah has my little digital camera, but I will post a photo when I can!





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Giggle, Giggle - Sounds like you are going to be busy for a long time! You have a very lucky family there!




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You got so lucky! Congratulations on your "yarn haul.":cheer

My then-husband asked me once why I had so many books and so much yarn that I hadn't (yet) used. My answer -- "It's either a somewhat expensive hobby or very cheap therapy."

I've paid for a counselor and I've paid for yarn -- I'd much rather buy yarn! Especially if I could find it like you did! ;)


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