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Help me I'm obsessed!!

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Wow, that truck bed full of yarn, where in the world did you get all of that from?? My husband would die!!! I have a fairly large linen closet full of yarn and some rubbermaid tubs and some boxes out in the garage. Hope to take a picture of it for you guys...


I'm glad that most of us share our dismay with the non understanding husbands, lol! My husband likes new technology (new computers, tvs, wires, etc.), which is much more expensive hobby than yarn will ever be.

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Actually my husband bought me that truck full of yarn...:D We went up in the country and saw this barn sale and decided to stop...the lady had an enclosed metal shed about the 42 feet by 42 feet and 50 feet tall with tons of antiques in it...plus to my surprise one whole wall full of yarn. She had bought the yarn from a shop that went out of business. She said she'd give it all to me for I'll never tell the price you'd all be too shocked. My husband said if you want it buy it.... that picture was taken before we tarped the truck and drove home!! hahahahaa :lol I've never regretted buying it either. I love yarn! and I love this forum...I can relate to everyone.... I've been a lonely crocheter with no one to share ideas or patterns with for years...

thank you all for crocheting and being so crafty!!!

Linda Ü

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I agree Linda, this is just the best place! Everyone has been so friendly since I joined. It is wonderful to share a new hobby which has now become an obsession in a very short bit of time LOL...


Yarn yarn yarn...and I got my TOTC hook today...drool...it's really too pretty to use...almost haha.



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You think your bad...check out the second set of pictures I've posted...me standing next to a truck load of yarn. :D

My husband and I went to a barn sale and I bought everything there...I couldn't resist...the price was too good...hahaha:lol


ps...and I still buy more yarn...:eek


Linda :hook


OMG...i just showed this pic to my husband, now THAT is funny!!


i can imagine the glee i would have rummaging through the rainbow of colours and textures!!

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Well my starting yarn collection is comming along-the Yarn Faerie came yesterday (yipee) and then my hubby took my shopping early for my birthday-now I know the wonderful pleasure of working with homespun.......Takes getting used to for this newbie,lol. but comming along-my hubby is very supportive of my new habit as long as I am making a blankie for him!

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I didn't realize how bad I was until the insurance adjuster asked me what I would do if I had all this money (they try to show you how to save money... nothing I didn't know already... anyway..) I said 'Buy some gold spun yarn?' :shrug He looked at me like I was crazy... :lol It's an obssession!! :hook



Timeless Creations

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Heh. My stash only fills a tote bag and a fruit basket, and my husband says I have too much. I have none compared to you guys!


I should show this thread to my husband. BTW, there are only two things stopping me from catching up to you guys: 1) An extremely tight spending budget (saving up for a house); 2) No place to store it! animal0083.gif

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I not only have a large stash....I have graduated to buying wool sweaters to unravel to get more yarn!!! Help!!


I have seen people who sell this recycled yarn on E-bay! I think this is wonderful but it makes me laugh... such a yarnaholic you are!



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yup, thats me all over lol but i have a room 10x12 stuffed full and now have a overrun into the dining room,living room even the linen closet on the bottom is stuffed full of patterns, fabrics, and yarns threads you name it lol help me someone i am a yarnaholic too:eek :eek :eek QUOTE=Quiltymare]:fame I have a closet (insert 10' long walk in) full of yarn, fabric and beads and I still buy more yarn. I have great skeins of wools, fun fur and blends hanging from hooks. I have baskets overflowing with yummy hand-dyes. I have many many project bags overflowing with WIPs and all their yarn. I have a laundry basket full of balls of leftovers, too. There was a while there about this time last year when I got a package a day from some e-bay seller with my latest addition to my stash. I have been known to stop at the LYS on the way home from work, get yarn, shove it in my project bag and hide the shopping bag in a seat back so no one at home will know I actually bought more yarn!


The nice thing is, now, most of the time, I go "shopping" in my stash before heading out. That's not to say I don't still buy more... I just at least start with what I have...


I am a yarn-aholic!:eek

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I guess there is no help to be had huh? :devil I don't know what I am going to do. Not only do I have a large stash of thread, I have ordered 17 more balls of it. And my yarn stash is getting bigger and bigger. I have to argue with myself to keep from buying more.


Now I have branched off into other crafts for crying out loud. I bought a new sewing machine. God help me if I start buying fabric!

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yarn obsession? we are the normal ones. what is wrong with every waking moment thinking about, reading about, shopping for, and playing with yarn?

I feel sorry for those other folks that have no life. :lol Gotta run, I have coupons

that expire tomorrow- Yarn, yarn and more yarn!:c9

Susan B.

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Ohhh yes, I'm right there with ya too! MAJOR yarnaholic here!

I spent $400 on yarn and supplies at a yarn expo here a couple months ago. And that's just the tip o' the iceberg! :eek

It's so fun to buy new yarns at different stores and shops, but it is so great to have a good stash at home too. I'll probably be one of those people, though, who dies before I've used all my yarn....lol! (Actually, I hope not. I'm only 31....*snort!*)

Don't fret, friend. Yarn addicts are some of the best people I know! :hook :hook

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