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63 Wannabe Club


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Pagan --

Well, you have convinced ME ! Your granny square afghan is BEAUTIFUL . I vote we do that one next then move on to round 2 of the 63 . Now to decide on colors-- I have one color already picked, but need something to go with it . It's off to Walmart ,ladies !


Jimmie-- I couldn't see your album yet - I think there's someplace you have to click on PUBLIC so that others can view it. Can't wait to see your progress .


Cindy - I know how that is... dang it.. if I go into the yarn section, I am HOOKED . I come out with SOMETHING , even if I don't need it or have no idea what project I'll use it for . Glad to hear I'm not the only one with that deficiency . Drop in anytime and join us -- I am finished with mine, Celeste is very close , and Sue is not far behind !! There are others that are at different levels, so you'll have plenty of company I think !

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Sounds great Pagan -


You might as well join in and make another one - I bet you can think of someone who would like one for a gift, or maybe you'd like to make one for yourself !


Do you have any ideas of colors you might like to try this time ?

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You are all so great. :hug


Celestial Seasonings, name reminds me of tea, is that because you love their tea or you've just got that much variety in yourself. :) My name is Cindy and I live in Iowa, so I am so very sure that this winter I will have many a cold evenings where I will need hand work and eventually lap work. I love it when I'm working on afghans in the winter, they eventually get to lap warming size. The next step will be to decide the color(s)..... hmmmm.... I almost wish the pattern had more 'granny' type squares, I'd say let's use up some of this stash of mine, but I don't think it would.... well maybe... dilema, dilema, dilema....


Dear, dear, JulieKay, never, ever think of such as a deficiency. It is not a deficiency in us for sure. :hook We can control it.... we are in charge of it... it hurts no one.... okay, so sometimes we can control, sometimes the yarn is in charge and usually it's not a person that gets hurt.. just the pocketbook.

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Cindy -


I think a couple of the ladies are using their stash colors-- you don't have to go with a particular theme if you don't want . I'd actually like to see one done in all different colors . I think it'd look pretty like a quilt ! That way you wouldn't have to go buy more yarn for it ( unless you want to )


And yes, I could have a whole lot WORSE habit than buying yarn .... that's for sure !


Jump right in and join us anytime you're ready !

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Ok I did it let me know if you can view them now???:hook


They look terrific, Jimmie Lu! :tup Nice job!


Yes, I vote for the 35 Grannies next! :grandma

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I am not in this CAL but I like to peek at everyone's progress- Pagan, your afghan is absolutely beautiful. The colors you show really accent the work. Great job!

Jimmi, yours looks great too! I really like the colors you chose.

Keep up the good work guys! I might just break down and join soon (but I'm very ADD and long projects and I don't mix well.

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Cindy -


I think a couple of the ladies are using their stash colors-- you don't have to go with a particular theme if you don't want . I'd actually like to see one done in all different colors . I think it'd look pretty like a quilt ! That way you wouldn't have to go buy more yarn for it ( unless you want to )


And yes, I could have a whole lot WORSE habit than buying yarn .... that's for sure !


Jump right in and join us anytime you're ready !


That's kind of like what I was thinking, using the stash and connecting them with black, so I'd only have to purchase black (if my stash doesn't have enough in it already).


I was also thinking, perhaps bump the hook up and go with two threads, black with various stash colors.... but I think working stitches I may not know that wouldn't be such a good idea.

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Hi Julie and QuirkyVirgo,


Thanks for the compliment!


I just bought some Red Heart Dusty Teal. It's a beautiful shade of muted light green-blue. I'm going to use that as my dark. I'll probably use soft white as the light.




PS Quirkyvirgo--the 35 squares go fairly quickly. Your ADD won't have time to kick in!

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Tandi -

Jump right in if you want-- this afghan really does not get boring because it's not the same old thing, row after row .


Jimmie- nothing wrong with using walmart brand ! I like their yarn and think it is nice and just as good of quality as Red Heart .



Well, I'm certainly not telling you what to do, but I would recommend sticking with the one strand . There are a few of these squares that are challenging and trying to keep track of 2 strands ---- well, let's just say they'd have to put me in a straight jacket and cart me off if I had to make them in 2 strands. Plus, the finished afghan is REALLY heavy . I think double strands, it'd be so heavy, it'd be really hard to put together . Just my 2 cents -- you can do whatever you want !


Pagan -- I had to laugh when I heard what color you chose -- that's what I was going to use too, but may change my mind yet. I really had that set aside for another afghan, so I guess it's back to walmart this morning -- doggone, I wish walmart was right beside my house. It'd sure save on gas money . I DO love that teal color , it is gorgeous !


And don't worry Celeste-- we won't start without you, I promise !!!

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Hi there ladies!:waving I'm new and actually found this site looking for help with stitches. How cool that there are other poeple in this world all working on the same darn afghan!!!:eek Has anyone had any problems on square #8?? For the life of me, I can't figure out the whole "skip 2 sc behind FPdc(now and throughout)". I know how to do the FPdc, its just the whole "skip 2 sc behind"-what in the world does that mean? I've done all of the first 7 squares so far, no problem and I want to continue doing the squares in order, but boy oh boy-this one is making me crazy!


Can anyone point me in the right direction? Please???:think:think:think LOL


PS-I hope that its okay to jump in here. I know you've all been here for a month or so already.


Thanks in advance!


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Hi Kim --


Welcome, and of course, you can jump in ! There's always room for one more !


As far as the problem you are having, when it says to skip the 2 sc behind the FPDC ---


When you make your 2 FPDC --- look behind them after you make them- there will be 2 stitches that are directly behing the stitches you just made . Don't make any stitches of any kind in them, just skip them , then move on to the rest of the pattern . Each time you do a FPDC --- skip the stitch directly behind it. They just tell you that so that you don't work into those stitches too, or your row will turn out way too long -


Do you understand ? This is sometimes hard to explain online-- it'd sure be easier to show someone in person. If you're still mixed up, write back and I'll try to figure out another way to explain it.


What colors are you using for your afghan ?

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Hi Ladies -

Just a note to tell you that I think when we decide to start this ,we may want to just start a new thread for it so that we don't have 2 different crochetalongs all being discussed on the same board. That might keep things a little more clear and not so confusing .

If any of you out there want to participate in this , that don't yet have the book, let me know if you plan on ordering it someplace so we won't leave you all behind. I think so far there are 4 or 5 of us that already have the pattern -- anyone else plan on getting it and joining in ?

I will re-post the place I order online from -- I just cannot say enough nice things about this lady -- she is terrific . She is very speedy about getting your order processed and mailed out to you and very eager to help search for something she might not have on hand .

Here's the link to her site and the info on the name of the booklet we'll be using - http://www.countryyarns.com/

Look under Leisure Arts Leaflets

LA2755 35 GRANNY SQUARES COMBINE TO MAKE A GRANNY SAMPLER AFGHAN ($5.50) by Martha Brooks Stein; 35 8" variations on the granny square with instructions for an afghan, all in worsted wt. yarn

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Just another tip for those of you that want to stay in touch with this thread or another particular one -- up at the top in the blue strip, click on THREAD TOOLS, then SUBSCRIBE TO THIS THREAD .

That way, you get an immediate email alert if anyone posts in here .That's how I know when someone new has posted, and can come in and post back right away .

Just a tip of the day for those of you that are interested !


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Hi Julie, thanks for the warm welcome and extremely quick response!


I actually started making a blanket for my hubby about 2 years ago, just doing dc....and he wanted it HUGE so we could both cuddle under it...LOL. Needless to say it got very overwhelming:(, so I recently pulled it out and it was still overwhelming. I found the 63 square book at Wal-Mart and thought, "How smart....small squares and not overwhelming". Plus, I could learn new stitches! Anyway, thats the yarn, I'm using....its gray with black and white flakes(Fiesta, by Red Heart) and I will do black edging on all of the squares. I refuse to buy new yarn colors until this one is finished. That keeps me VERY motivated to get this one blanket finished, so I can start a new one with colors I want...lol.


Your directions make sense....sort of. I'm going to try it out and see what happens. I don't have anyone around me to show me, which makes it a little difficult, because I do great seeing something once. I guess I'm a visual learner. Plus, I'm not an extremely seasoned crochet-er(I just couldn't put "hooker")LOL:lol! So I may need advice from time to time....LOL.


Tell me about your afghan.....how far along on yours are you? What colors are you doing yours in? Has this thread re-inspired you to push along?


Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Thanks again for your help!!!!:clap


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Hi Kim-


The "skip 2 stitches" might make more sense if you think in terms of the row that you are working on -- if you didn't make 2 FPdc you would be making 2 stitches in the next 2 dc of that row. Therefore, since you are making 2 FPdc you have to skip the tops of those 2 dc you would have made stitches in if you weren't making the 2 FPdc. Does that make more sense? Because the FPdc is so tall it lies in front of the top of the post, the dc, you used to make the stitch. I hope that helps! :think


With that said, I still had trouble with this square and had to redo it several times. I was having trouble lining the FPdc up properly and finally said, either I'm not following the directions properly or they're skewed. I studied the picture of the pattern and changed the directions to make it come out like the pic. Phew! I was glad to finish that one! :P


Progress: I finished sqaure 36 last night. I'm plodding along!


Julie: For sure we need to start a new thread for 35 Grannies so that other people can join in the new projects. I think I will make the whole thing in neutral so that I can give it away in a gift basket my craft group plans to make for next years' Harvest Faire at our church. I should have it done by then! :lol

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Hi Kim

It sounds like an interesting color you have chosen -- that one will be really neat to see when done ! And that would certainly get my rear in gear if I told myself no more yarn til it was finished . I'd love to see photos of your squares if you have any way of getting them online .

My afghan is done, and yes, this group is what inspried me to finish . I joined the other 63 group, but never got motivated enough to keep going , so I started this thread here, hoping to find some people like me who REALLY wanted to get this thing done and would work hard at it . We have all pushed, pulled, dragged and begged each other to keep going and it is working well. Celeste is probably about ready to put hers together, I am guessing . she was very close to being done. sue is more than halfway there, and several others have made great progress on theirs . Maybe they'll drop in and give us the latest update so we know who is where .

Here's a photo of my afghan :


A bigger clickable photo is here -


Good luck and don't hesitate to holler if you need any more help .

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