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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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ambitious people,kuddles and skoggy,   bullion stitch, popcorn, lol I tried the bullion a few times, but mine do NOT come out looking tht cool, ha ha, and I can do the popcorn, but I don't like the idea of taking my hook out every stitch and yada ya da yada!! Gonna cool off tonight, after a high of 97, to about oh, 91. Think I ll get me sweaters out, lol ha ha, being a bit sarcastic, could ya all tell!!

I wonder where in the world, is the most temperature temporate climate to live in,as I want to live there, lol Ill have to look that up!

Oh, my I don't like bears at all, specially grizzlies ann, they are terrbily mean and ugly, lol and most generally, I don't like any animal that can eat me up! If you have ever seen an older movie, starring Anthony Hopkins, and Alec Baldwin in it, called The Edge, wow, worth a viewing,(1997) and you will never see a meaner bear! Heres a link for the movie..


Well us Brits are clearly just weak when it comes to the hot weather, and I just had to share tonight's leading local news story in my area of England... "Heatwave takes South West to level 3 weather/health warning" - that's one step away from an official National Emergency!! And what temperatures have caused this headline? 30c, which for my US friends is 86f - told you we can't cope haha!! 

and becca, it's what you become accustomed to I guess, and if you are not used to the heat,it can be just as bad as a higer temp would be for someone that has more tolerance,it's all in what we are climatized and used to..anyway, hot is hot, no matter how you look at it,right!


All for now, gotta find something to do, catch you all later,have a good evening! 

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Woot! Welcome Becca!!! We love new members! I for one would be honored to receive a square from you no matter what yarn you would use!



I agree sounds like your yarn is lovely. I would love what ever you made. Gotta see what this yarn is all about.

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Regarding the squares, I believe Honex99 also mentioned that she likes purple (her favorite color too) and she is collecting 6" squares!  Sounds like a perfect fit to me. Of course, if she doesn't want them I can always make them work.  I'd never let a square go homeless, lol.

Yup, that was me that requested purple...

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oh sorry honex, lol I read the wrong name when I read that brain surgery post, my apologies!!!!


Hehehehe...maybe  you know something I don't????

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Has anyone tried the Heirloom Art Hooks? Was just wondering about them.

Never used them


What is you favorite brand of hooks ?

Not sure of the brand, but I use aluminum hooks


What size do you use most often or your favorite size?

"F" or "G"

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Looking forward to tonights crocheting. Going to do one flag on a Granny Square Bunting order I received a couple of days ago and then I'm going to crack on with the Skoggykuddles CAL :lol :roflmao Kuddlekubs and I determined to learn bullion stitch. We both have "24 Blocks on a Roll" book from Annie's. It was sparked off by my posting a pic of a package I received from one of my swaps in the Global Square Exchange. She used bullion stitch on one of the squares and its so lovely! :manyheart

I'm going to wait for YOU to try one! That way I can ask for tips! I'm a bit scared of the stitch!!


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Good morning squares! Kiddles and I are off today (my next to the last Friday off for summer hrs) and we are taking a friend to the train station to go downtown and then picking her up at 1:15. We'll of course go to Joanns and use my 9, yes 9, 50% off coupons if I can find something I want (who am I kidding, I will buy yarn!) and need to take our new puppy to the vet at 2:30 for his next shot. Busy day but here's the kicker: supposed to be the hottest yet! Almost 100 before storms come thru tonite and cool it off to the 80s for the weekend! Ahhhhhhhhhhh...........hoping to turn off the air for a bit!


Kiddles will turn 9 on Monday! Can't believe the little baby I  brought home at 9 months old, is now going to be 9 years old! With all the issues endured, I wouldn't change a thing! She is the light of my life!


Take care all!


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Looking forward to tonights crocheting. Going to do one flag on a Granny Square Bunting order I received a couple of days ago and then I'm going to crack on with the Skoggykuddles CAL :lol :roflmao Kuddlekubs and I determined to learn bullion stitch. We both have "24 Blocks on a Roll" book from Annie's. It was sparked off by my posting a pic of a package I received from one of my swaps in the Global Square Exchange. She used bullion stitch on one of the squares and its so lovely! :manyheart


Oh Skoggy!!!!!!! I finally joined your square exchange group on ravelry! Not sure I'll be sending any, might just lurk and drool over all the pretties, but I'm there! Finally! Sorry it took me so long to join!



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Afternoon squares! Hope you're all having a great day!  :manyheart


Well it has been a busy and quite stressful morning for me. Had my solicitor over to go through everything and discuss whether i have a case against my employer for why I am off work at the moment. Was really difficult going through it all, but had to be done. 


Anyway, on a lighter note - I took a delivery of yarn (again!) today! I didn't quite realise how much I had ordered, thank goodness I have a wool winder - below is a pic of this afternoon's work...



Other half sooooooo doesn't understand my need for yarn, he's like "but you already have so much, why do you need more?" What a silly question  :lol The pic is of what arrived this morning only.... may have to invest in another basket! But good news - some of it is Aran, also known to my US friends as ww! Yay! It is 2ply more than the dk I usually use, but I don't think it would overly notice much when made up into a square... might try mixing a dk and an aran yarn in one square and see if it looks the same or not.
So I am now sat inside by the fan, and getting ridiculously excited thinking about all the colour combos and patterns of blocks I can make for all you lovelies!!  :c9
Becca x


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Oh Skoggy!!!!!!! I finally joined your square exchange group on ravelry! Not sure I'll be sending any, might just lurk and drool over all the pretties, but I'm there! Finally! Sorry it took me so long to join!



 Woot! (as you would say) :D There is lots of eye candy

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Your yarn is pretty. Can't wait to see what you come up with . My basket is over fulling with love of yarn. :) may your basket run over with lots of yarn.

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Oh kuddles I see you are a yarnaholic. But that is okay just love what you see when you go caress it. Yarn yarn and more yarn!:)

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Hello All!  It's another hot one out there!  I'm staying on the couch and crocheting all day, that's it. Hopefully we'll get the storms as promised tomorrow to cool things down.  This is crazy!

ambitious people,kuddles and skoggy,   bullion stitch, popcorn, lol I tried the bullion a few times, but mine do NOT come out looking tht cool, ha ha, and I can do the popcorn, but I don't like the idea of taking my hook out every stitch and yada ya da yada!! Gonna cool off tonight, after a high of 97, to about oh, 91. Think I ll get me sweaters out, lol ha ha, being a bit sarcastic, could ya all tell!!

I wonder where in the world, is the most temperature temporate climate to live in,as I want to live there, lol Ill have to look that up!

Oh, my I don't like bears at all, specially grizzlies ann, they are terrbily mean and ugly, lol and most generally, I don't like any animal that can eat me up! If you have ever seen an older movie, starring Anthony Hopkins, and Alec Baldwin in it, called The Edge, wow, worth a viewing,(1997) and you will never see a meaner bear! Heres a link for the movie..


and becca, it's what you become accustomed to I guess, and if you are not used to the heat,it can be just as bad as a higer temp would be for someone that has more tolerance,it's all in what we are climatized and used to..anyway, hot is hot, no matter how you look at it,right!


All for now, gotta find something to do, catch you all later,have a good evening! 

Haven't you ever seen Gentle Ben?  He was so sweet! Lol.


Good morning squares! Kiddles and I are off today (my next to the last Friday off for summer hrs) and we are taking a friend to the train station to go downtown and then picking her up at 1:15. We'll of course go to Joanns and use my 9, yes 9, 50% off coupons if I can find something I want (who am I kidding, I will buy yarn!) and need to take our new puppy to the vet at 2:30 for his next shot. Busy day but here's the kicker: supposed to be the hottest yet! Almost 100 before storms come thru tonite and cool it off to the 80s for the weekend! Ahhhhhhhhhhh...........hoping to turn off the air for a bit!


Kiddles will turn 9 on Monday! Can't believe the little baby I  brought home at 9 months old, is now going to be 9 years old! With all the issues endured, I wouldn't change a thing! She is the light of my life!


Take care all!


Busy,busy!  Stay cool during all your running around.  Also, an early Happy Birthday to Kiddles!  the time does fly, doesn't it.



Afternoon squares! Hope you're all having a great day!  :manyheart


Well it has been a busy and quite stressful morning for me. Had my solicitor over to go through everything and discuss whether i have a case against my employer for why I am off work at the moment. Was really difficult going through it all, but had to be done. 


Anyway, on a lighter note - I took a delivery of yarn (again!) today! I didn't quite realise how much I had ordered, thank goodness I have a wool winder - below is a pic of this afternoon's work...



Other half sooooooo doesn't understand my need for yarn, he's like "but you already have so much, why do you need more?" What a silly question  :lol The pic is of what arrived this morning only.... may have to invest in another basket! But good news - some of it is Aran, also known to my US friends as ww! Yay! It is 2ply more than the dk I usually use, but I don't think it would overly notice much when made up into a square... might try mixing a dk and an aran yarn in one square and see if it looks the same or not.
So I am now sat inside by the fan, and getting ridiculously excited thinking about all the colour combos and patterns of blocks I can make for all you lovelies!!  :c9
Becca x

Ooooohhhhh, pretty yarn!!! We can never have enough.  DH has given up saying anything to me, lol.

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Oh kuddles I see you are a yarnaholic. But that is okay just love what you see when you go caress it. Yarn yarn and more yarn! :)

Oh my yes I am! Problem is I am also a fabricaholic! ARGH!

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Busy,busy!  Stay cool during all your running around.  Also, an early Happy Birthday to Kiddles!  the time does fly, doesn't it.

Yup! We are in for a while, too dang hot out there!


Yes it is hard to believe she is going to be 9! And since I'm 56, I still have a lot of her growing up while I'm growing old!

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Hubby was on vacation for 3 days so we focused on getting some things in order....did some packing....took care of a bunch of stuff together......it was nice having him home.....but of course he has to go back to work on the hottest day....I feel for him as he spends a great deal of his working day outside.  


I worry about those that have to work outside in the heat of summer.  Lots and lots of water!

Well us Brits are clearly just weak when it comes to the hot weather, and I just had to share tonight's leading local news story in my area of England... "Heatwave takes South West to level 3 weather/health warning" - that's one step away from an official National Emergency!! And what temperatures have caused this headline? 30c, which for my US friends is 86f - told you we can't cope haha!! 

I actually live in the southeastern U.S. - South Carolina, to be exact.  It's usually sweltering hot here in the middle of July, but we have had so much rain this month, our temps haven't gotten into the 90's (F) very often.  It has been SOOO nice.  I'd take 86 degrees any day of the week!  It's normally in the upper 90's or higher here by now with a heat index that can reach into the mid 100's.  I'm enjoying it - and hoping it lasts for a while.  Welcome to our group, btw!  So happy you've joined!  DK weight yarn is fine with me, as well.  I'm not at all picky - all yarn is beeeee-autiful!


Hi Everyone! I'm laying low and trying to stay cool in this crazy weather.  I finally finished the little sweater I was making, now it's back to squares!  I see we have a new member!  Welcome Becca!!! I don't mind dk at all.  I'd be honored to receive a square from you!  Oh, I almost forgot!  Guess what I saw yesterday as we started driving down the street to go o my drs appt?  A black bear!!!!!!!!!!  Yup, I've lived here or 13 years and we've seen scat in the yard and the neighbors have told us they were around, but this is the first time that I have seen one.  Actually, hubby did see one a couple years ago now that I come to think of it, but this is my first time and it was so cool!  I'm just glad I was in the van, lol. Well, that's my excitement.  Have a great day and try to stay cool everyone! 

Oh my...  I have a bear story.  LOL  My hubby and I went camping a few summers ago while our kids were visiting family in Arkansas.  I got up early one morning and decided to sit at the picnic table and play solitaire until hubby woke up.  I'm sitting there minding my own business and thought about cooking our breakfast - eggs, bacon, bread and jam...  I decided not to b/c I didn't want to wake my husband up.  Not even 5 minutes later, my husband sits up in the tent and looks out the mesh window.  I hear him whisper, "Christel! Look!!!" and he's pointing behind me.  Not 30 feet away from me is a brown bear walking through another camp site.  My eyes got as big as saucers and I turned back around.  What does my husband advise me to do???  GET THE CAMERA!  I told him I was moving my butt from where I was sitting.  HE could get the camera if he wanted a picture that bad.  LOL  The bear just moved along its way - never even saw me.  THANK GOODNESS!  We had had a late freeze that year that had killed a lot of the vegetation in the woods.  The bear was looking for breakfast - so I'm really glad I decided not to start cooking mine!


Oh and also just wanted to let you all know that I've just done my first popcorn stitches! Yay! 

Good for you!  I love popcorn stitches!  They're so cute and easy (I think) - and they add such great dimension to projects.



Afternoon squares! Hope you're all having a great day!  :manyheart


Well it has been a busy and quite stressful morning for me. Had my solicitor over to go through everything and discuss whether i have a case against my employer for why I am off work at the moment. Was really difficult going through it all, but had to be done. 


Anyway, on a lighter note - I took a delivery of yarn (again!) today! I didn't quite realise how much I had ordered, thank goodness I have a wool winder - below is a pic of this afternoon's work...



Other half sooooooo doesn't understand my need for yarn, he's like "but you already have so much, why do you need more?" What a silly question  :lol The pic is of what arrived this morning only.... may have to invest in another basket! But good news - some of it is Aran, also known to my US friends as ww! Yay! It is 2ply more than the dk I usually use, but I don't think it would overly notice much when made up into a square... might try mixing a dk and an aran yarn in one square and see if it looks the same or not.
So I am now sat inside by the fan, and getting ridiculously excited thinking about all the colour combos and patterns of blocks I can make for all you lovelies!!  :c9
Becca x

What gorgeous colors!  I can't wait to see some projects made with it.  :)  We love eye-candy around here.


I have uh......7 large tubs of yarn and 6 computer paper boxes full of yarn.


Hello. My name is Kuddles and I am a Yarnaholic.

My cedar chest is full of yarn as well as 3 or 4 bags and a few cubby baskets.  I really need a yarn room so that I can organize it all.  Maybe we should start a YA group?  Yarnaholics Anonymous?  I know there are tons of other comrades out there.

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Have put the hook down for a minute because I thought I'd better have some ice cream - purely in order to cool down you understand. Its not because I like it. Not at all. Purely a necessity in this heat. Honest.

What time is it for all my different US friends I wonder, are any of you thinking oh my, she's eating ice cream at this time of day???haha. It's 6pm here, I think thats acceptable ice cream time :)




Oh my yes I am! Problem is I am also a fabricaholic! ARGH!


Me too!!!!!!! I confess it sounds as though you have even more than I do though! I love fabric coz I make patchwork blankets, and its like with yarn, I just buy stuff because I love it, whether I have a project in mind for it or not!


Posts crossed: Thanks for the welcome crsheridan :) Wow I cannot imagine how you cope with those kind of temps normally - perhaps the weather got lost (it probably had a faulty sat nav) and ended up in England instead of Carolina?! Although sounds like if it was your weather it would be even hotter!! 

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Hi all. Its been forever since ive been on and ive missed you all so much. Theres no way ill be able to catch up on all the posts but i will try. Im waiting to hear good news on the house we are hoping to rent. I hope they call in the next day or two. Im so excited. And nervous.


Hope you all are doing well. :hug

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My cedar chest is full of yarn as well as 3 or 4 bags and a few cubby baskets.  I really need a yarn room so that I can organize it all.  Maybe we should start a YA group?  Yarnaholics Anonymous?  I know there are tons of other comrades out there.


But I don't want to stop!!!!

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Me too!!!!!!! I confess it sounds as though you have even more than I do though! I love fabric coz I make patchwork blankets, and its like with yarn, I just buy stuff because I love it, whether I have a project in mind for it or not!


I make a LOT of purses, for myself, family and friends and have even sold a few to friends and friends of friends. That way I have more money to.......buy more fabric!



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it was 93 degrees here today and high humidity,when its hot that I can handle,but that humidity

really sucks all your strength out of you.

we spent 4 yrs in Hawaii,back then there was no humidity there,have since heard it is starting to get humid there too,anyway we were totally unprepared for our first Virginia summer,it felt like you opened the oven set at 500 degrees

went to PT,cause the hip was acting up limiting movement,boy she leaned on and released muscles I didn't even knew I had,ouchy,lol

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Yup! We are in for a while, too dang hot out there!


Yes it is hard to believe she is going to be 9! And since I'm 56, I still have a lot of her growing up while I'm growing old!

According to the weather channel it's 95F out there today, but feels like 99, but the heat wave has broken and tomorrow we get thunderstorms and mid 80 degree temps! Woot!

And your not getting older, she's helping to keep you young! :D  :lol  :hug


I actually live in the southeastern U.S. - South Carolina, to be exact.  It's usually sweltering hot here in the middle of July, but we have had so much rain this month, our temps haven't gotten into the 90's (F) very often.  It has been SOOO nice.  I'd take 86 degrees any day of the week!  It's normally in the upper 90's or higher here by now with a heat index that can reach into the mid 100's.  I'm enjoying it - and hoping it lasts for a while.  Welcome to our group, btw!  So happy you've joined!  DK weight yarn is fine with me, as well.  I'm not at all picky - all yarn is beeeee-autiful!


Oh my...  I have a bear story.  LOL  My hubby and I went camping a few summers ago while our kids were visiting family in Arkansas.  I got up early one morning and decided to sit at the picnic table and play solitaire until hubby woke up.  I'm sitting there minding my own business and thought about cooking our breakfast - eggs, bacon, bread and jam...  I decided not to b/c I didn't want to wake my husband up.  Not even 5 minutes later, my husband sits up in the tent and looks out the mesh window.  I hear him whisper, "Christel! Look!!!" and he's pointing behind me.  Not 30 feet away from me is a brown bear walking through another camp site.  My eyes got as big as saucers and I turned back around.  What does my husband advise me to do???  GET THE CAMERA!  I told him I was moving my butt from where I was sitting.  HE could get the camera if he wanted a picture that bad.  LOL  The bear just moved along its way - never even saw me.  THANK GOODNESS!  We had had a late freeze that year that had killed a lot of the vegetation in the woods.  The bear was looking for breakfast - so I'm really glad I decided not to start cooking mine!


Good for you!  I love popcorn stitches!  They're so cute and easy (I think) - and they add such great dimension to projects.


What gorgeous colors!  I can't wait to see some projects made with it.  :)  We love eye-candy around here.


My cedar chest is full of yarn as well as 3 or 4 bags and a few cubby baskets.  I really need a yarn room so that I can organize it all.  Maybe we should start a YA group?  Yarnaholics Anonymous?  I know there are tons of other comrades out there.

Oh my gosh, that's a little to close for comfort, lol.  Reminds me of the time my son was bike riding over to his friend's house and he look behind him and there was a bear coming up the street on the other side not that far behind!  He said that he's never peddled so fast in his life! :lol


Have put the hook down for a minute because I thought I'd better have some ice cream - purely in order to cool down you understand. Its not because I like it. Not at all. Purely a necessity in this heat. Honest.

What time is it for all my different US friends I wonder, are any of you thinking oh my, she's eating ice cream at this time of day???haha. It's 6pm here, I think thats acceptable ice cream time :)





Me too!!!!!!! I confess it sounds as though you have even more than I do though! I love fabric coz I make patchwork blankets, and its like with yarn, I just buy stuff because I love it, whether I have a project in mind for it or not!


Posts crossed: Thanks for the welcome crsheridan :) Wow I cannot imagine how you cope with those kind of temps normally - perhaps the weather got lost (it probably had a faulty sat nav) and ended up in England instead of Carolina?! Although sounds like if it was your weather it would be even hotter!! 

According to the post it was about 1pm here when you were eating you ice cream.  Perfect time of day! (I was having a spoonful too, lol) Anytime is a good time for ice cream!


Hi all. Its been forever since ive been on and ive missed you all so much. Theres no way ill be able to catch up on all the posts but i will try. Im waiting to hear good news on the house we are hoping to rent. I hope they call in the next day or two. Im so excited. And nervous.


Hope you all are doing well. :hug

Best of luck on the house!  So good to see your post!


But I don't want to stop!!!!



I make a LOT of purses, for myself, family and friends and have even sold a few to friends and friends of friends. That way I have more money to.......buy more fabric!



This just makes me smile!


Just popping in to say Hi and let you all know that I haven't fallen off the earth.

Glad to know it! :lol  :hug

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it was 93 degrees here today and high humidity,when its hot that I can handle,but that humidity

really sucks all your strength out of you.

we spent 4 yrs in Hawaii,back then there was no humidity there,have since heard it is starting to get humid there too,anyway we were totally unprepared for our first Virginia summer,it felt like you opened the oven set at 500 degrees

went to PT,cause the hip was acting up limiting movement,boy she leaned on and released muscles I didn't even knew I had,ouchy,lol

Hope she made you feel better too, lol.  It's amazing the spots they can find when they start poking around on you, ouchy!  They also work wonders too.

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