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Granny squares 2nd annual Happy Birthday Friendship/Comfortghan

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Kuddles, I wanted to say days ago that the picture with Lucky is so cute on his shelf but I have been having all kinds of trouble with this site, especially since it went down and came back up.  It's probably because my computer is old and with dial-up it just can't keep up with all the things they added. 

Thanks, he is a cutie! A LOT of work but cute! LOL


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take it easy honex, don't rush, i totally understand your boredom though!


I didn't use a pattern, just went along crocheting and that is what happened, lol Sorry, sometimes I just get to fooling around with squares and such, and seldom write anything down! my bad.....

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and look at you, a young child, a job, walking, a new doggie, playdates, summer stuff, and did I mention a  job, lol


you wear me out Ms. Kuddles!!


ha ha, i didn't have a choice, had to do it when he was wanting to do it, or Id wait longer... I did set some rules however, that anything from now on, that takes sawing or sanding in the house, is definately prohibited, and we will just do without! I have been dusting since the sink was put in, sheesh,,,,, Had to cut the current sink hole  bigger a little, for the one I wanted, yeah yeah yeah, lol so couldn't be helped, couldn't move the whole counter top outside to saw the hole bigger, so there you have it, saw and dust, equals more work for me too! lol But it was worth it, looks nice, love the sink and faucet, love the flooring, soooooo next we're doing of course the moulding, and then the back splash, which we didn't even paint  as tiles stick better to old wall, than newly painted wall, so I was told......So, the only part left is the back splash, haven't picked the tiles yet, and the moulding, has to be stained and varnished first, so he's working on that this week....Whew, no more remodel, that was a messy dusty job, and will be finding saw dust everywhere for weeks, but all to the good, i guess. 


Glad ann and bgs have somewhat eased their water problems, I hate being without water! Seems as soon as it is off, there are fifty millions things i need to do, that take water!!!

Ann, yippee!!!!!


Katie, you make me tired just reading all you do! Ah to be young and have energy.....


Have a great evening all!



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it's getting there all, lol and you'd he probably would if you lived close!! He does lots of work around the neighborhood for freinds and neighbors. He's a handy handy man, and lives close by...(at my house, lol) and you can't beat his free labor anywhere else, lol  


I have a pic of the floor, here be it,



and here is where the cute little owly applique Kuddles sent me resides, temporarily, but he seems to like it on my stained glass window hanging for now, with the lady bugs, and sunflowers!  I have it out of the window at the moment, to "secure " his seat amongst the flowers and lady bugs! And will put him back in the window soon!!!



I don't have a good pic of the sink, cause when i took the ones on my camera, well, it was so messy with tools and such, so will snap that at a later date..


And last but not least, the baby afghan, 3 1/2 inch squares, before the white trim....turned out really cute though, don't have a pic of the finished item yet though......ok, that's my eye candy for a bit!!! I was long overdue for eye candy, lol enjoy! Oh forgot the pic of my blue wall, but will snap one shortly and try to edit it in this post, turned out really pretty, albeit darker than I thought the chip looked, but seems to accent that wall nicely, and the copper agaisnt it looks well nevermind, Ill add those comments in when I take a pic, lol






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heres the blue wall, as it has become known, lol I just hung the clock back up so sorry, it might be a little crooked at the moment, lol,.The blue roofed basket is what holds my good table cloths and etc, the hall is right on the right side of this small wall, cupboards on the other side, so even if the blue is a bit darker than I wanted, i reallly like it, and the copper jello molds sure go good with it, lol  ok, enjoy, thanks!



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Ok squares.....trying to catch up some.  Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th!! We spent the day at my mom's....played cribbage, ate, and all that good stuff.  It was a great day!!!


Well, the little guy has gone to his grandfather.  I have a ton of mixed emotions.  I'm happy he's safe with family.  His mom hadn't called for two weeks.  When my husband called her father to see if he knew where she was, he asked that we bring the little one to him.  My son and I were a bunch of crying fools.  But, we get to go and see him and take him out whenever we want.  So, I guess things have worked out for the best.  He is truly an amazing little boy and I pray I can be a constant person in his life. 


We have decided that we are going to move.........yeah....I absolutely HATE moving!! We moved so much when I was a child and I just hate it!! But we must do what we have to do.  It will be better for us financially.  So the hunt is on.....and the packing shall begin.  Oh, and I'm going to probable have to cut my stash in half.....yeah.....those words should never even be written!! LOL


I sent out packages yesterday......trying to hook up more so I can send out next week.


We have warm up in Chicagoland! Had to finally put on my air yesterday evening, hate to do that but especially now with Lucky, we can't have it getting too warm!

We've had several heat waves here too....So I feel your pain!! If its no in the 90s here it's raining and thundering.  Not sure whats going on with the weather here in CT but it sure has changed over the last couple of years.  I keep the house cool as well for our little Daxter!! Poor baby can't stand too much time out in the heat....he's just a measley ol' five pounds but you can't tell him that.....he's got BIG personality!!


woo-hooo!!! I finished 2, count them 2 WIPs this week and need to get the 3rd one done in a week!!! 


NICE!!! I'm trying to get one done!! LOL

 GREAT NEWS....I am down a total of 10 pounds!!!



I am going to attempt to go back to work at Michael's tomorrow.  I may only be there 5 minutes or maybe an hour.  For sure I am tired of sitting at home


Sending hugs and healing prayers your way.

Im on a high, just bought 10 full 8 oz skiens of Hershners 4 ply acry. yarn from a gal here on the ville, in destashing, GO there, lol good deal, fair price, nice yarn, I hope as I have never worked with it before, so time to try it. Check out her post in destashing,

Ohhhhh!!! I should check this out!!! I have a ginormous stash that I really need to do something with.....LOL.  Congrats on the purchase!!! And, thanks for the info!!  Congrats on your kitchen remodel.  I know it's lots of work but oh so worth it!!!


Ugh, I am trying to catch up with everything, but to no avail!! LOL.  I am currently out of my place, they are spraying my new one.  I have been getting eaten up and thought it was mosquito's (cause yall know that Louisiana's state "bird" is the mosquitos!! lol).  But, it turns out there are fleas in the home from the people's dog.  They sprayed it before I moved in, but they didn't die!  I got home from walking (I walked 7 miles today, and my body feels it!) and was sitting on my couch and one jumped on my knee.  I though, oh no, that's it!  So, here I am at the church working as well as doing church work!


I still have my squares, I haven't unpacked, so Katie I will be sending them hopefully this weekend to you for last month.  I will definitely make sure they are washed!!!!  Got some more squares that I will be washing and blocking, not sure who they will be going to.  I didn't end up getting storage.  I ended up giving my living room and kitchen set away to another of the ladies here at the church.  She had given hers to her daughter when she moved out and was just going to wait until she saved some money to buy more.  What is so awesome is when we went to her home to unload, the people across the street asked if she wanted the frame and headboard for a king size bed, they were just throwing it out.  The frame was wooden and heavy, so they brought it over to her.  All she has to do is get the mattress for them!  God is good!!!


Hope everyone is doing well!

So sorry things are hectic......moving can be difficult.  I'm so not looking forward to it.  Heres to hoping all is worked out really soon. :hug


Not been on much. Hubby has a new job he is gone sunday eve till thursday morning. so been spending as much time with him when he is home as possible. . I got a suprise in the mail today


Thank you Cshort. Love them. My daughter grabbed the neon one out of my hand before i got it completely out of the puffy.  She loves that one. 



Hi Everyone!  I have water again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 





:woo  These wonderful squares came from Katie!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!



and I received this wonderful package from cshort!! I love the patriotic square! Thank you so much~  :hug



Well ladies.......sending hugs to all of you.  Till next time. I have to go start dinner.  Geesh, these guys want to eat....LOL.

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Just wanted to share..... This is a blanket I just did for my niece.  She's headed off to college next month.  Hope it's ok to share.

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hey ya pheonsix, good to see your post, if you miss even one day, i have found that the reading takes a while, lol we post all the time here, and not just on on topic, we talk about everything here, as you can see, lol Good you stopped in, and good luck house hunting, sorry to hear you lost your little guy, that must have been hard to let him go, but he's in good hands....Owlvamp, did you see where the applique Kuddles sent me landed for a while, lol see above pics! Gotta love him, he's adorable!!

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Hi ladies!  Oh how I love water! LOL!  Just had to say that :D .  This sure has been a chatty group!  I've seen lots of pretty eye candy! 

Beautiful squares you rec'd there Smith!!!

Katie, the pics of your place are lovely!  Sure wish my floor was that pretty.  Your blue wall is beautiful too.  You don't even want a description of my kitchen, lol.Oh, that baby ghan is wonderful!  Yeah, your crazy for making all those 3 inchers, but it's beautiful, lol!

bgs, I'm with you on the roughing it.  It's for the birds!  I've had enough of it in my lifetime.  I'm ready for the pampering. LOL!

Honex99, I know you're bored, but please pay attention to your body and don't overdo.  I speak from experience, lol.  :hug

Pheonsix, good luck with your move.  I know how trying it can be at times, but you have us here to help you get thru it. :hug


Oh!  I have some eye candy to show you guys!!!!  Look what I got in the mail yesterday!  Thank you sooooo much Carol (cshort)!  I love them!










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OMG!! Look at what I received!! Annie, Thank you soooooo much!! These squares are absolutely beautiful and just perfect. I'm totally in love with the black and white one.  Actually, I'm totally in love with all of them....LOL


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

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I didn't get on the computer yesterday and there is sooooooo much going on.

Katie, glad to hear things are going well with the kitchen, the pictures look great.

dragnlady5, smith, grannyannie, I'm glad you all like the squares.

I've been busy with stuff around the house but I think I'm going to spend some time crocheting now.

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wow the eye candy is spectaclular here!!!!!!M Whenever i refer someone to this post, i inform them to scroll through some of the pages, and if that doesn't get you thinking grannies, I don't know what will!! Such lovlies!! Im excited, for the new queen to show us some of what will soon be rolling in!!! I know mine are out there somewhere, chattering about the trip, and wanting out of that puffy!!!   lol       great pics all, love the goodies!

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Oh, forgot to say, the coppery jello molds,also  line the long wall adjacent to the pic wall too, and they were all mostly my mom's ( I added a few here and there,) and have hung in every kitchen I have ever had. I wouldn't know how to cook in a kitchen without those molds hanging there, wait a sec, I don't cook that well with them, lol JK, handy man does most of the cooking, but i can cook!! I promise! Brunch's are allllllll mine baby!!!!

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Just wanted to share..... This is a blanket I just did for my niece.  She's headed off to college next month.  Hope it's ok to share.

Gorgeous! And hugs to you!


hey ya pheonsix, good to see your post, if you miss even one day, i have found that the reading takes a while, lol we post all the time here, and not just on on topic, we talk about everything here, as you can see, lol Good you stopped in, and good luck house hunting, sorry to hear you lost your little guy, that must have been hard to let him go, but he's in good hands....Owlvamp, did you see where the applique Kuddles sent me landed for a while, lol see above pics! Gotta love him, he's adorable!!

glad you still love him LOL!


Hi ladies!  Oh how I love water! LOL!  Just had to say that :D .  This sure has been a chatty group!  I've seen lots of pretty eye candy! 

Beautiful squares you rec'd there Smith!!!

Katie, the pics of your place are lovely!  Sure wish my floor was that pretty.  Your blue wall is beautiful too.  You don't even want a description of my kitchen, lol.Oh, that baby ghan is wonderful!  Yeah, your crazy for making all those 3 inchers, but it's beautiful, lol!

bgs, I'm with you on the roughing it.  It's for the birds!  I've had enough of it in my lifetime.  I'm ready for the pampering. LOL!

Honex99, I know you're bored, but please pay attention to your body and don't overdo.  I speak from experience, lol.  :hug

Pheonsix, good luck with your move.  I know how trying it can be at times, but you have us here to help you get thru it. :hug


Oh!  I have some eye candy to show you guys!!!!  Look what I got in the mail yesterday!  Thank you sooooo much Carol (cshort)!  I love them!


attachicon.gif8in squares from Carol - cshort.jpg






OMG!! Look at what I received!! Annie, Thank you soooooo much!! These squares are absolutely beautiful and just perfect. I'm totally in love with the black and white one.  Actually, I'm totally in love with all of them....LOL


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


More gorgeous!


Have a great nite all!


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So many pretty pictures of squares and the remodeled kitchen.  The copper jello molds look really nice on the wall and its neat that many of them were your mother's.  A handy man that cooks too, it just couldn't get much better!

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OMG!! Look at what I received!! Annie, Thank you soooooo much!! These squares are absolutely beautiful and just perfect. I'm totally in love with the black and white one.  Actually, I'm totally in love with all of them....LOL


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

You're very welcome.  I'm so glad that you like them.


Oh, forgot to say, the coppery jello molds,also  line the long wall adjacent to the pic wall too, and they were all mostly my mom's ( I added a few here and there,) and have hung in every kitchen I have ever had. I wouldn't know how to cook in a kitchen without those molds hanging there, wait a sec, I don't cook that well with them, lol JK, handy man does most of the cooking, but i can cook!! I promise! Brunch's are allllllll mine baby!!!!

LOL, you always bring a smile to my face,lol.  I'm sure you are a wonderful cook, but if handy man wants to do it most of the time, I say let him, lol!

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Guess what?!!!!!  I got more eye candy today!!!  Pheonsix sent me some beautiful squares and and lovely card.  I got some sad news today, but these cheered me right up!  Thank you so much Carrie! :hug





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Just wanted to share..... This is a blanket I just did for my niece. She's headed off to college next month. Hope it's ok to share.

Lovely! I'm using the same "pattern" (:D) for a mega-rainbow afghan over on the any afghan CAL. Color play is what I love best about fibercrafts!

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