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I fell off the Yarn Diet Bandwagon

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Well, I've been on a yarn diet, swearing to myself that I wouldn't buy any more yarn until my weight got down below 200. I've been good for MONTHS!!!!


Well, i had a dr's appt today in hyannis and that is where all of our stores are. I had to go to Trader Joe's and well, Joann's is right next door. So i stopped in, fully intending just to look. I really wanted to see the Rainbow Boucle. well, Here's what I bought.


7 skeins of TLC in a pretty pink and purple and white variegated - clearance $2/skein

5 skeins of TLC Essentials in Cranberry - clearance $2/skein

1 skein of the black and white Rainbow Boucle

2 Steel hooks


Grrrr...It's ok though cuz it all fit in my bins. I guess I've been using up stash all along.


But yep, I officially fell.....:eek

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Oh those Clearence sales!!! Honcocks has one on now. Oh boy. I'm uh, trying to uh, excersize control uh..... I guess it's not as hard seeing that transportation is limited. But, oh they sell it online!!!!!!!!!!!:eek:hook :hook Must....use.....what I have first!!!!!!!!!!!!! yah right.


(I'd love to have my own little shop/room. Bins on both sides filled with yarn. :c9 )



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ROFL! I don't think I could put myself on a yarn diet. I'd get the twitches!
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl girl i would have more than twitches, i probably would have a full blown yarn seizure:devil :devil i love buying and using yarn, trish way to go, your a smart cookie to use what you have(or some of it) i always tell myself i am going to use it up

yea right:devil :devil :devil :devil

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Ok, the holiday season is coming, and if you are like most of us, you will be doing some gifting with crocheted items. The yarn in your current stash is not sufficient for said gifts. Therefore, yarn purchases are necessary in order to have the right gift at hand when the times comes.


That's my story and I'm sticking to it!



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You are in good company:hook


I just started to crochet, but I am used to buying a looooot of yarn to knit:yay


Now, I have a good excuse to buy even more, because I am starting to crochet:clap


My man knows I get really happy when I am buying yarn and starting new projects, and that helps too:manyheart

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