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You asked for it! A Jimbo Hook auction AND hook giveaway contest!


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If you've a mind to, sashay on over to my blog and see what I have waiting for you there. First, since its been awhile since I had a contest, so I'm having one... for a knock out gorgeous hand made Jimbo hook you'll have to see to believe.

AND I had a request from Angelfire to have another auction, so there are 4 hooks up for bids as well. Angelfire is such a wonderful person, how could I resist??

The contest should be a fun read in the comments section of my blog because I'm asking entrants to relate an embarrassing crochet moment. I'd like to say I've had an embarrassing crochet moment, but that would be an exaggeration. I crochet so bad, it's more like an embarrassing crochet career.

heh Like I say, as a crocheter, I'm a pretty decent hook maker.


Hope to see your entry!



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those are some lovely hooks you are selling! I love the two little ones. :manyheart too bad I'm too broke to buy one just at this time...but I can admire them, and your handiwork. :yes lovely hooks! the grain, the texture, the gloss....the size...mmm. and they're handmade in the PNW! :U

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Those are amazingly beautiful hooks. I really can't afford them right now but, I could enter the drawing for the most beautiful hook ever to come off Jimbo's hands. I just can't seem to get the link to work. But I will figure it out!!!!!!:yes

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We're getting some pretty funny embarrassing crochet moments. Thanks for entering! Now remember, you shy ones, that you don't HAVE to confess your embarrassing crochet moments to enter, simply a comment in the blog or an email to me will do the job.

This is a fun one!

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Aw thanks, Angelfire, but I'm the one who ows YOU! But


Sparkpeople? Oh oh... I'm showing my ignance. What's a Sparkpeople?

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Aw thanks, Angelfire, but I'm the one who ows YOU! But


Sparkpeople? Oh oh... I'm showing my ignance. What's a Sparkpeople?

:roflCould you be any cuter Jimbo? Sparkspeople is a website sort of like Ravelry. I'm off to check your blog! :hug

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Oh oh... I'm showing my ignance. What's a Sparkpeople?

Sparkpeople is a free "diet" site that I have used for a couple years. Right now I am crocheting item,s to use on my healthy walks, like water bottle totes, a cozy for my Ipod and a workout towel. I used ,my favorite Jimbo hook to make an awesome towel. My incentive to losing the next 5 pounds is giving myself a new Jimbo hook so cheer me on so I lose it this week.:hook

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