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Bag for my FB RAOK


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I'm having a little RAOK period on my FB page for people on my friends list, in the style of a giveaway. Not only because I want to make people happy but it is also great for reducing my stash before the move. The more I make and send out, the less yarn I have to pack up to take with me. It isn't lined as a: I don't have anything suitable to line it with and b: I've already sold my sewing machine. :(


I post pics of various things I make on FB and my friends comment on them so I thought I'd do some stuff for them. :)


This is the first item I am giving away.

I'm aiming it for people with little girls and ladies who just love purple. I have friends on my FB from all over the World so its going to be interesting to see where it ends up. :cheer





The pattern is: Strappy Boutique Bag and the one for the flower is this.


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