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First Crochet Project

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Just wondering if any of you here were able to....give away, use or sell your very first project. I am making my very first blanket for a baby due in November. I just taught myself 2 weeks ago and I started on the blanket this week. I chose a beginner pattern with squares. I thought that the squares would be easier because if I messed something up I wouldn't mess up the whole blanket.


I've done about 3 squares so far and I am getting the hang of it. The 3rd one looks better than the first one. I am just wondering if I will be too critical of myself and not like it in the end.


What was your very first project like?

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I made a twin size blanket. I used dc and did it in two colors. I didn't know much about weaving in ends or changing colors back then so needless to say there are a lot of knots! The edging (crab stitch) has held all that together very well! I also had trouble putting the same number of stitches in each row :lol so it has a bit of a wave to it. I use it mainly for making my couch look better now but I'm very happy I still have it!

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I learned to crochet in girl scouts some 30+ years ago. My mom STILL has the first thing I ever made - a granny square afghan. It's in a hideous verigated green with a white edging (can't imagine what I was thinking but hey I was 13). She still uses it - it's on one of the beds in the guest bedroom and I can see lots of mistakes NOW LOL

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My first project was an afghan for my son, eleven years ago.

It is striped-three shades of blue, single crochet and the edges are sooo uneven!!! I was thinking of putting a border around it to make it look a little better, but I think I will leave it as is! :D

we still have it, everyone uses it. :manyheart

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I learned when I was 9 years old by doing 2 granny squares. They came out ok and i made a pillow out of them. But after that I was self taught :eek and my second project (an afghan for my bed ) is still unfinished and stored in my basement. I pull it out every now and then to remember how much I learned about my stitch size and tension ( it starts out a full size and about a third of the way is up to a queen size :blush ). But like I said I was very young. Now thirty plus years later I often wonder why I havent tossed it. :shrug

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My absolute first crochet project I ever worked on was, believe it or not, an afghan for my 5th & 6th grade teacher (the school I went to at the time, the teacher oversaw both grades since there were only 15 students allowed in each grade). My first ever project all on my own was a granny square for my mother, complete with clashing inner colors with the classic black outer & piecing together. It looks a lot like the one on the back of the couch in Roseanne :D

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My first project was a baby afghan for my firstborn. I still have it. It's all coming apart from the centers (I wove the ends in for about a half inch). I keep telling myself that eventually I'll remake the entire thing, but for now, I just think of it as one of those ancient heirloom blankets from 100 years ago that are all delicate and tattered... but still precious!

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Congratulations and WELCOME to the wonderful world of Crochet!!:cheer My very first project was a KING size granny square blanket..:crocheting I was taught to make the basic granny and I was so excited, that I continued making squares until I had crochet a blanket.:whew My husband got orders for Germany and I did not take the blanket with me..then it disappeared from the storage where I left it. It made me very sad to loose it. :( My second project and FIRST with crochet thread was a doily!!:hook Got hooked on making doilies and I still have it!! and will NEVER give it away!! The doily is now 36 years old!! and still looks good!! :manyheart

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I would keep your first project. It will be quite a memory reminder in years to come. I'd love to have my first project! It was a doily. I made the same doily over and over when I went to stay with my grandma for 2 weeks one summer. She would have me rip it out and start over until she pronounced it perfect and I felt so proud! I did not crochet again for years when I was pregnant with my first son. I have that attempt. I made lots of squares and managed to connect them into rows but they were so off in tension, they look terrible. I still have it (37 years later) and laugh every time I run across it. I decided after trying hard on that afghan I needed to reteach myself and I got some books. The next project I made looked a lot better and I still have it too although it needs some repair. Yes, I'd keep your first afghan! I am a keeper though (which is starting to be a problem) and if you are not -- you could make a gift of it to someone close (then you would still get to see it).

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I don't have my very first project still, I don't even remember what it was. I learned at a very young age. Most likely it was a long scarf type object.


But I do still have a granny square that I started when I was 11 and living in Ireland. Every so often I take a look at it and laugh. It's actually done fairly well for being 24 years old now. Still holding together, nothing has come apart. But...it's a mix of sport weight, baby weight, worsted weight... so it looks very odd! Thin, thick, so many different colors.

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