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Yes I been on one for a long time two years ago I made 36 afghans all colors and sizes then did nothing for a year with lots wip in progress yarn and patterns around me and stop taking my crochet with me too. Now I trying slowly to get back to my crocheting bought some new yarn and patterns and will try making something small. Crochet would comfort me and love making things but, had so many lost family members this past year plus my fur baby I think I lost my desire to do it at all. I hope now I can get out of this slump get back to crocheting like I did before.

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Yes I been on one for a long time two years ago I made 36 afghans all colors and sizes then did nothing for a year with lots wip in progress yarn and patterns around me and stop taking my crochet with me too. Now I trying slowly to get back to my crocheting bought some new yarn and patterns and will try making something small. Crochet would comfort me and love making things but, had so many lost family members this past year plus my fur baby I think I lost my desire to do it at all. I hope now I can get out of this slump get back to crocheting like I did before.


so sorry for all the losses you've endured...I hope crocheting will bring back joy and comfort to your life soon :)

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How about taking a break for awhile, mayby read a book?

Or you could crochet some small things.

I'm thinking about making teacozies. Then I also have thought about making this really cute poodle soap cover I came across.

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Wow, glad I'm not alone. I love to crochet and it is my therapy but for some reason the past couple of weeks I pick up the yarn start a chain and that's it. I had to make 2 baby blankets for a friend, the first one I zipped right through, the second took me forever. It was not the pattern, I just kept losing count and ripping it out and starting and then the same thing would happen cause I just couldn't get my mind there. I want to just a few squares so I can get back into it but I'm struggling right now.

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yep, done that been there, many times. I find that the inspiration and motivation comes back though, in it's own time. I haven't done much till last week, i reorganized my craft room, I even dusted, ha ha, and took kind of an inventory of what I have on hand, and what I need to replenish, so on and so forth. Now that it is nice and clean in there, and reorganized, I picked up a rec. granny I had almost finished, just needs a few more rows, and worked on that a bit, vowing to finish up tomorrow. I need one more Longgggg row of yellow, and then three or four of black, and then, weave in the ends, so shouldnt' be too much of a job to finish up tomorrow. I did remake a couple of hats I found in my unfinished item bin, ha ha, and did those, just frogged a couple rows, or added some fancy fur to 'do" it up, you know. I also found my stash of hats and scarves for the shelter here, come fall, and will add to that now that I know that I need to continue making progress there, cause come fall, they will come out and get them and I hate not to have several bags of goodies, to justify the gas and trouble coming out. ( I hate going downtown for ANYTHING, it's a mess!)

Other than that, not much new on the horizon , always looking for something that shouts out to me to make it! lol

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I haven't really been doing any crocheting but have concentrated on quilting and cross-stitch (and reading). One of these days I'll decide that I just have to pick up a hook and make something (I have been considering some kind of doily---it seems right for warmer weather).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had a slump. Before I came down to Scottsville to be with my now-fiance, I dated a man that constantly teased me about crocheting, but it was in a fun way. He didn't know anyone else that crafted, and so his teasing was meant more in a sweet or fun way than anything else, and it took me a long time after leaving him to pick up my hooks again without hearing some funny remark he'd made, if you follow me.


Now, however, I'm trying new things and pushing boundaries, and hopefully with Geoff's support I'll continue to do that. He understands that this craft is as serious to me as his computer work, and it's just as frustrating on occasion. Poor thing tried to make a chain so we'd have yet more in common and he just got angry at it. LOL.

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I was in a slump mid April. I thought I would go :loco. Then I got an order for 20 turtles by June 10th (done). My sister ordered 15 - 20 snowflakes by fall (7 crocheted, need glitter and glue to finish). The other day I was gifted an afghan that needed repair (fixed the squares, working on the border). I say take all your scrap :yarn and and make granny squares. After you get bored enough, you'll start thinking of things to :crocheting.

Ellie 13

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