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crochet tote addicts CAL


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and then to try and finish the tote and balnket im working onGood morning ladies.

there is nothing like hot coffee on a chilly morning. I feel so much better and its a good thing because i have :dog:dog coming to visit me tomorrow :D I am so excited. makes up for the night I had last night. I came home in different scrubs than what I left in because a pt literally soaked my scrubs and not with water:eek. so I got to wear dr. scrubs for the last bit of my shift. well im off to bed and then trying to finish the tote and blanket im working on

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Hi everyone. Seems like I haven't been on in forever. I haven't been crocheting much either. I did make a small tote as an RAOK for my cousin that I haven't seen since we were very young.


I had some exciting news, I fell in love. Yep, completely head over heels in love. Thought that could never happen again but it did. I've known him since high school, we dated after we graduated but timing was wrong back then. Too young. So the past few months I've been on cloud 9. However, we ran into some bumps the past couple weeks. I know he loves me but he has 3 very spoiled kids that don't want him in a relationship. He's been single 10 years. So, please keep us in your prayers. It's been a very hard couple of weeks.. especially after feeling like I had come back to life after all these years.


I am going to try to stay more connected on here. Miss you guys, just been an emotional roller coaster. Hope you are all doing well.


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Hi everyone. Seems like I haven't been on in forever. I haven't been crocheting much either. I did make a small tote as an RAOK for my cousin that I haven't seen since we were very young.


I had some exciting news, I fell in love. Yep, completely head over heels in love. Thought that could never happen again but it did. I've known him since high school, we dated after we graduated but timing was wrong back then. Too young. So the past few months I've been on cloud 9. However, we ran into some bumps the past couple weeks. I know he loves me but he has 3 very spoiled kids that don't want him in a relationship. He's been single 10 years. So, please keep us in your prayers. It's been a very hard couple of weeks.. especially after feeling like I had come back to life after all these years.


I am going to try to stay more connected on here. Miss you guys, just been an emotional roller coaster. Hope you are all doing well.


:hug Hope the kids come around, or at least Dad sticks up for himself!! He deserves to be happy (as do you) and his kids should be happy for him... maybe they need to go live their own lives and let him live his... just a thought! :wink:hug


Your tote is gorgeous!! :manyheart

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Sue that was a great video!


I tested a tote for Rhelena. Some of you have seen it on it's own thread..but here it is for those that missed it.


:tup Looks great! :)

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Hi everyone. Seems like I haven't been on in forever. I haven't been crocheting much either. I did make a small tote as an RAOK for my cousin that I haven't seen since we were very young.


I had some exciting news, I fell in love. Yep, completely head over heels in love. Thought that could never happen again but it did. I've known him since high school, we dated after we graduated but timing was wrong back then. Too young. So the past few months I've been on cloud 9. However, we ran into some bumps the past couple weeks. I know he loves me but he has 3 very spoiled kids that don't want him in a relationship. He's been single 10 years. So, please keep us in your prayers. It's been a very hard couple of weeks.. especially after feeling like I had come back to life after all these years.


I am going to try to stay more connected on here. Miss you guys, just been an emotional roller coaster. Hope you are all doing well.



Mama K

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Well I bit the bullet and just Officially applied at U of M for the Rn-bsn program. I really dislike my school and have heard very good things about this program from coworkers. If I get in I will be ecstatic.

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Well I bit the bullet and just Officially applied at U of M for the Rn-bsn program. I really dislike my school and have heard very good things about this program from coworkers. If I get in I will be ecstatic.


:cheer Good luck!! :clap

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Well I bit the bullet and just Officially applied at U of M for the Rn-bsn program. I really dislike my school and have heard very good things about this program from coworkers. If I get in I will be ecstatic.


Yes good luck!


Mama K

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Steph- Happy for you that you've found another love! I'll pray and think positive thoughts that it all works out! Great tote, BTW!


tonya- Good luck!!! That's awesome that you applied for the RN-BSN program!!!!


Mary- Like the tote you tested!!!


Ann- Did you have any luck finding the yarn you need?


Kuddles- Happy Hump Day!


Sue- Hope you enjoyed your lunch with Bruce's bro!


I babysat after work and it was just what I needed after work! The innocence of babes and what delights them is so wonderful!!!


Have a good one everybody!

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Morning All! I missed you all yesterday. I have a dr's appt this morning and DH is talking about possibly taking me to a Michael's store afterwards if I feel up to it! :) There's on that's about 45 min from my dr's office. (of course my it takes 35 min to get to my dr from my house, love the country! lol!)



Thanks ladies. A friend made the video. Sherry, it just plays a couple songs so no biggie if you can't hear it and BTW, I know why I get the headaches so no need to visit a doctor about it, she already knows. :)


Bruce's brother and wife will be in town today (driving back to NY from S. FL) so we are going to meet up with them for lunch.


I hope everyone has a great day! :hug



Hope you had a great time!


and then to try and finish the tote and balnket im working onGood morning ladies.

there is nothing like hot coffee on a chilly morning. I feel so much better and its a good thing because i have :dog:dog coming to visit me tomorrow :D I am so excited. makes up for the night I had last night. I came home in different scrubs than what I left in because a pt literally soaked my scrubs and not with water:eek. so I got to wear dr. scrubs for the last bit of my shift. well im off to bed and then trying to finish the tote and blanket im working on

Oh boy the pups are visiting!!!! Have a great day!!!:cheer


Hi everyone. Seems like I haven't been on in forever. I haven't been crocheting much either. I did make a small tote as an RAOK for my cousin that I haven't seen since we were very young.


I had some exciting news, I fell in love. Yep, completely head over heels in love. Thought that could never happen again but it did. I've known him since high school, we dated after we graduated but timing was wrong back then. Too young. So the past few months I've been on cloud 9. However, we ran into some bumps the past couple weeks. I know he loves me but he has 3 very spoiled kids that don't want him in a relationship. He's been single 10 years. So, please keep us in your prayers. It's been a very hard couple of weeks.. especially after feeling like I had come back to life after all these years.


I am going to try to stay more connected on here. Miss you guys, just been an emotional roller coaster. Hope you are all doing well.

I'm so happy that you have found another love! I'll be sending good thoughts and prayers that his kids wake up! :hug Love the tote, btw!


I tested a tote for Rhelena. Some of you have seen it on it's own thread..but here it is for those that missed it.

I saw it in the other thread, but I'll say it here too, it's beautiful!!! :clap


Well I bit the bullet and just Officially applied at U of M for the Rn-bsn program. I really dislike my school and have heard very good things about this program from coworkers. If I get in I will be ecstatic.

Good luck!!!


Ann- Did you have any luck finding the yarn you need?


I babysat after work and it was just what I needed after work! The innocence of babes and what delights them is so wonderful!!!


Have a good one everybody!

I'm hoping to get the yarn today! Thank you for offering to stop by there, btw! That was so sweet of you. :hug I would never ask you to do that though, you have enough on your plate! :lol It's so wonderful that you got to see Ryan after work. Babies sure can work magic on a person can't they! :c9

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Good Morning all! It's Wednesday!!! YEA!!! Got the one report done yesterday and one more to do today. Then it's get the filing done.


Mary - love the tote!


Tonya - Good luck on getting in the school you want.


Mama K - hope your day goes well.


Joanne- glad you got some babysitting time!


Ann - hope you have a good day and can find that yarn.


Well, off to get ready for work. Have a great day all!

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Good Morning all! It's Wednesday!!! YEA!!! Got the one report done yesterday and one more to do today. Then it's get the filing done.


Mary - love the tote!


Tonya - Good luck on getting in the school you want.


Mama K - hope your day goes well.


Joanne- glad you got some babysitting time!


Ann - hope you have a good day and can find that yarn.


Well, off to get ready for work. Have a great day all!

Good Morning Sherry! Looks like we were typing at the same time! :lol Hope you have a wonderful day!

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Good morning Joanne/Ann/Sherry and all my other peeps!


Okay the weather is officially crazy here! Will be 70 today! Of course back to the 30s for the weekend...whatever!


Gotta go! Baby K needs to work on her spelling words for her test today.


Mama K

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Mary, love the tote. Is the pattern up for sale yet?


Had a good lunch. Came home and just hung out. Played some games on my iPad and crocheted a little. Stopped at Best Buy to get the Lord of the Rings trilogy on blueRay because I've killed my SECOND set of DVDs of them. I watch them WAY too much.


Class this morning and then I'm off of school next week!! WOO HOO!



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Mary, love the tote. Is the pattern up for sale yet?


Had a good lunch. Came home and just hung out. Played some games on my iPad and crocheted a little. Stopped at Best Buy to get the Lord of the Rings trilogy on blueRay because I've killed my SECOND set of DVDs of them. I watch them WAY too much.


Class this morning and then I'm off of school next week!! WOO HOO!




I haven't seen it posted yet, though she had mentioned it would be up soon.

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Hello to all of you!

the totes and the baby afghan are really nice.

It is really cold and windy here today yesterday was 70 today is 40. thats a big temp change.

I hope you all have a good evening!

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Howdy! Had a busy day. We did go to Michael's after the dr appt. Very dissappointing. They only had a few skeins of waverly left and they weren't the colors that I need. DH said to just go ahead and order it from Joann's. We also made a stop at the Walmart next to it. BLEH! I did manage to get some CSS, the last 4 skeins of soft white in the store! That was probably the most disorganized Walmart I've ever been in! Then after that we stopped in Trader Joe's! :cheer Whew, I'm beat! My scooter needs a charge too! :lol


Mama K, I know what you mean about the weather. It was gorgeous here today! Yesterday it was freezing! Crazy!


Sue, glad you had a good lunch and some relaxing time! Can you believe I've never seen the Lord of the Rings!


Hi Evelyn! Take care!


Hope everyone has a great night! :hug

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Sue - WOOT you are off from school next week!!! Enjoy your time off.


Mama K - hope Baby K did well on her spelling test!


Ann - sorry you couldn't find your yarn. Hope you can get it online.


Long day and tomorrow looks to be another long one too.


Better get things done so I can get to bed! Have a great evening all! :hug:hug to all who need them.

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Good Morning!!


Read through the posts,and now I'm running out of time.


Ann- What color are you looking for? Sorry that they didn't have it after DH so kindly took you on a 45 min trek to Michael's!


Supposed to be a spring like balmy day here!


Hope you all have a good one!!!

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Good morning and hello!


Well yesterday almost hit 70, today back to reality but still in the 40s.....we all wonder how bad our summer will be after the mild mild winter we have had! Yikes!


I hope you all have a great day! I'm just so happy we are one day closer to the weekend!


Mama K

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Sue that was a great video!


I tested a tote for Rhelena. Some of you have seen it on it's own thread..but here it is for those that missed it.



Mary this Tote is beautiful....

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Toni needs some prayers. She lost her Mom today. I'm sure she doesn't mind me posting it. :(




I got an email from her- and my prayers and thoughts are with her and her family!:hug



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